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Topic: Assume that you have been hired by a small veterinary practice to help them prepare a contingency planning document. The practice has a small LAN with four computers and Internet access. Prepare a list of threat categories and the associated business impact for each. Identify preventive measures for each type of threat category. Include at least one major disaster in the plan.

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 I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

Matthew Hansen


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Week 2


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Natural Disaster

Business Impact:

                The business impact of a natural disaster would be catastrophic. With only a single site, no disaster recovery, offsite backups, or relative plan to handle this sort of scenario, this would at a minimum impact business so heavily that it’s almost unable to operate and at most cause the business to need to close permanently.

                Preventative Measures:

                                A good preventative measure for a natural disaster, given the small environment of this business would be to take regular backups and use a “3-2-1” backup scheme. This means keep three copies of a backup, on two separate mediums, and keep one offsite. The offsite backup in this case is what would be used to recover from a Natural disaster. If feasible, the backups should also be tested periodically to ensure they can be recovered in the event of a Natural Disaster.



Business Impact:

                Depending on the type of malware, and the data over which the ransomware has control, the impact to the business could mean a machine is slow, or the business has no access to their data, or somewhere in between.

                Preventative Measures:

                                Preventative measures in this case would include the aforementioned backup scheme, in addition to anti-malware software and a regular software patching cycle for the operating systems as well as all software. Given the size of the environment, the operating system and anti-malware patches should be applied automatically. If any faults occur, the business can restore from backups.

Hardware Fault

Business Impact:

                Depending on how data is stored on the systems, a hardware fault could mean loss of data or at least diminished capacity for the workforce.

                Preventative Measures:

                                Preventative measures in this case should include a contract with a local technology company that includes the ability to quickly replace machines, in addition to the aforementioned backup scheme. With these two in combination, the hardware that faults can be replaced quickly and if needed can be recovered from backup.

Wallace, M., & Webber, L. (2018). The Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-Step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets (Third ed.) . AMACOM.

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Discussion 2

Pravin Kandala 

Week 2 – Discussion


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This Veterinary Contingency Plan establishes procedures to recover the system following a disruption. The following objectives have been established for this plan: 


– Maximize the effectiveness of contingency operations through an established plan that consists of the following phases: 

– Notification/Activation phase to detect and assess damage and to activate the plan 

– Recovery phase to restore temporary IT operations and recover damage done to the original system 

– Reconstitution phase to restore IT system processing capabilities to normal operations. 

– Identify the activities, resources, and procedures needed to carry out practice for verterinary processing requirements during prolonged interruptions to normal operations. 

At this point, we can distinguish several commonly used terms. We will start with risk analysis. Risk analysis is the process of determining that your business may be threatened. As we progress, risk analysis will be used as the basis for risk assessment. The risk assessment compares the risk analysis with the control measures you have taken today to identify areas of vulnerability.

Threat category:

Many natural disasters are wide-area risks. This means they will not only affect your facility, but also the surrounding area. Consider for example a hurricane. Harmful winds may affect hundreds of square miles before moving slowly up to the coast. These winds can cause tides and heavy rains, spawn tornadoes, and cause power lines to drop and other disasters.

Extreme temperatures, whether high or low, can cause serious damage to your facilities, materials and employees. These are also peak energy demand times, which will further reduce your operating budget. Like snow and other risks, your team can decide what extreme temperatures are and the risks that will occur in the next five years.

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