Music Critique

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Music Critique Guidelines



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  Read Ch 12 “Style and Function of Music in Society” especially about the classification of music:  Cultivated versus Vernacular      

2.  Read Ch 13 “Putting Music into Words” which gives you ideas on how to write about music.

3.  Choose 1 cultivated performance and 1 vernacular performance from the list below.  Post your performance choices on the D2L discussion MCA (Music Critique Approval).  If any video has been removed from YouTube, please email me immediately and I will replace it.  If there’s a live music performance video not on this list that you would like to use, email it to me for consideration.

CULTIVATED OPTIONS                    

Choral (Requiem by Mozart) –

Choral (contemporary – Eric Whitacre)  – 

chamber music – 

violin concerto (Mozart) –

piano concerto (Chopin) – 

symphony (Beethoven) –

symphony (Shostakovich) – 

piano recital (Lang Lang):

violin concerto (Tchaikovsky):  

ballet (Swan Lake):  

violin concertos (Vivaldi – 4 Seasons) 

opera/musical – 


VERNACULAR OPTIONS                  

Gospel (Kirk Franklin):

Big band – 

Jazz combo (Chick Corea) – 

American folk piano – 

Beatles – 


Rap (80’s) –

 Rock – progressive/Alternative (Pearl Jam) –


              Metallica S & M:  

celtic (Solas) – 

Celtic Woman  –  

Rap –  

Country – 

Inspiration –  Hillsong United:

Coldplay  –

Ray Charles  –

Imagine Dragons  

Lady Gaga


4.  View each performance and take notes on what you see, hear, and experience.  Use Ch 13 “Putting Music into Words” as a guide. Gather as much detail on the music as possible, especially connecting specific timings (3’44” – Using  3’44” only as an example on how to quote a timing from a video:  3′ = 3 minutes,   44″ = 44 seconds,   3’44” = 3 minutes 44 seconds) to the elements of the music that you highlight.  Strive to make connections between the cultivated side of music and vernacular.  Both of these types of music are relevant and cherished by mankind.  Why is that? 

Is it possible to appreciate both cultivated and vernacular music? 

After viewing the performances and contemplating their significance, formulate a thesis statement that defines, in your opinion, the relationship between cultivated and vernacular music.  Your THESIS must make a STATEMENT that unites cultivated and vernacular music in some way, in spite of their obvious differences.  Thesis statement should include both the identification of a shared musical element and an opposing-contrasting musical element.

5.  Support your thesis statement by the following 3 points of comparison:

                     a.  Presentation style.  Give a detailed description of all aspects of presentation.  What type of atmosphere was created at each performance?  How did the creation of atmosphere shape your expectation and response to the music?  Describe the quality of performance, including energy level, technical ability, and professionalism.

                     b.  Musical mechanics.  Highlight 3 musical elements from each concert (totaling 6 musical elements) and include the specific TITLE of the pieces/songs described.  Describe in detail aspects of the music that stood out to you, linking musical elements to timings (3’44”) from the concert videos.  There should be a total of 6 timings associated with 6 musical elements.  Address musical elements such as form, genre, style, rhythm, dynamics, melody, instrumentation, tempo, and mood. 

                     c.  Personal response.  How did the music affect you?  Excitement, relaxation, laughter, tears?


6.  Type the critique in Microsoft Word:

* Save it as JohnDoemusiccritique (please put your name in the saved title, and only use John Doe if that’s your real name). 

* Double space using 12pts font

* 1 inch margins all around 

* Minimum pages:  3 & 1/4 pages.  The music critique should be a minimum of 3 & 1/4 pages, with a large reduction of points resulting for anything less than 3 & 1/4   pages. 

* Do not put your name, title, date, or course name in the critique as a header. There should be no need to cite research, and you should use the pronoun “I”, as the critique will be based on your unique musical perspective.  

 * Indent paragraphs and write in full sentences with correct grammar, verb agreement, and spelling. 

* Sentences should follow in logical sequence. 

* The critique should begin with an introduction paragraph (which includes your thesis statement and states both your cultivated & vernacular video choices), a “body” of at least 3 paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion paragraph that relates back to the thesis and demonstrates how the body of the critique fulfilled the thesis. 

* CHECK yourself for PLAGIARISM: After submitting your music critique (final draft) – view the ORIGINALITY REPORT. Plagiarism will result in a grade of 0. If you are re-taking this course, you must have permission from the instructor to use re-use work you have previously submitted.

7.  Submit your Music Critique to the D2L course work / Assignments / Music Critique Final Draft.

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