
Discussion on muscles 

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Muscles-Types,Uniqiue properties , & location


There are three types of muscle which are known as Skeletal ,Smooth, & Cardiac in which I had no idea that there was different types of muscles.  Skeletal muscles are attached and move bones by contracting and relaxing in response to voluntary message from the nervous system. All Skeletal muscles are made of long cells called muscle fibers (Medline Plus,2020). Skeletal muscles are usually found between bones and uses tendons to connect the outer covering of bones . Smooth muscles can be found in the hallow walls of an organ like the bladder or uterus . Most smooth muscle contraction are involuntary movement triggered by impulses that travel through the nervous system to the smooth muscle tissue . The smooth muscle is what allows you to swallow food and nutrients by the digestive tract. Last but not least the cardiac muscle. The cardiac muscle can only be found in the myocardium which contracts in response to signals from the cardiac conducting system to the heart beat . The cardiac muscle is made from cells called cardiocyctes which are any myocytes of the heart.  Like the skeletal muscle cells , cardiocytes have a straited appearance but their structure is shorter and thicker. In this case, cardiocytes  are branched which allow them to connect with several other cardiocytes which also forms a network that coordinate s contraction (Visible Body , 2020). Reading and researching about this topic , definitely helped me understand the different types of muscles there are .




Types of muscle tissue: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Image. (n.d.). Retrieved November 03, 2020, from


Body, V. (n.d.). Muscle Tissue Types: Learn Muscular Anatomy. Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

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