Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

SOC/315 v6

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Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

SOC/315 v6

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Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

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Part 1: Matrix

Using Ch. 10 of Sociology in Modules and your own Internet research, select and identify six different ethnic groups. Complete the matrix for the groups you identified.

Ethnic Group

Explain a historical fact about this group that has implications in the present.

What are some cultural practices and/or customs shared by this group?

How is this group represented in the media?

What is a current challenge faced by this group in the workplace?







Part 2: Analysis

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Include specific examples related to at least three of the ethnic groups you identified in Part 1. Use the following questions to guide your writing:

· How has U.S. society influenced these ethnic groups’ mindset and identity?

· How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes?

· How do the social concepts of prejudice, discrimination, and privilege affect multicultural groups?

· How do the behavior and thinking patterns in U.S. society (biases, stereotypes, discriminatory practices) affect multicultural groups, especially regarding class systems and employment?

Part 3: References

Include references formatted according to APA guidelines.

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