Module/Week 3 — Render Unto Caesar


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Textbook Readings

Titus: ch. 3

JURI 600

Essay 1 Instructions

In response to a rise in violence, the state of Wisconsin passes a law that enhances the penalty for any offense committed against a victim where the crime is committed “because of hatred for the victim’s race, sex, or religion.”

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Taking into consideration that hating your brother is prohibited in both the Old and New Testaments, explain whether this “hate crimes” enhancement is a proper exercise of the civil government’s jurisdiction according to the biblical worldview discussed in the class materials.

Your essay must be at least 3–5 pages of research in current Bluebook format. It must include at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook and the Bible.

Submit Essay 1 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.

Essay Rubric

0 points
Not present

0 points
Not present

0 points
Not present







Not Present


0 points
Not present

0 points
Not present


Levels of Achievement









Not Present


Issue Statement

11.5 to 12.5 points:

Clearly captures the very essence of the issue, skillfully incorporates all relevant elements of the issue, and lays the foundation for flawless analysis.

10.5 to 11 points:

Accurate, well-stated, concise, firm basis for analysis.

1 to 10 points:

Promising, but slightly off point; may ramble; may make assumptions. Unclear with possible vague terms. Provides little basis for later analysis.

0 points

Not present

Rule Statement

36.5 to 40 points:

Flawless statement of the black letter law. Includes relevant and novel laws.

33.5 to 36 points:

Accurate, well-stated, relevant, and inclusive of all rules referred to in the analysis.

1 to 33 points:

Accurate, well-stated, may include some extra rules or not include some novel rules. Only includes key rules, some rules misstated.


36.5 to 40 points:

Skillfully incorporates law into a smooth and inevitable flow of inarguable logic, no gaps in logical flow.

33.5 to 36 points:

Thoughtful exploration of the issue, alternatives appropriately explored, every relevant element explored.

1 to 33 points:

Explores main points of rules, may get slightly off point, obvious alternatives explored, and clear reasoning. Main points of rules explored but slightly off point, alternatives poorly explored, and some reasoning hard to follow.


11.5 to 12.5 points:

Concise, accurately sums up discussion, and identifies thoughtful insights into the application of the rule to the issue.

10.5 to 11 points:

Straightforward answer to the question presented in the issue.

1 to 10 points:

May restate the obvious or include needless information. Redundant, introduces new information, or is too short or too long.

Structure (30%)

Formatting and Length

20.5 to 22.5 points:

Meets current Bluebook formatting and is 3–5 pages. Includes at least 3 references in addition to the course textbook and Bible.

19 to 20 points:

Mostly meets Bluebook formatting; contains 3–5 pages of content and includes at least 2 references in addition to the course textbook and Bible.

1 to 18.5 points:

Does not entirely meet Bluebook formatting. Contains 2 pages of content and includes at least 1 reference in addition to the course textbook and Bible.

Organization and Style

20.5 to 22.5 points:

Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures and transitions.

19 to 20 points:

Spelling and grammar has some errors. Most sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures and transitions.

1 to 18.5 points:

Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed and lack transitions.

Professor Comments:



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