Module 7 Assignment

Complete Marketing Plan

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Merge all the parts from Module 3, 4, 5, & 6 Assignments including the feedback from your instructor, plus any additional details to compile a Complete Marketing Plan. 

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • The paper does not have a length requirement.
  • Current APA style.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current references (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET on Sunday.
  • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.



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Name: Keyer Dominguez

Professor: Gringarten, Hagai

My company sells clothing items made of fiber and synthetic products. My target audience includes people from China, sportsmen and women and tourists, and Hong Kong residents. The products will be distributed to the physical stores and sold at wholesale prices. The location of my products will be the China market, including the Hong Kong market. I target to take advantage of the demand for sportswear in Hong Kong. I will use business cards for marketing my items, where I will give them to business owners who can make inquiries. My physical store will be located in Hong Kong because of the peace and security in the area. The Chinese government manages the place, ensuring that there is security. The location is densely populated and has several tourist attractions; thus, more clients can visit my shop. People in China love sports making the place a promising avenue for selling sportswear.


Dolnicar, S., Grün, B., & Leisch, F. (2018). Market segmentation analysis: Understanding it, doing it, and making it useful (p. 324). Springer Nature.

Market, W. F. (2017). Whole Foods Market History.

McCluskey, W. J., & Borst, R. A. (2011). Detecting and validating residential housing submarkets. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 4(3), 290-318. 



STP for Marketing Plan

Name: Keyer Dominguez

Instructor: Gringarten, Hagai


Segmentation, targeting, and positioning is a three-stage process that enables a precise and successful marketing plan to be developed. The key concept behind the approach is to segment your customers, reflect on their tastes and behaviors in each segment, and create positioning changes to suit their marketing campaign’s needs and expectations. The method splits large markets into small ones encouraging the development of unique approaches for reaching potential customers.

I want to market the automotive industry using segmentation, targeting, and positioning in my market plan. The first step is segmentation, where I would group customers according to similar needs. I will categorize customers into price-sensitive customers and price-insensitive customers using a psychographics segment that entails customer opinions. Price sensitive customers are the ones with middle-level income, while price-insensitive customers are customers with high income.

The second step is targeting, where I would select the market segment to operate the automotive company will focus. The automotive industry would focus on the middle-level income segment, which is significant geographically and hence profitable. The automotive sector will choose a price sensitive segment because of competition in the industry and customer capability in terms of funds. The third step is positioning, where the automotive industry will create a value proposition for its cars. Communication with customers will be through design, advertising, and distributing the vehicles as reliable and fuel-efficient.

Complete Marketing Plan for Alcohol Business

Name: Keyer Dominguez

Professor: Gringarten, Hagai

Date: 11/29/20

This essay will focus on a complete marketing plan for the alcohol business.

Product Characteristics

Bottles were small packages with serving sizes. They also had etched images, screen-printed logos, and cardboard boxes to catch customer’s eyes. Bottles were Boston round.

Pricing strategy

Competition-based pricing is appropriate for the alcohol business since several firms are dealing with the alcohol business. The price for each product will depend on the current rate of the Company’s product but will be slightly lower than for existing companies (Cullen, M. D. M., Calitz, A. P., & Mhlatyana, U. L).

Distribution Strategy

The business will utilize an exclusive distribution strategy where an intermediary providing logistic service will distribute alcoholic beverages to consumers. In this process, the Company will significantly control the distribution process with an intermediary controlling a specific geographical area (Lahtinen, V., Dietrich, T., & Rundle-Thiele, S, 2020).

Communication Strategy

Alcoholic beverages communication will entail online advertisement through the company website and social media like Twitter, face book, and LinkedIn. Sales promotion was used in certain weeks where customers got gifts such as t-shirts and cups labeled with company name (Pantano, E., Priporas, C. V., & Migliano, G, 2019).


Cullen, M. D. M., Calitz, A. P., & Mhlatyana, U. L. Optimising the Marketing Mix to Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Liquor Outlets.

Lahtinen, V., Dietrich, T., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2020). Long live the marketing mix. Testing the effectiveness of the commercial marketing mix in a social marketing context. Journal of Social Marketing.

Pantano, E., Priporas, C. V., & Migliano, G. (2019). Reshaping traditional marketing mix to include social media participation. European Business Review.

Running Head:





Student Name: Keyer Dominguez

Institution Affiliation: Gringarten, Hagai

Date: 11/4/2020

My business Product: A company that deals with clothing products made of fiber and synthetic products.

Target Market: My target market will be every individual in China and clothe retail shops. I will distribute products to physical stores and sell them at wholesale prices. Also, my business will target sportsmen and women. Also, tourists coming to Hong Kong will be a target market hence will be able to purchase the products. Generally, all residents of Hong Kong will be my target audience.

Place: I will market my products in China markets, including the Hong Kong market. The reason to target Hong Kong is that it is well known for selling sportswear and I will be able to distribute my products to the physical stores. I will also market my products by issuing market store owners with business cards to contact me for any inquiries. Additionally, I will be able to have a physical store in Hong Kong because of being a peaceful place.

Reasons behind marketing the product to that target market in that physical environment:

Firstly, according to statistics, the place is densely populated, and this aspect will enable me to get more customers. The place is well known for selling fashion wears, and many people tend to purchase products from the place. The place is located in China, where many people have a passion for sports, and therefore, I will be able to sell more sportswear to people. The Chinese government manages the place, and therefore, much attention concerning the security aspect is ensured, and I will be able to sell my products peacefully. The place has several tourist sites, which is one reason to locate my business because tourists will be able to purchase my products due to their uniqueness.


JOHNSTON, M., Marshall, G. W., & Johnston, M. W. (2018). Marketing managemen

Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Wong, V., & Saunders, J. (2008). Principles of marketing. Pearson Education.

Gringarten, H., & Fernández-Calienes, R. (2019). Ethical branding and marketing: Cases and lessons. Routledge.

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