Module 5 Project Deliverables: C&E Diagram, Pareto Chart, & 5 Whys

 Lean Six Sigma Module 5 Project

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College of Professional Studies


Case Study:

Process Improvement –
Nova Point

Tina Agustiady

Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Villanova University

College of Professional Studies


Executive Summary

Nova Point is a growing product for a main ice-cream factory named Uncle T’s.

The product is selling extremely well, and sales have been rising for the past

year. Over the past year, with the increase of sales there also has been an

increase in complaints for thick or thin ice-cream. Customers felt that some ice-

cream was too thick losing the fluffy texture and some had thin ice-cream that

melted too quickly in their mouth making it feel like a liquid. Poor quality of the

Nova Point causes thick or thin product resulting in major quality variation in the

product due to materials, methods, machinery, measurements, manpower or

mother nature. The product is made in two main factories, but most of the

problems are coming from one factory. The product with the problems is made

on a production line where the temperature is warm within the factory. They are

also scrapping a great amount of product due to the product now being inedible.

It goes through a series of processes mainly kettles where raw materials enter

and then go through a series of mixing steps. The materials are then pumped out

onto a production line and packaged. The current First Pass Quality is 91% and

there are many holds on the product due to thick or thin product that is held

within the factory before it is sent to

the customer.

The goals of the project are to:

▪ Increase first pass quality from 91% to 99%

▪ Reduce holds by 10%

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College of Professional Studies




▪ Determine improved process for thick/thin issues while implementing

specifications for ingredients

▪ Determine the waste coming from the product/process

▪ Create standardized work and train all associates

▪ Determine proper preventative maintenance for equipment

▪ Determine possible equipment replacement and/or upgrades

What is Lean?

Lean is the pursuit of perfection via a systematic approach to identifying and

eliminating waste through continuous improvement of the value stream,

enabling the product and information to flow at a rate determined by the pull of

the customer.

The five principles of lean are:

• Identify Value

• Map the Value Stream

• Create Flow

• Establish Pull

Seek Perfection

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College of Professional Studies


Figure 1. Lean System


Tina Agustiady – Continuous Improvement Leader

Tom Jones – Operator

Michelle VanHutson – Operator

John George – Production Engineer

Nancy Feller – Maintenance Coordinator

Todd Peterson – Plant Manager and Project Champion

Andy Myers – Executive Sponsor

Master Black Belt – Michael Bell

The team was selected based on knowledge and expertise of the process.

The team did a great job and was proficient and organized during the project.


Map the





Villanova University
College of Professional Studies




A project charter is developed to show responsible personnel, problem

statements, goals, and timelines.


The purpose of this Continuous Improvement project is to pilot the CI

methodology in a factory utilizing a structured approach and being able to

benchmark the findings across processes. We want to identify where we

can add value, and this can be seen through the project charter.


▪ Determine the improved process for thick/thin issues while

implementing specifications for ingredients

▪ Determine the waste coming from the product/process

▪ Create standard work and train all associates

▪ Determine proper preventative maintenance for machinery

▪ Determine possible equipment replacement and/or upgrades


Business Justification consists of reducing thin/thick Issues associated on

the manufacturing line and increasing first pass quality (FPQ).

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College of Professional Studies



Table 1. Project Goals

Goals Objectives

Increase first pass

quality (FPQ) to 99%

and reduce holds by


▪ Determine manufacturing process along with
specifications and reduce thick/thin issues

▪ Determine if target specifications are accurate
or need to be revised

▪ Train all personnel on manufacturing process
and create manual

▪ Determine proper preventative maintenance for

▪ Measure initial viscosity and temperatures for
correlation vs 24-hour viscosity

Table 2. Milestones and Deliverables

Milestone Deliverable

1. Conduct Training • Identify training dates

2. Create Manual • Manual will be for documentation and training

3. Create preventative
maintenance (PM’s) for
main equipment

• PM’s will be established, and sign off sheets will be

4. Benchmark factory with
best practices

• Determine best in-class process and implement in
both manufacturing plants

5. Reduce holds and
consumer concerns by

• Determine correlation between holds and consumer

6. Determine root causes
of each hold and

• Ongoing

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College of Professional Studies


consumer concern and
document action plan

7. Maintain consumer
concerns under 2.5M
pounds, focusing on v-

• Ongoing

8. Reduce material waste
from icings and v-line
back to 2018 levels or

• Ongoing

9. Improve consistency
and reduce variation
from v-line process

• Ongoing

Deliverable Module 3

Please fill out a project charter from the Excel templates


Figure 2. Project Charter

Phase Start Finish

Identify Value

Map the Value


Create Flow

Establish Pull

Seek Perfection


Approval/Steering Committee Stakeholders & Advisors Project Team & SME’s

Name Organization Name Organization Name

High Level Project Timeline Constraints & Dependencies Project Risks Other Diagnostics

Project Goals Project Scope

Primary Metric Secondary Metric

Problem Statement Business Case

Project Title:

Black Belt Project Champion Executive Sponsor MBB/Mentor

Villanova University
College of Professional Studies



Three levels of process mapping can be utilized in order to visualize the process steps

as they occur, understand the process and to provide a baseline of the current process

as a starting point for improvements. Three levels of process mapping are:

• A high-level process map

• A


• A value stream map (VSM)

The manufacturing process is defined as the following:

• Place icing in Kettle 1

• Complete a shortening quality check

• Transfer icing

to Kettle 2

• Complete a viscosity check

• Transfer product to final assembly

• Perform final quality check

• Package product


In a high-level process map, also known as a macro level process map,

the major process steps are defined in the order that they occur. Think of

this as a 50,000-foot view of the process. Additional detail can be added to

the high-level process map as needed as the project proceeds.

Villanova University
College of Professional Studies



SIPOC is an acronym that stands for supplier, input, process, output and customer.

A SIPOC is a process mapping variant that for each process step identifies the inputs,

the suppliers (internal or external) for those inputs, the outputs and the customers

(internal or external) for that output


A value stream map is a form of process mapping that identifies the flow of

information in addition to process flow. It is also designed to collect data about

process steps.

Here is information for the VSM map:

1. First, label the process steps with the steps from the High-Level Process Map.

You will have to add a couple more steps to the Value Stream Map template

2. Then, transfer the following data onto the Value Stream Map: Cycle Time

(C/T), Change-over Time (C/O time), FPY (First Pass Yield), and Percent

Holds. You will have to replace or eliminate some of the other symbols in the

data blocks (if you are curious what the existing data acronyms mean, see the

note at the end of this instruction)

Process Steps

(Value Added)









Icing in Kettle 1 6.0 0.5 98% 0%




1.0 0.0 85% 20%

Icing Transfers

to Kettle 2

3.0 0.5 98% 0%

Check Viscosity 1.0 0.0 76% 25%

Transfer to Final


1.5 0.5 98% 0%

Final Quality


0.5 0.0 95% 5%

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College of Professional Studies



Package Product 2.0


96% 0%

For example, the data block for the first step will look like this:

C/T 6.0

C/O 0.5

FPY 98%

Holds 0%

3. Fill in the value-added times on the timeline below each step the map, using

the cycle time (C/T) for that step.

4. Add the inventories before each process step in the triangles, or right below the

triangles if you like.

Process Steps

(Value Added)


before Step


Added), in tons

Icing in Kettle 1 15


Quality Check

Icing Transfers
to Kettle 2

Check Viscosity 3

Transfer to Final
Final Quality

Package Product 10

5. Fill in the non-value-added times below each inventory. You will have to

convert the tons of inventory before each step into hours of inventory. Assume

the customer demand is 50 tons per day. This is 2.08 tons per hour. Then for

the step Icing in Kettle 1, you would have 15/2.08 = 7.2 hours on inventory. Do

this same calculation for each inventory and put those values on the timeline.

6. Add up the value-added times from the timeline. Then add up separately the

non-value added (wait) times. Finally, calculate the total lead time for the

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College of Professional Studies


process by adding the value-added and wait time totals. Show the total lead

time anywhere above the value stream.

Total Lead Time = Total Value- Added Times + Total Wait Times

7. Calculate the Cycle Efficiency and show this next to the total lead time:

Cycle Efficiency = 100% * Value Added Time
Total Lead Time

Deliverables Module 4

Please complete the three levels of process maps using the Excel template

provided :

• High-level process map of the current process


• High -level value stream map (VSM)


RCA includes a very structured approach to investigating issues for a permanent fix of a

problem. What is sought is the true or root cause of the problem, which many people

mistake with short-term fixes. Guards put in place on manufacturing lines and buckets

put in place to eliminate waste are examples of short fixes. The problem still occurs,

there is just a measure put in place to try and eliminate the waste. The problem is not

prevented from happening as a result of short-term fixes.

RCA explores the possible causes of problems to determine the root cause. Even

though assumptions are utilized for RCA, they should be backed up with documentation

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College of Professional Studies


and data. Data driven conclusions should be made. RCA can also point out possible

areas where data can be collected.

The three RCA tools that this project will use are

• Cause and effect diagram

• Pareto charts

5 Why’s

Cause and Effect Diagram

A Cause and Effect Diagram will examine the importance of the different

variables that play a part in the thin and thick holds.

Steps to conducting a Cause and Effect or Fishbone Diagram include:

• Brainstorm all possible causes of the problem or effect selected by classifying

ideas under the following categories (6M’s):

o Manpower

o Machinery

o Methods

o Measurements

o Materials

o Environment (Mother Nature)

• Focus on the quantity of ideas rather than quality. One person’s idea will

trigger someone else’s idea, and a chain reaction will occur

• No Criticism allowed, ALL team members must participate

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College of Professional Studies


Deliverable Module 5

Please complete a Cause and Effect Diagram using the Excel template


Pareto Chart

A pareto chart is completed to see what the biggest reasons are for having

quality problems. A pareto chart is a visual root cause analysis tool that displays

the type of problem versus the frequency of them to determine which are the

biggest problems to focus on.

Data was collected about the problem:

Categories (Causes) # of Occurrences

Water in pipe 55

Liquid sucrose 25

Supplier providing out of spec materials 48

Clean out water not purged 32

Quality of shortening 41

Deliverable Module 5

Please complete a Pareto Chart using the Excel template and the

information provided.

Villanova University
College of Professional Studies


Automatically it could be seen according to the pareto chart that the water in the

pipe needed to be dealt with along with product specifications and the quality of

the shortening in that order.

Finally, specifications were gathered to ensure the process was on target:

▪ 83% of Holds in Factory A are for Viscosity

▪ Factory B has wider specs for Viscosity due to different Uses

▪ Factory B requires tighter spec range

▪ Factory A specs: Viscosity: 200,000 – 600,000 cps

▪ Factory B specs: Viscosity: 320,000 – 512,000 cps

5 Why’s

The 5 Why’s is a root cause analysis tool where the question why is asked 5

times to drill down from the symptom to the root cause of a problem.

A 5 Why’s analysis to understand why the water was clogging in the pipe can be

done by referencing the figure below.

Figure 3. Water Pipe

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College of Professional Studies


Deliverable Module 5

Please complete a 5 Why’s analysis on the water in the pipe issue using the

Excel template provided.


Data was taken of as many parameters as possible before changing any

variables. It was found that piping was making a significant impact on the

process and there needed to be analysis completed for that.

The following was accomplished during the mapping of the value system:

• Process Mapping

• Data Gathering

• Cause and Effect Diagram

• Root Cause Analysis

• Pareto Chart

• 5 Why’s



It is important to understand the types of waste that were occurring in the

process. The team decided to do a floor walk (Go to Gemba) to find the main

types of waste according to the acronym DOWNTIME.

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College of Professional Studies


Deliverables Module 6

• Please complete the Waste Walk tab in the Excel template provided.

Be creative here, there are no right or wrong answers!

• Please complete the RCA tab in the Excel template provided as to

why the water is clogging in the piping system. What is the key

factor for the root cause of the thick/thin product issue?


In Lean management, flow is a key concept. Since any kind of waiting is a waste,

when creating a flow of value, your goal is to ensure smooth delivery from the

second you receive an order to the moment when you deliver it to the customer.

Hints to improving flow:

• Map the process

• Talk to Subject Matter Experts about issues

• Identify all types of different waste in the current process

• Map an ideal state – the perfect process

• Develop an action plan

• Actively monitor the new processes put into place by creating performance


• Think about places where batch processing can be changed to single

piece flow

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College of Professional Studies



The team decided to change the piping so that water could flow quicker through the

piping to make more consistent product that was in specification. The extra water in the

pipe could make the product thin by dispersing too much water from the pipe or too

thick by not having enough water because it was stuck in the pipe.

The changes to the piping were made immediately:

Figure 4. Changes to Piping

Ensure Pipe from Pipe #1 to Product is purged and has no residual

Changed pitchRemoved sweep

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College of Professional Studies


Since the temperature of 235 degrees in Factory A seemed to have better specifications

than Factory B at a lower temperature, we decided to benchmark and make a Standard

Operating Procedure to heat the product to 235 degrees.


The team noticed that all of the raw ingredients were brought to the line at the

beginning of the shift. This caused some of the ingredients to start melting

before they were put in the kettle.

The team decided to setup a Kanban system in order to have the ingredients

come to the line at the proper temperature and just in time for them to use them.

Deliverable Module 7

Please complete the Kanban card(s) in the Excel template by filling out the

following information:

• Part Description/Picture if Applicable

• Part Number

• Profile

• Quantity

• Lead Time

• Due Date

• Supplier

• Location

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College of Professional Studies


• Card Number (Generally two Kanban cards 1 of 2 and 2 of 2)


Many opportunities were identified, and action items were completed to improve

the variation issues for Nova Point.

• Piping changes to ensure water is not stuck in 3-way valve of pipe

• Benchmark Factory A

• Training to teach all operators how to make product properly and


• Temperature changes to Benchmark Factory A

The three major variables are:

Variable 1 – Piping

• After several tests and data analysis, the thin and thick issues

were minimized after the piping changes

• Therefore, the piping changes were significant and were an impact and

root cause of the thick/thin product issues.

Variable 2 – Specifications for Thin or Thick Product

• We also spoke to the supplier and changed our specification

ranges with them saying we would no longer take any raw

material out of specification because it was ruining our


Variable 3 – Temperatures

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College of Professional Studies


• The temperature of 235 degrees in Factory A seemed to have better

specifications than Factory B at a lower temperature.


An audit checklist will be used to perform continual audits to ensure the improved

manufacturing process is sustained.

Deliverable Module 7

Please complete an Audit Checklist to ensure the process is sustained.


One major change was made as a result of the project involving the piping. The water

was being trapped in a pipe, making the product thick or thin based on whether the

Target Area: Statement of Audit Objective: Auditor: Audit Date:

Audit Technique Auditable Item, Observation, Procedure etc.

Observation Have all associates been trained? YES NO

Observation Is training documentation available? YES NO

Observation Is training documentation current? YES NO

Observation Are associates wearing proper safety gear? YES NO

Observation Are SOP’s available? YES NO

Observation Are SOP’s current? YES NO

Observation Is quality being measured YES NO

Observation Is sampling being conducted in random fashion YES NO

Observation Is sampling meeting it’s sample size target? YES NO

Observation Are control charts in control YES NO

Observation Are control charts current? YES NO

Observation Is the process capability index >1.0? YES NO


Auditor Comments

Audit Checklist

Individual Auditor Rating

(Circle Rating)

Number of Out of Compliance Observations

Total Observations

Audit Yield

Corrective Actions Required

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College of Professional Studies


water purged from the pipe. The pipe was changed and immediately the problem was


The successes of the project include :

• Identified root causes for product quality variation

• Removed waste from the process

Lean Six Sigma Tools Used

• Project charter

• Process mapping


• Value stream mapping

• Pareto charting

• Root cause analysis

• Cause and effect diagrams

• 5 Why’s

• Waste walk (Gemba)

• Kanban

• Audit




Project Title: Black Belt Project Champion Executive Sponsor MBB/Mentor Problem

Statement Business Case Project Goals Project Scope High Level Project Timeline Constraints & Dependencies Project Risks Additional

Information Phase


Finish Identify Value Map the Value Stream Create Flow Establish Pull Seek Perfection Approval/Steering Committee Stakeholders & Advisors Project Team & SME’s Name Organization

Name Organization






High Level



Please add in extra processes and symbols as needed





Introduction and Instructions for SIPOC
SIPOC is an acronym that stands for supplier, input, process, output and customer
A SIPOC is a process mapping variant that for each process step identifies the inputs, the suppliers (internal or external) for those inputs, the outputs and the customers (internal or external) for that output
Using the template below, begin by filling in the “Process” column with the process steps identified in the high-level process map
Then, for each process step identify the inputs, the suppliers (internal or external) for the inputs, the outputs and the customers (internal or external) for the outputs
S.I.P.O.C. Template
Supplier Inputs Outputs Customer


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4



Supplier Customer
Information Information
Value Stream Map

&”Arial,Bold”&10Value Stream Map &”Arial,Regular”&8v3.0

Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved.











STEP 1 : Define the problem. What is the product, process or service that has failed.
STEP 2 : Starting with ‘Materials’ or any other label, ask: is there anything about materials that
might contribute to the problem. Record it next to one of the arrows under Materials.
STEP 3 : Repeat asking “is there anything about materials that might contribute to the problem”
Record each result next to an arrow.
STEP 4 : Repeat Step 2 & 3 for each successive category.
STEP 5 : Identify the candidates that are the most likely Root Cause
STEP 6 : If further “screening” is necessary, assess the likely Root Causes using the “Impact”
and “Implement” matrix, selecting items marked 1, then 2 . . . 4 as priorities.


Categories # of Occurrences
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5


Note: Continue on separate page if 5-Whys are not enough to determine root cause.

WHY ? #1:

WHY ? #5

WHY ? #2:

WHY ? #4

WHY ? #3



No Recurrence in Three Months? TBD Date:
Single-Point Lesson? _________ Date ________

Waste Walk

– Re-adjusting process parameters, reworking finished products, off spec materials


– Making anything sooner, faster or in excess of customer requirements


– Waiting for raw materials, maintenance personnel, processes to finish, and instructions


– Workers not involved in improvement areas; input or feedback ignored. Changes without consulting workers and employees not challenged

Non Utilized Talent

– Putting products in work-in-progress areas and moving materials due to poor layout


(Excess) – Work-in-progress, rework waiting for testing, excessive raw and finished products


(Excess) – Moving tools and people to defferent areas, excessing manual material movement


– Excessive Quality checks, Performing operations not required

Excessive Processing

8 Wastes/Waste Walks
Non Utilized Talent
Excessive Processing
Waste Type Describe the waste you saw

Root Cause Analysis

Deliverable Module 6 Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis (Please state your conclusions)



Part Description/Picture if Applicable Part Number Profile

QTY. Lead Time Due Date

Supplier Location Card #

Part Description/Picture if Applicable Part Number Profile
QTY. Lead Time Due Date
Location Card #
1 OF 2
2 OF 2


, Procedure etc.

























Audit Checklist
Target Area: Statement of Audit Objective: Auditor: Audit Date:
Audit Technique Auditable Item,

Observation Individual Auditor Rating (Circle Rating)
Have all associates been trained? YES
Is training documentation available?
Is training documentation current?
Are associates wearing proper safety gear?
Are SOP’s available?
Are SOP’s current?
Is quality being measured
Is sampling being conducted in random fashion
Is sampling meeting it’s sample size target?
Are control charts in control
Are control charts current?
Is the process capability index >1.0?
Number of Out of Compliance Observations
Total Observations
Audit Yield ERROR:#DIV/0!
Corrective Actions Required
Auditor Comments



Six Sigma

Creating Flow

Flow – the Third Lean Principle

Flow is the third of the 5 lean principles. Flow is how the product, patient, claim, service, or
sandwich – or whatever you do – moves through the value stream. Where there is a physical
output (a widget in manufacturing or a patient in the doctor’s office), it is easy to see the flow.
In information-based or transactional environments (such as call centers or insurance claim
processing), it is more difficult to see the flow.

Whether it is a tangible product or an intangible output, flow is fundamental to Lean
operations. In the absence of good flow, you have processes that are confusing, that perform
poorly, that mask problems, and just generally are loaded with muda!

Let’s explore a couple of examples.

Examples of Typical Situations

The Doctor’s Office Visit

We all occasionally go to the doctor’s office. From the initial contact to make an appointment
to the final step (depending on what you define as the final step), the visit is a series of steps
that are executed in some sort of flow. What might a typical visit look like?

• Call for appointment…and wait
• Check in at desk…and wait
• Nurse/tech takes vitals and gathers info…and wait
• Doctor comes in, diagnoses, and prescribes
• Send over to lab for test…and wait
• Draw sample for lab test…and wait
• And beyond!

You see lots of starts/stops and disruptions to the flow. Does this flow result in a satisfied
customer/patient? The answer probably depends on the customer/patient expectations, but it
is easy to see that there are opportunities for improvement once the value has been defined.

Lean Six Sigma

The Manufacturing Order

Now, let’s look at a manufacturing order. In a current state process, the value-added (VA) steps
are likely mixed in with many non-value-added (NVA) steps. If the flow is , messy, or
confusing, you can bet there will be opportunities for improvement with effective flow. What
might a typical order look like?

• Customer asks for quote…and wait
• Turn quote into production order…and wait
• Parts ordered from supplier…and wait
• First operation complete…and wait
• Second operation machine down…and wait
• Final operation complete…and wait
• Find missing shipping info…and wait
• And more!

Again, you can see many starts/stops and disruptions to flow. You can begin to imagine each of
the different eight wastes residing somewhere in that flow.

Both of these examples illustrate conditions where effective implementation of flow will
produce great benefits, regardless of industry or type of process.

Two Kinds of Flow

To better understand the power of flow, let’s break the flow topic into two different kinds of
flow. They are:

• Streamlined flow – the path the product or service takes to completion
• Continuous flow – once the product or service starts, it does not stop

Let’s look at each type of flow more closely.

Streamlined Flow

Streamlined flow deals with the path in which the work moves. Think of a two-dimensional
picture of the path of work – sounds like a spaghetti diagram!

Lean Six Sigma

What does the picture look like? Is it clear, concise, easy to understand, maybe even U-shaped?
Or does it wind around, crisscross, go from one end of facility to the other end, and then back?

We can look at the streamlined flow within a work area, within a facility, or even across an
entire extended value stream. Once you start to study and document the condition of
continuous flow in a process, you may find that it will be the first-time people working in and
supporting the process have ever given consideration the flow.

Continuous Flow

Continuous flow deals with the disruptions (or lack thereof) in the process. Let’s consider
manufacturing situation where there are four operations to make the part.

How many times do you pick it up and put it down? Does it move directly to the next operation,
or does it go to warehouse or WIP (work-in-progress) location – or wherever there is some
open space to sit and wait?

The alternative is for the layout to be designed so the part is picked up at the first operation,
then “handed” to the second operation without waiting and repeated until operations are
complete. In the ideal state, the part never touches the ground and never stops. Talk about WIP
reduction – throughput time decrease – and easy to control shop floor!

Now, let’s consider a service industry example, the sit-down mid-level restaurant. What might
the disruptions be to continuous flow in this environment?

Did you have to wait – either because there was no capacity or because the empty tables have
not been bussed? Is the server available promptly? Is there too much or too little time between
the salad and the main course? Did some of the food have to go back to kitchen, which gets
that person out of sync with rest of party?

Or is there a smooth, calm, predictable, continuous flow that results in a satisfied customer?

As with the rest of the lean ideas, continuous and streamlined flow transcend industry

Lean Six Sigma

Slow Down to Speed Up?

When was the last time your boss told you to slow down? This sounds counter-intuitive! But
sometimes that is exactly what should be done.

Consider a process with four operations again. If Operation #3 produces at 70% rate of the
other three operations, what happens? Operation #2 buries Operation #3 because #2 is faster
than #3, and Operation #4 is starved because it produces faster than #3 – resulting in lots of

So, what might the countermeasure be to achieve balanced streamlined one-piece continuous
flow? Assuming that the pace Operation #3 is running is satisfactory to meet the customer
demand, you could slow down the whole process to match the constraint (Operation #3). If the
whole operation needs to run at the pace of Operations #1, #2, and #4, then you must figure
out how to get more resource (capacity) for Operation #3 (after you have eliminated all the
muda, or course!).

In short, sometimes it does make sense to slow down to make the overall process more
effective and efficient.

Batch and Queue

Our traditional ways of operating with batch and queue practices automatically build in
disruptions to flow. We take a batch of 5 or 50 or 500 parts or claims or patients – whichever is
relevant to your industry. Batch and queue instills a very lumpy and disrupted process; that is
one of our great opportunities for improvement!

The following example Illustrates the impact batch and queue versus one-piece flow. Note that
the batch of 10 takes 40 minutes for the entire 10 pieces to complete, while the one-piece flow
takes 13 minutes for all 10 pieces to complete.

Lean Six Sigma

How Does Flow and Pull Affect Speed?
Batch & Queue with Poor Flow

Inv = 1





Inv =




Inv = 10



Inv = 10


• Lot of congestion and
crossing intersections

• Difficult to see flow

• Introduces muda of
transportation and

• Difficult to communicate
between processes


How Does Flow and Pull Affect Speed?
One-Piece Flow in U-Shaped Cell

Inv = 1






Inv = 1


• U-shaped cell defines

• Easy to see the process

• Transportation and mo-
tion muda reduced

• Upstream and down-
stream operators can
communicate Pull!!!

Lean Six Sigma

(Mfg Leadtime – Assuming Cycle Time = 1 Min and Use FIFO)
Batch & Queue with Poor Flow One-Piece Flow in U-Shaped Cell

Inv = 10
Inv = 10


Inv = 10


Inv = 10

MFG LT for 1 piece or entire lot =
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 min.

MFG LT for 1 piece =
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 min.

MFG LT for entire lot = 13 min.

Inv = 1
Inv = 1

Lean Six Sigma

Spaghetti Mapping

Spaghetti mapping is a tool in Lean Six Sigma that can be used to expose
inefficient process layouts, unnecessary travel, and overall process
waste. This Lean technique uses a line to trace the path of a person or
object throughout a process to create a spaghetti diagram.

The steps for aping a spaghetti diagram are as follows:

1. Create a map of the work area layout
2. Observe the current workflow and draw the actual work path from
the very beginning of work to the end when products exit the work area
3. Analyze the spaghetti chart and identify improvement opportunities

Lean Six Sigma

Quick Changeover

This lecture will discuss single minute exchange of die (SMED). At the
end of this lecture, students should be able to:

• Discuss the history of SMED and its importance
• Identify the eight steps of SMED implementation
• Describe the different wastes addressed by SMED


Quick changeover refers to the amount of time it takes for operators to
set up equipment to move from processing one type of product to


Shigeo Shingo working for Toyota, one of the architects of Toyota
Production System (TPS), is recognized as the developer of single minute
exchange of die (SMED).

• Observed that long changeovers resulted in long lead times, large
lot sizes, and reduced utilization

Figure 2: Toyota Production System Model

Lean Six Sigma

• At the time, Toyota’s objective was to reduce set-up time by
59/60ths of a minute, or 1 (one) minute. SMED approach
creates process for and expectation of changeover is less than 10

• SMED is important because it adds value, reduces waste, and allows
to produce optimum lots sizes based on the organization.

Changeover Time Definition
• Last good part of previous run to first good part of next run
• More than just sliding old die out – new die in.
• Includes tweaking, finding tooling, and other NVA tasks

Importance of SMED
• Changeover time is not value-added
• Expensive resources not producing

Lean Six Sigma

• Opens capacity and relieves constraints
• Allows to make what we need, not what is determined by economics
of long changeover

8 Techniques to SMED

• As with many of the lean methods and tools, a defined approach
or structure is helpful to be consistent and effective

• With SMED, there are eight steps or techniques
• Each step builds on the previous step in a logical way

1. Separate Internal from External

• Internal is work done while the machine (or process) is stopped
• Cannot unclamp die set while ram is still going up and down
• Study the process to understand which is internal and which is

• Capitalize on the low-hanging fruit!

2. Convert Internal to External

• Evaluate work that is internal for opportunities to convert to

• Look for opportunities such as pre-set tools and robust locators to
eliminate tweak/adjust

• Ideal changeover time is ZERO…through ideas like
universal fixtures

3. Standardize

• Look for ways to standardize the changeover work
• The way parts are fixtured, the way materials are presented, and

the way information is delivered might be done in standard ways
• Standardization removes the need for judgement, second-

guessing, and confusion

Lean Six Sigma

4. Clamping and Fastening

• Securing the part(s) is essential to producing quality products
(weld, machining, or assembling)

• Are clamps and fasteners manual (tightened by hand), or are they
quick clamp pneumatic or magnetic?

• Are connections quick-connect/disconnect or individual
threaded connections – manifold connector or one-at-a-time

5. Intermediate Positioning

• Look for ways to position the work prior to stopping the machine,
especially for work that requires manual attention

• Use a duplicate jig or fixture to prepare the next work piece
• Move some of the loading time from internal to external

6. Parallel Operations

• Sometimes, the changeover time can be reduced by having two
people concurrently work

• Think of a machine or process where there are front and back

• Instead of one person going back and forth, have two work

7. Eliminate Adjustments

• Think of all the waste involved in set-up: run a piece, check the
piece, adjust, run another piece, check the piece, adjust, and

• The Lean practitioner is always looking for ways to eliminate the
adjustments since this may account for 50% of the internal
changeover time

• Tool setting, positive locators, standard process, and proper
training are all ways to reduce and eliminate adjustments

Lean Six Sigma

8. Mechanize and Automate

• The final step in SMED may involve spending capital, which is
why the other steps should be done first

• Consider earlier industrial technology that may have required run,
check, shim, and run again versus more current technology that
can self-probe and adjust during a machine cycle

• Be creative with Steps 1 through 7 before spending money on
Step 8

Recognizing the Eight Wastes
• Understanding the eight wastes is foundation for the lean body

of knowledge

Lean Six Sigma

• You will see each of the eight wastes as you implement SMED
and quick changeover

• Challenge the changeover task and look for solutions through the
lens of eight wastes

Quick Changeover for Non-Manufacturing
• Turnaround time for room in ER
• Moving from last quote to next quote
• Changing from breakfast menu to lunch menu

Lean Six Sigma


Takt Time

and Cycle Time

Some Operational Questions

Regardless of your industry, how do you answer these operational questions?

• How fast do we need to run?
• Are operations balanced?
• Where is the constraint?
• Do we need to add a machine, person, or shift?
• Can we meet our customers’ demand?

Is it anecdotal based on past experience? What does the “wisest” person in the operation
think? Or what do the supervisors believe? Making these decisions with data instead of gut
instinct is critical to a Lean operation. Takt time (TT) and cycle time (CT) help to make data-
based decisions.


Are you a musician, or do you have family members who are musicians? If so, you can probably
relate to the comparison of the metronome to takt time. Simply put, takt time is the pace you
need to produce to meet your customer demand. The equation is takt time equals available
time divided by units of demand. The result is time per unit of demand.

Cycle time is the pace you are really running at. A best practice when trying to understand cycle
is to go to the gemba to “go see.” Also, it would be a good idea to take along a stopwatch to
measure the cycle time firsthand.

Takt time and cycle time are independent of one another, but, when together, tell a story.
When the takt time (pace to meet customer demand) is compared to the cycle time (pace you

Takt Time =
Available Time

Units of Demand

Lean Six Sigma

are actually producing at), you have the information to assess whether or not you can meet
your customer demand.

Chart 1: Takt Time / Cycle Time Chart

You can see that the takt time / cycle time chart pulls these critical and independent pieces of
together in one place. Let’s assume this is a cell with three operations. The columns show the
cycle times for Operations A, B, and C. The horizontal line shows the takt time for this example.
An informed picture about the cell begins to emerge.

Observations include:

• Operation A’s cycle time is greater than takt time (cycle time = 90 seconds, and takt
time = 70 seconds). That indicates a problem because Operation A cannot produce
enough to meet demand

• Operation B and C cycle times are both at or below the takt time (Op. B cycle time = 50
seconds and Op. C cycle time = 60 seconds). You should be okay to meet the demand,
although you might consider some line balancing to optimize the cycle time closer to the
takt time

• Assuming the demand is fixed and that you cannot move part of Op. A’s work to Op. B
and Op. C, then you must create more available time. This could be increased by adding
another machine, person, or partial/extended shift, for example

The takt time / cycle time chart provides a visual representation of the data that is of utmost
importance to the supervisor, planner, plant manager, and others who have a vested interest in
the cell’s ability to produce what is needed to satisfy your customers.









r T





Takt Time / Cycle Time Chart

Takt Time

Lean Six Sigma

Factors Influencing Takt Time

The ingredients in the takt time calculation require decisions to operational matters that are
often addressed in non-disciplined manners. The takt time calculation flushes out these issues
and makes management/leadership input an absolute necessity. As you look at the factors that
influence the takt time, you will take a more disciplined and “scientific” approach to managing
the machine, work cell, or even the overall operation.

Some factors that influence the available time (the numerator in the takt time equation)

• People-paced operation – the number of people. If you add one person for an eight-
hour shift, then the available time increases, which results in takt time increase

• Machine-paced operation – If you pick up four hours from another machine that is
under-utilized, then the available time increases and the takt time increases

• Shift adjustments – Add a shift, and available time increases
• Overlapped work schedules – Change the shift time start and/or end so that you gain

additional clock hours during the workday

Some factors that influence the units of demand (denominator in the takt time calculation)

• Variation in demand pattern during a period – For example, demand might be higher on
Monday and Tuesday before tapering off during the rest of the week

• Seasonal demand differences – Classic example is a company that manufactures lawn
care equipment. This company may have heavy demand in late winter and spring
followed by light demand in late summer and fall

• Specific marketing or sales effort – This effort might artificially cause the demand to
spike during the promotion effort, but might also influence a drop in demand if sales are
artificially pulled forward

• Simply not knowing what the demand will be – This might happen with a new product
launch. There may be differing opinions on the potential demand. Further, there may be
hesitancy to commit to a level of demand for fear of repercussions if wrong

Each of these available time and demand scenarios must be thoroughly considered because any
changes will affect the resulting takt time. You can see that some of the decisions required to
address the available time and demand inputs should have the attention of management and

Lean Six Sigma

Optimal Staffing

Once you have the takt time and cycle time information, you can use the optimal staffing
calculation to determine a theoretical staffing level. This is useful in situations where there
might be multiple operations in a cell or where you have multiple stations on an assembly line.
The optimal staffing number provides a target level of staffing to work from.

The calculation is optimal staffing equals the sum of the cycle times divided by the takt time.
You have already either gathered or figured these values as you created the takt time / cycle
time chart. The optimal staffing is an extension of the analysis.

Let’s continue the previous example and assume that the cycle times identified are valid. In this
case, the optimal staffing for the cell is (90 seconds + 50 seconds + 60 seconds) divided by 70
seconds. The result is 2.9 people. This analysis could be useful when setting up a new cell or
relocating an operation. The optimal staffing calculation helps to make the decision objective
rather than subjective.

Example of Takt Time / Cycle Time Analysis

Let’s consider a hypothetical situation. You have an assembly line that has eight assemblers in
the current state operation. You are going to move the line into a new building and have
decided to study the operation and make modifications prior to landing in the new spot.

You have observed the operation and identified several obvious examples of muda (remember
the eight wastes?). Using the lean methods, tools, and techniques you have learned throughout
your lean journey, you reduced the cycle time on several operations by driving out the muda.
As a result, the new cycle times by operation from Operation 1 through Operation 8 are:

1 18
2 15
3 20
4 13

Optimal Staffing =
Sum of Cycle Times

Takt Time

Lean Six Sigma

5 14
6 18
7 12
8 17

The demand for this product is consistently 20 units per day. You run a one-shift, eight
hours/shift operation and have 40 minutes of planned downtime (20-minute lunch and two 10-
minute breaks). Therefore, the takt time is 22 minutes/unit (Calculation is 440 minutes/day
divided by 20 units/day.). The results are shown in Chart 2: Example Takt Time / Cycle Time

Chart 2:

Example Takt Time / Cycle Time Chart

Observations from the takt time / cycle time chart include:

• Takt time (the red line at 22 minutes) is greater than each of the cycle times. Therefore,
you can meet your customers demand

• The operations are not balanced. The minimum gap between cycle time and takt time
two minutes at Operation 3 and the maximum gap is 10 minutes at Operation 7. The
other cycle times are spread between these two extremes

Now, you are faced with the question about staffing. Do you move the line “as is” with the eight
assemblers, or do you try to optimize by using fewer fully loaded workstations? If you are going
to dun with fewer, then what is the number? Is it four people, six people, or maybe seven
people? This is where optimal staffing can help to set an objective target.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Assembly Operation

Example Takt Time / Cycle Time Chart

Lean Six Sigma

The inputs to optimal staffing are sum of the cycle times (18 + 15 + 20 + 13 + 14 + 18 + 12 + 17 =
127 minutes). The takt time is 22 minutes. Optimal staffing is 127 minutes / 22 minutes = 5.8
people. In this case, you will round up to six people.

With six people as your optimal staffing target, you will begin to look for ways to combine tasks,
move tasks around, create shared work, or otherwise develop methods to move toward staffing
with six or seven people. Without the takt time /cycle time and optimal staffing analysis, you
may well have simply said (or listened to your production supervisor/manager say) we must
stay at eight people!

Lean Six Sigma

Cellular Design

• Water spider: somebody who is supplying material to the cell

o The water spider is actually non-value-add. They are keeping
the value-add employees inside of the cell, adding value at
the highest possible percentage by supplying them with the
material they need

• Work in process (WIP): a type of inventory
o WIP is work in process inventory as well as finished goods

o A good cellular design minimizes work in process inventory

• Takt time: takt is the German word from taktzeit, or the conductor’s
baton or rhythm
o Takt time is the customer demand rate or the rhythm we need

to produce
• Single piece flow or single unit flow: the concept of having things

always flowing instead of making things in batches

Creating Flow
A good cellular design is all about creating flow, and a good Lean
system will create flow and eliminate waste. An excellent way to create
flow is through a good cellular design. A cellular design is U-shaped, and
the reasons for that are:
• No corners. Corners impede flow, so that is why there are no corners

in a U-shape
• With a U-shape, material can be delivered to, and finished goods can

be picked up from, the same point.

Lean Six Sigma

• The U-shaped cell points toward the aisle where material handlers
can enter. We keep working and add value within the cell

• With a U shape, the space in between equipment can be minimized
by keeping the equipment tightly grouped together, meaning there
will not be a lot of room for inventory

• A U shape means there will be constant motion, so there is no
waiting. Machines will not be waiting, operators will not be waiting,
and inventory will not be waiting

Goals of Good Cellular Design
• The goals of a good cellular design are flow characterized by

continuous motion and zero work between value-add operations
• Single piece flow, not batches
• The goal is to get to a single piece flow from step to step. That

means no waste or waiting
• No operators waiting, no materials waiting, and no inventory

waiting. Minimal transportation and motion waste
• The other advantage that comes with single piece flow is immediate

feedback to the previous operation
• Errors are immediately identified at the next operation, and they are

contained by immediate feedback that says, “Stop, there’s a
problem,” rather than making an entire batch of product and passing
it on to the next operation

• When using cellular design and single piece flow, lead times are
drastically reduced

• Smaller lot sizes are completed and passed on at each step
• Lead times are drastically reduced because all operations are being

done in parallel instead of waiting and doing the entire batch

Lean Six Sigma

• This means we drastically improved productivity

Production Planning & Scheduling

Heijunka is a Japanese term for “leveling.” The concept is used for leveling the rate
of production regardless of fluctuation in demand. It is meant to utilize maximum
plant capacity and to maintain workforce levels. This can lead to stockpiling if
customer demand drops off. So, care must be taken to prevent the waste of
overproduction and inventory. A heijunka box is a visual scheduling tool used in

In traditional scheduling, parts or products are scheduled by day, batches, or lots,
regardless of demand. This results in stockpiling inventory with the expectation of
filling future orders. It takes neither changes in resources nor customer demand
changes into consideration. Notice that specific parts or products are scheduled
exclusively for a specific day. When using leveling, all parts or products are
scheduled for each day, not at just one specific part or product per day. This allows
for rapid adjustment in volumes and changes due to resource constraints, supplier
issues, and customer demand. It allows adjustments that respond better to
customer demand and results in less inventory. This levelling works with


and pull systems to support Just-In-Time manufacturing.

Lean Six Sigma

Takt Time and Cycle Time
Takt time is customer demand rate. Here is an example for how to
calculate this.

• If an organization demanded 1,000 units a day and there were
two shifts, each eight hours long, then that would be two times
eight hours times 60 minutes

• However, if each shift took a 20-minute lunch break and two 10-
minute breaks, that means there are 40 minutes in each shift that
are nonproductive, or 80 minutes total

• So, subtract that from the total amount of available time and
divide by a thousand, and that equals 0.88 of a minute, which is
the takt time

• This is the rate at which that organization needs to be producing
to keep up with customer demand. And it is crucial that you never
round up with this number

Lean Six Sigma

Next, plan the cycle time, which should be something slightly faster
than takt time, and that increase in speed depends on how much waste
is in the system. The more waste and unplanned downtime there is, the
faster the planned cycle time needs to be.

Workload Balancing and the Time Observation Form
Workload balancing involves observing the process using a time
observation form. Let’s talk about the steps to workload balancing,
which is the real magic behind cellular design.

1. Watch the process go through a few cycles and record each of
the steps down the left side of the form. Then, across the top,
number 1, 2, 3, 4 for the number of cycles you are going to

2. You want to observe not less than 10 full cycles
3. Observe the process with a running stopwatch, recording the

time at which each step ends
4. Do the math to find out how long each step took. Take the

running time when that step finished and subtract the running
time when the previous step finished. That is the cycle time for
that step for that cycle

5. The goal of this is to get the lowest repeating amount of time
that that step can be done in

6. Then repeat that as part of the standard work

Cycle Time Bar Chart
Organizations use this data to create a cycle time bar chart. Here is an
example. In this scenario, you observed a five-step process, and these

Lean Six Sigma

were the lowest repeating times that were achieved for the five steps:
Step A, 70 seconds; Step B, 25 seconds; Step C, 60 seconds; Step D, 10
seconds; and Step E, 15 seconds. So here are the steps:
1. Create a bar chart with these five steps on it
2. Put a horizontal line at your takt time of 52.8 seconds
3. Put another horizontal line at your planned cycle time, which is 45
4. To rebalance the workload of the steps, combine steps D and E

into one bar, which would be 25 seconds long
5. Then, rebalance the workload across the remaining four steps, the

ABC and the DE combinations
6. Shift 20 seconds from Step C to the DE combination, take five

seconds from Step B and move it to Step C, and take 25 seconds
from Step A and move it to Step B

7. By doing that, you have rebalanced all of the workload to 45
seconds for each of the four steps

Cross-Functional Teams
When using and designing a good cell, it is important to use cross-
functional teams. In order to rebalance the workload, organizations
need to have employees who are cross-trained and able to
do different jobs, different functions. So, it is critical that value-add
employees from both within and outside the cell are part of designing
the cell.

Kaizen Events
• One method you might use to implement a good cellular design is a

five-day kaizen event

Lean Six Sigma

• It is not the only way to design and implement a cell, but it is
something to consider

Cellular Design in a Service Industry
• Let’s talk about a few examples. We used the manufacturing

example to go through the cycle time bar chart, but what if I worked
in the service industry? Think about health care
o For example, patients must continually flow from step to step

to step
o We want to come in, get treated, and go out the door

• Do not dismiss cellular design just because you are not
manufacturing parts


• Cellular design is characterized by a constant state of flow
• Everything is always in motion. We have eliminated the waste of

waiting for inventory, machines, and people
• The goals of a good cellular design include the elimination of the

waste of waiting, the virtual elimination of work in process
inventory, and the drastic reduction in lead times

Lean Six Sigma

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a performance measure that
encompasses three elements of flow:

• Availability
• Performance
• Quality

It is a percentage of how much quality product a machine actually
produced divided by the most quality product that equipment is
capable of producing:


Lean Six Sigma

OEE = Number Produced/Number Capable of Being Produced
• OEE can also be applied to work cells and departments as well

as people and manufacturing in the service industry.

Availability = Number of Hours Running/Number of Planned
Hours Running

• Availability is the number of hours the equipment is running

divided by the total number of hours the equipment was
planned to run:

Performance = Equipment Run Rate/MDPR

• While the machine or equipment is running, performance is the

average rate divided by its maximum demonstrated production
rate (MDPR)

• One way to determine an MDPR is to look at a year’s worth of

data and determine which day this machine produced the most
product. Just be sure it is consistent

• Then you lock that in as your MDPR. There are a couple of

different ways to do this, but as long as you are consistent,
then your OEE will be useful

Quality (Yield) = Amount of Good Product/Total Product

• Quality is the amount of good product divided by total product


Lean Six Sigma

OEE is an important measure in Lean and Six Sigma, because each
element of OEE affects flow:

• Availability stops flow
o If the machine is not running, then product does not

move through it
o This can block upstream suppliers and starve downstream

• Performance slows flow

o If a machine is not running as efficiently as possible, it can
slow the customer down

o There are different ways to calculate. It is important to be

• Quality reverses flow
o If there is scrap, then you must start all the way over at

the beginning
o If there is rework, you have products or clients that must

move backward in the process

Lean Six Sigma

Example: Credit Card Manufacturer
A credit card manufacturer wants to know what yesterday’s OEE was
for a work cell. The work cell applies the white plastic backing, the
magnetic strip, and a protective coating.

Here is the data associated with this example:

• The coating machine had one hour of unplanned downtime
• The coating machine is the bottleneck, so that is how we will

measure availability
• While the machine was running, it produced 95 cards per minute
• The maximum demonstrated production rate of the machine is

100 parts per minute

Here are how the numbers calculate:

• Availability: one hour of downtime
o 23 hours of runtime/24 hours in a day = 96 percent

• Performance: while the machine was running, it was running at a
rate of 95 cards per minute, and the MDPR is 100 cards per
o 95/100 = 95 percent

• Quality: 128,000 good cards produced that day out of a total of
131,000 cards
o 128,000/131,000 = 98 percent

• Multiply these together to get an overall equipment effectiveness
of 89 percent.

Lean Six Sigma

Losses That Do Not Affect OEE
There are two major losses that do not affect OEE performance:

1. Performance losses due to customer demand
2. Planned downtime for regular maintenance

OEE = 96% X 95% X 98% = 89%

Lean Six Sigma

For example, two hours of planned downtime for a server would be
subtracted from the denominator in the availability calculation. If in the
same day you had .1 hours of unplanned downtime, here is what it
would look like:

• Your availability would be 22 hours minus the .1 hour of
unscheduled downtime for 21.9 hours available.

• Your total hours in a day would not be 24 hours; it would be 24
minus the two hours of planned downtime: 21.9 divided by 22
is a 99.5 percent availability

Six Major OEE Losses
In downtime, there is unplanned downtime, and then there is
downtime due to product changeover.

1. Unplanned downtime is mostly controlled within the organization
or within the department

2. Downtime due to product changeover is a commercial decision
a. If commercial decides to make a new product, operations

needs to satisfy that need
The next two major OEE losses are performance losses:

3. Small downtime
a. Cleaning machines
b. Bathroom breaks
c. Waiting on an upstream or downstream process

4. Reduced performance or reduced speed
a. Old and worn machines
b. Inefficient operators

Two major loss categories within quality are:
5. Rejects due to product changeover

Lean Six Sigma

6. Quality losses during processing. Similar to downtime, we
differentiate these two because one is associated with a
commercial decision – rejects due to product changeover.

Often, when a machine or a department is switched over from
making one product to another, the first hour or so of product is
off-grade or out-of-spec.

a. An example would be the first hour of changing a plan for
making a non-ethanol-based fuel to an ethanol-based fuel

b. The first hundred tons may be off-spec. Quality losses during
processing results in scrap and rework

In Conclusion, you can see how measuring and improving OEE helps
improve flow and the process by improving availability, performance,
and quality. These are the factors that stop, slow, or reverse flow. In
addition, if your organization has the same machines or processes
at multiple locations, OEE is a great way to benchmark performance
and identify best practices between those locations.

Lean Six Sigma

Losses to Overall Equipment Effectiveness

One of the great things about Lean is that the tools are like a project
that has been done a hundred times before, probably more like a
thousand. So, you do not have to reinvent the wheel every time an
issue comes up. If you have lots of motion, use 5S. If you have lots of
transport, use a spaghetti map.

Overall, equipment effectiveness is the same. If you start measuring
OEE and see that it is an issue, then you are already halfway to the
solution because there are basically six root causes of OEE issues:

• Planned downtime, for any reason will impact availability
o Maintenance
o Changeovers
o Breakdowns

• Minor stops will impact performance
o Supervisor questions
o Bathroom breaks
o Any other unscheduled reason

• Speed law
o Poor lubrication (for machines)
o Fatigue (for people, OEE is not just for machines)

• Production rejects
• Start-up waste

o Machines need to warm up or be calibrated before they get

Lean Six Sigma

• A person can be subject to these same factors as well, especially if
it is a critical function or a highly skilled individual

• Production rejects, another possible root cause of low overall
equipment effectiveness

• Start-up waste – if a machine needs to warm up or be
calibrated before it really gets rolling

Overall, equipment effectiveness is the same for machine or people.

In conclusion, here are a few suggestions to improve OEE:

• Make an Ishikawa diagram, or a fishbone diagram, and label
each of the major stems or bones with those six major
categories of root causes. Then, use it to generate the sources

• When you are working with OEE, those six root causes help you
identify solutions and improve your overall equipment
effectiveness quickly

Lean Six Sigma

Theory of Constraints

The concept of “flow” embodies Lean’s focus on reducing waste
and elevating value. In Lean, flow means moving materials,
information, and people through a process as quickly and efficiently
as possible without risking quality, customer satisfaction,
or safety. Tools, such as The Theory of Constraints, help with the
analysis, detection and management of flow. The Theory of Constraints
places emphasis on addressing impediments to flow.

Every process has a weakest, or slowest, link. This weak link could be a:
• Process
• Person
• Machine
• Policy
• Procedure

The Theory of Constraints is a five-step process with the goal of
optimizing a process’ throughput time.

The Goal
The Theory of Constraints is based upon a book by Eli Goldratt called
The Goal. According to Fortune Magazine and Business Week, this book
is one of the most important business books ever written.

• Goldratt’s method identifies the most limiting factor in the flow of
work and focuses the attention of every worker on systematically
removing that constraint

Lean Six Sigma

• Once the constraint is removed, workflow is again analyzed, the
next constraint identified and removed, and the steps are
repeated until the entire process is optimized

• This method achieves a high level of process optimization in a
short period of time because every worker is focused on the
same constraint; time and resources are not wasted on analyzing
steps in the process, which are not problematic.

The steps, known as the Five Focusing Steps, for achieving this goal are

1. Identify: Find the step in the process that is the most significant
impediment to flow. Think about what needs to be changed, how it
should change, and what actions are needed to make the
change. These three questions are called “The Thinking Processes”

2. Exploit: Find any immediate improvements that will improve flow
3. Subordinate and Synchronize: Look at upstream and downstream

processes and align them to help support the improvements
4. Elevate: Re-evaluate the constraint. If it has not moved, conduct

further, in-depth analysis to understand and remove the
bottleneck. Continue until the step is no longer impeding flow.

5. Repeat: Look for the next most significant constraint and once
again apply the five steps.

In conclusion, as with other improvement methods, the Theory of
Constraints offers tools and tips to improve real-time workflow to the
next step. This method achieves a high level of process optimization in
a short period of time because it enlists the efforts of every worker.

Lean Six Sigma

Introduction to Pull Systems

The fourth principle of Lean is pull. Pull is responding to a request from
a customer for a product or service (as opposed to pushing products
and services onto them.) It could be an external customer or
an internal customer. Overproduction is when you push more than
people need and sooner than they need it. This can lead to all the other
forms of waste.

This section will go over kanban and other visual management tools
that help to start pulling upon customer requests, rather than pushing
unnecessary products or services. When pull is established, the
customer decides when to receive the next product or service
by pulling what’s needed when it is needed.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma

Scheduling Pull System

There are three basic types of pull systems: replenishment pull,
sequential pull, and mixed pull.

• Replenishment pull is a signal used to show that there is a need
for material. This is called a kanban. Kanbans are communication
signals that control inventory levels, while ensuring even
and controlled production flow

• A sequential pull system is when there is an overabundance of
part numbers to hold in inventory. Products are made to order to
minimize inventory. The scheduling department must define the
correct mix and quantity of items in production

• A mixed pull is when a small percentage of part numbers account
for the majority of production volume. Analysis is necessary to
sort part numbers into high, medium, and low orders

Lean Six Sigma

In conclusion, there are three basic types of pull systems:
replenishment pull, sequential pull, and mixed pull. Kanbans are
communication signals that are used to control inventory levels.

Lean Six Sigma


Kanban is a Japanese word that literally means “signboard” or “billboard”. It’s a signal to
act. The term was developed by Taiichi Ohno, the father of Lean in the 1940s. He was
inspired to create the concept while observing grocery stores in the United States. He
noticed that, as people would buy things at the supermarket, the items would be
replenished on the shelves.


The wastes that are most affected by kanban are overproduction and inventory.

• Overproduction is virtually eliminated because a kanban system will only allow
production or replenishment of what’s been consumed

• Inventory is minimized because a kanban system will control the amount of work in
process (WIP) inventory

Types of Kanbans

• Replenishment kanban: reacts to a signal sent by the customer

– Indicates that the customer has consumed the product

– Creates an authorization for the supplying process to replace what has been

• Transportation kanban: authorizes the product to be moved to the next step

– Usually comes from a planner saying that it is time to transport something

– May not be required if the consuming process and the producing process are in
close proximity

Lean Six Sigma

Kanban Signals

• Kanban cards – production units are relatively large

• Kanban bins- products units are small, e.g. nuts, bolts, etc.

• Electronic signal that authorizes action to be taken, e.g. check-out scanners in stores

Rules for Kanban

1. The consuming process takes the number of items that are indicated on the kanban
from the producing process.

2. The producing process makes items only in the quantity and sequence indicated by
the kanban.

3. No items are produced or moved without a kanban. There is no action without the

4. Always attach a kanban to the product.
5. Never pass defects along. It will distort the count from the kanban.
6. Reducing the number of kanbans increases the sensitivity of that system.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma

Kanban – Establishing A System

Kanban Signals:
• In manufacturing, kanban systems are used to minimize and level

the work-in-process inventories that are on the production floor

o Kanbans signal
that a customer has purchased a product and that
downstream assemblies and materials must be

o This is also known as “pull”
• Level loading inventories ensure product is at the end of the line

when the customer needs it
o Reducing work-in-process inventory reduces cycle

times and carrying costs

What Is the Material Doing When it’s in Inventory?
• Kanban signals:

o Reduce work-in-process (WIP) inventory reduces cycle times
and carrying costs

o Eliminate the waste, such as waiting
o Result in servicing more clients in less time

• Assumes inventory is where you have created it.
o If inventory is transported, there is even more waste.
o The same is true for

service processes in healthcare, finance, and IT
• Continuously flowing value to the client by load leveling

internal resources reduces waste

Lean Six Sigma

o Pulling WIP when ready for the next step reduces wait times
and allows you to service more clients in less time

Steps to Establishing a Kanban System
There are six steps to establish a kanban system
1. Conduct the Supply Survey, which:

• Lists the make and buy items in your process, given your

• Includes:
o The item numbers
o The description
o The usage rates
o Comments

2. Establish Reorder Quantities and Points

• Reorder quantity = your daily usage × your lead time in days
• Reorder point = reorder quantity + your safety stock

Safety stock can be a percentage of your reorder stock, or it can
be a function of usage variability plus or minus one standard
deviation from the average.

• In our previous example, we consumed 21,000 resistors a month,

which roughly equates to 700 per day
• The lead time for a resistor is seven days, and that means it takes

seven days to receive resistors from the factory once we place
the order

Lean Six Sigma

• Therefore, the reorder quantity is 700 resistors per day times
seven days, or 4,900.

• Now, calculate the reorder point, which is the inventory level
where it will trigger a reorder. Remember, the reorder point is
equal to reorder quantity plus some safety stock. Well, we
know the reorder quantity is 4900, so let’s determine our safety

• Assume we want at least two weeks of resistors in safety stock
because they’re inexpensive and they’re easy to order. Safety
stock is 700 × 14 days or 9,800 resistors.

• The reorder point equals 4,900. That’s
the reorder quantity plus 9,800, our safety stock, or 14,700.

• We don’t count individual resistors, so let’s say 500 resistors per
pack. Round up our reorder quantity to 10 packs in a reorder point
of 30 packs.

3. Create the Supply Order Form

• A supply order form includes:
o Part image
o Part number with descriptions
o Supplier location (internal or external)
o Number of kanban cards in circulation
o Replenish quantity in customer or consumer location

4. Create Kanban Cards
• An example has a picture, the part number with the

description, the supplier location, how many kanbans exist,
replenishment amount, and location(s) of where they are

Lean Six Sigma

5. Training
• Elements of good kanban implementation training:
o Include everyone involved in handling the kanban
o Train by doing. Set up a demonstration or Gemba
o Cross-train employees in one upstream and one

downstream process and use kaizen to continuously
eliminate the waste

6. Implementation
• Other factors in good kanban systems are:

o Continuously flowing value
o Minimized inventory
o Elimination of waiting
o Pull instead of push

Conducting a Supply Survey
Following the six steps, conducting supply surveys, establishing reorder
points and quantity, creating a supply
reorder form, creating kanban cards, training the
affected employees, and implementing it will ensure your organization
continually satisfies your customers.

We learned that kanban systems reduce work-in-progress
inventory, which improves flow and reduces costs. We also
learned other benefits of implementing a kanban: it reduces inventory,
exposes inefficiencies in the process, and is critical to achieving pull.

Lean Six Sigma

Visual Workplace

A visual workplace is a self-ordering, self-explaining, self-regulating, and self-
improving work environment that utilizes visual cues.

Benefits of a Visual Workplace
• Training is simplified

o Because the visual workplace and the work instructions are so
easy to understand, training is simplified and takes less time

• Variation is reduced
o The work is done the same way every time because there

are simple visual instructions and Standard Operating

• There is an impact on the 8 WASTES
o Less variation equals less defects
o Less variation and less defects allow processes to be more

predictable, resulting in less over-overproduction.
o Less over-production results in a reduction in waiting

because scheduling is more predictable and customers aren’t
kept waiting

o If there is a diverse workforce and English is not everyone’s
first language, pictures depicting processes will be more easily
understood than text, resulting in less over-production and
defects. The old adage applies – A picture is worth a 1000 words

o Non-utilized talent is reduced because good visual workplace
tools are developed and instructions are written by people who
do the work

Lean Six Sigma

• The well-designed and implemented visual workplace results in less
overproduction. The labor, time, and costs associated
with transportation, inventory, motion, and extra processing are lessened
because of a reduction in errors and rework.

Visual Workplace Examples

Tool shadow boards

o Cutouts of where every tool goes so employees can see what is

• Signage that is easy to see and understand
o Process flow directions, exit signs, and fire extinguishers

• Work instructions that are posted right above the working surface
o This could include pictorial work instructions that show what

happens in each step of the process

Performance metrics

• Andon: A Japanese term literally translated as “paper lantern”

o In Lean, it’s a signal of manufacturing status.
o It is usually used on pieces of equipment
o It has a green, yellow, or red light, which tells employees the status

of the piece of equipment
• Kanban: A Japanese manufacturing system in which the supply of
components is regulated through the use of an instruction card sent along
the production line

o Kanban can utilize electronic boards and other media.
• Total productive maintenance and tool readiness

o Tools that are ready for use have a green tag on them
o Tools that need work have a red tag on them with instructions

about what needs to be done to them
• Cellular designs

o Job element sheets or visual work instructions abound in a good

Lean Six Sigma

Visual Workplace EXAMPLES

Visual workplace examples

Tool shadow boards

 Little cutouts of where every
tool goes so employees can
see what is missing

Performance metrics

 Key Performance

Work instructions that are
posted right above the
working surface

 This could include pictorial
work instructions that show
what happens in each step
of the process


Can be cards or empty
tray which is then taken
to be filled


 A signal for how things are

 Usually used on pieces of

 Has a green, yellow, or
red light,
which tells employees the
status of the piece of


 These can be
cards or empty
tray which are
taken to be filled

Electronic Kanban

 Uses technology
to replace
elements, like
Kanban cards

 Provides real-
time information

  • Module 5 Topic 1 – Creating Flow
  • Creating Flow
    Flow – the Third Lean Principle
    Examples of Typical Situations
    The Manufacturing Order
    Two Kinds of Flow
    Slow Down to Speed Up?
    Batch and Queue

  • Module 5 Topic 2 Spaghetti Map
  • Introduction
    Changeover Time Definition
    Importance of SMED
    Recognizing the Eight Wastes​
    Quick Changeover for Non-Manufacturing​

  • Module 5 Topic 4 Using Takt Time and Cycle Time
  • Some Operational Questions
    Factors Influencing Takt Time
    Optimal Staffing
    Example of Takt Time / Cycle Time Analysis

  • Cellular Design
    Creating Flow
    Goals of Good Cellular Design
    Takt Time and Cycle Time
    Workload Balancing and the Time Observation Form
    Cycle Time Bar Chart
    Cross-Functional Teams
    Kaizen Events ​
    Cellular Design in a Service Industry ​

  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
    Example: Credit Card Manufacturer
    Losses That Do Not Affect OEE
    Six Major OEE Losses

  • Losses to Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

  • Module 5 Topic 11 Kanban
  • Kanban


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