Module 4 Assignment- Unit Paper

Module 4 assignment correlates to the Critical Thinking Case:

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The Leadership Challenge at United

in the Organizational Behavior textbook.

Instructions for this Assignment

Using Microsoft Word, write a 2-3 page unit response paper that addresses the following:

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Answer the following questions from the case:

1. How have other airlines handled similar situations?

2. How much was in United Airlines’s control and how much was actually outside their control? What social or company factors caused a seemingly common practice to escalate to this level?

3. How did the other airlines or the industry respond to the United Airlines incident?

 In your paper be sure to provide a clear linkage to the concepts from the reading and at least the following learning objective: Identify rhetorical tools in writing and speech (LO2).

Submission Format

Your paper should be 2-3 pages not including the title and reference page, double-spaced and include a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in APA format.

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