Module 2 Case BHS380

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Globalization processes deeply transform all aspects of society, in ways which can indirectly affect nutrition outcomes. Increased global flows of information (and people) can transform cultural norms, social relations, and consumption patterns (Cuevas García-Dorado et al., 2019).

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Case Assignment

In this Case Assignment, please:

  1. Describe how globalization has impacted human health in the United States.
  2. Discuss the impact of trends such as global travel and medical tourism on health status globally.
  3. Describe a disparity in spending when it comes to health between the population to which you belong and the population you chose in the Module 1 Case Assignment.
  4. Compare and contrast “responsiveness” (quality of treatment and meeting the people’s needs) of health programs and services between these two populations.

Length: 2–3 pages (excluding the cover page and reference list), double-spaced.

Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

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Module 2 – Background


Required Reading

Cuevas García-Dorado, S., Cornselsen, L., Smith, R., & Walls, H. (2019). Economic globalization, nutrition and health: a review of quantitative evidence. Globalization and Health, 15(1), 15. doi:10.1186/s12992-019-0456-z

Airhihenbuwa, C. O., Ford, C. L., & Iwelunmor, J. I. (2014). Why Culture Matters in Health Interventions: Lessons From HIV/AIDS Stigma and NCDs. Health Education & Behavior, 41(1), 78–84. Retrieved from: ?_ga=2.43828005.1266340854.1570125854-1850025541.1559247132

Shiffman, J. (2017). Four Challenges That Global Health Networks Face. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 6(4), 183–189. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2017.14

Swartz, L., Kilian, S., Twesigye, J., Attah, D., & Chiliza, B. (2014). Language, culture, and task shifting—an emerging challenge for global mental health. Global Health Action, 7(1), 23433.

Fauci, A. S. (2014). Ebola—underscoring the global disparities in health care resources. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(12), 1084–1086.

Gassasse, Z., Smith, D., Finer, S., & Gallo, V. (2017). Association between urbanisation and type 2 diabetes: An ecological study. BMJ Global Health, 2(4), e000473.

Komatsu, R., Korenromp, E. L., Low-Beer, D., Watt, C., Dye, C., Steketee, R. W.,…Schwartländer, B. (2010). Lives saved by Global Fund-supported HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programs: Estimation approach and results between 2003 and end-2007. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10(1), 109.

Einterz, B. (2013). A case study in global health. [Video file]. TEDxBloomington. Available from 

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