Mod 5 Literature

For this project assignment, you will submit your Literary Analysis paper on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, which should focus on three or more elements of fiction to show how this novel is an example of modern literature in both theme and style. Please review the literary terms explored in this course. These will help you to develop the ideas and concepts you chose to examine in your paper.

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Technical Requirements:

  • 6-7 pages in length, not including cover page and references page
  • Use the APA template with APA cover and References page attached
  • Use a minimum of 5 outside resources, in addition to the textbook
  • At least three of the five resources need to be from the Rasmussen Online Library. The remaining articles should be from credible sources.

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Robert Jamerson

Rasmussen College

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon


The novel by Haddon presents the aspects of life as one grows from one stage to the other. It has displayed the various challenging factors that individuals face in the society and the solutions to the challenges (Haddon, 2007). The presentation of the characters, the roles they play are as per what individuals face in the current world. Based on the main character Christopher, themes are well organized explaining the key aspects of life. Analyzing the key themes of the novel will bring a better reflection of the incidences in the story and current situation in the day-to-day activities of the human generation.

· Love and Relationships: Love and relationships is depicted as a complicated matter in the novel because it does not seem to work out.

· Truth and Trust: Truth is a basic principle that maintains a positive association between people. Even though it can hurt at some point but it helps in enhancing trust. Christopher developed fear and lost trust in his father after he realised that he had lied about his mother (Haddon, 2007).

· Language and Communication: Even though the novel has not stated that Christopher has autism but from how his characters as displayed it can be concluded that he has the disorder. His language is straight forward and he does not understand some non-verbal aspects of communication like different facial expressions.


Min|Lee, H., & Wah, L. (2011, November 30). Teaching of Speech, Language and Communication Skills for Young Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorders: What Do Educators Need to Know? Retrieved from

The article recognises the fact that one out of 110 children is diagnosed with the disorder of autism (Min|Lee & Wah, 2011). It addresses the importance of language and communication skills among those children with the disorder. It outlines how the children could be taught and improve n their skills in communication. I choose this article because it outlines some of the efforts made by Christopher’s’ friend Siobhan in helping him improve in his communication skills.

Iñiguez, G., Govezensky, T., Dunbar, R., Kaski, K., & Barrio, R. A. (2014, September 7). Effects of deception in social networks. Retrieved from

This article explains the essential role played by truth when individuals exchange ideas. Dishonesty damages the social relationship of individual and it also ruins trust (Iñiguez, Govezensky, Dunbar, Kaski, & Barrio, 2014). The article uses agent based model to determine the degree of distortion caused by prosocial and antisocial lies. My reason for selecting the article is because it has a detailed information concerning truth and trust which is one of the aspects in my thesis.

Correia, J. (2015, April 1). Underlying Deception in Parent-Child Relationships. Retrieved from

The article explains the role lying plays in a parent-child relationship. It analyses lying based on ideological, practical and justifiable context (Correia, 2015). It concludes that lying shapes a child-parent relationship. I select the article because it enlightens the idea of Christopher’s father where he was lying about his mother to protect his son.

Schmuck, D. (2013). Single parenting: fewer negative effects of children’s behaviors than claimed. Modern Psychological Studies, 18(2), 12.

The article attempts to clarify the effects of single parenting on children. It indicates that single parenting has a negative effect but not as much as previous studies indicated (Schmuck, 2013). This is a result when factors like separation and divorce are controlled. I have chosen the article because it supports the theme of love and relationships between a parent and a child which is part of my thesis.

NIH. (2018, August 30). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication Problems in Children. Retrieved from

The article explains about the communication among children with autism. It enlightens the communication challenges faced by those with the disorder (NIH,2018). Teaching communication skills is important to such children. I select the article because it creates an understanding of the theme of language and communication in the main character Christopher.


Haddon, M. (2007). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. National Geographic Books.

Schmuck, D. (2013). Single parenting: fewer negative effects of children’s behaviors than claimed. Modern Psychological Studies, 18(2), 12.
Iñiguez, G., Govezensky, T., Dunbar, R., Kaski, K., & Barrio, R. A. (2014, September 7). Effects of deception in social networks. Retrieved from
Min|Lee, H., & Wah, L. (2011, November 30). Teaching of Speech, Language and Communication Skills for Young Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorders: What Do Educators Need to Know? Retrieved from
Correia, J. (2015, April 1). Underlying Deception in Parent-Child Relationships. Retrieved from
NIH. (2018, August 30). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication Problems in Children. Retrieved from

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