Mod 2 NI

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This assignment is DUE 18 Aug 2:00 pm CST

Both questions should be 350 words. The initial response should include at least one (1) scholarly source (not including the text) in your initial response. Wiki pages, online Dictionary, and non-peer-reviewed websites are not considered scholarly. Rather, use peer-reviewed journal articles, government websites, and educational websites. The goal is to always carefully review the sources you are using. Keep sources to within 5 years of publication. Timely literature is very important in the nursing field. Use APA 7th edition

1. A. How can knowledge of computer hardware and software help nurses to participate in information technology adoption decisions in the practice area? 350 words or more

2. A. How is the concept of wisdom in Nursing Informatics (NI) like or unlike professional nursing judgment? Can any aspect of nursing wisdom be automated? 350 words or more

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