Mobile security issues


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While we as security practitioners have been working feverishly over the last 10 years to secure our traditional endpoints, our users have become less invested in their no-fun company laptop, and more enthralled with their smart phone or tablet. With the company laptop, you won the difficult battle of deploying appropriate controls: whole-disk encryption, data leakage prevention, group policy–controlled everything. When you weren’t looking, users started working on their other devices more and more; then, one fateful day, your gadget-happy executive attended a big meeting with an iPad to take notes and a new battle began. It was just a matter of time before people started talking about data breaches with unprotected smart phones and tablets.

This weeks reading mentioned various types of mobile attacks. In your own words state what types of attacks exists and the method of approach you would utilize to address the attack in an enterprise setting.  Please state your answer in  2 page paper in APA format. Include citations and sources in APA style.

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