Is it possible to have a 3-4 page writing assignment done in 2-3 days?

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Instructions: – This assignment should be submitted to Turnitin (i.e., all answers combined in one Word or PDF file. Note that Turnitin can detect any attempts of plagiarism from all websites).

Double-check after you submit your assignment to make sure it went through. – Answer all 3 questions. Question 1 and 2 must be answered in 2 – 3 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font). Question 3 can be answered shortly in 1-2 pages. – You must refer to the readings but try to use your own words in summarizing the points rather than giving long quotes. – Please, do not copy long quotes from the readings or from any other written source. The purpose of the exercise is for you to show your knowledge of the readings, but also to perform a critical assessment of the material. – You may outside sources (except student papers available on the internet) but are not expected to use anything beyond the textbook and other assigned material. Make sure you fully reference every source you use, cite, or quote, including the textbook. Otherwise, it will show in Turnitin as an attempt of plagiarism, and you will receive a failing grade. See the appendix below for rules of citation. – Read the Appendix carefully before starting to write! It will help you to properly build your arguments and present them more systematically.


1) (40 points) We examined the three main theories/approaches on how we are socialized into society (i.e., structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism). In an essay, please examine any two of these theories. In examining each theory: a. Describe the strengths of the theory (10 points) b. Provide a weaknesses of each theory (10 points) c. Provide an example of how that theory applies in the real world (10 points) d. Finally, write a paragraph on which theory of the two theories is the most relevant, according to you, and why. (10 points)

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2) (40 points) When discussing class inequality and poverty in the U.S., we looked at the wide gap between the wealthy and the rest of society. a. What are some general conclusions we can make about the characteristics of the current division (i.e., stratification)? (10 points) b. How did this division change over time (approximately, in the past 50 years)? (10 points) c. Who are the poor and who are the middle classes, currently? (10 points) d. Is the rising level of inequality a social problem concerning only the poor or everyone else including who are not poor? (10 points) Give support to back up your statements (from lecture notes, readings and “Inequality for All” documentary).

3) (20 points) Based on our discussions and on what we read in Social Research Methods, why should sociogical research focus on social structural impacts on rates of events instead of focusing on individual-level characteristics for explaining rates of events (i.e., poverty rates, declines in gender inequality, etc.)



1) How to Properly Cite Sources: – Quote and cite the page number when using the author’s words inside the text. – Cite the author, even when paraphrasing in a sentence or paragraph. – Then, give the full reference at the end of your answer (this is needed only if you are using outside sources.) It is enough to provide proper citations inside the text if you are using our course materials. Citing inside the Text: “For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house” (Lorde 2007:59). Lorde (2007) cautions, “For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house” (p. 59). Systems of inequality are related; using domination to further one cause will never result in full liberation (Lorde 2007:59). Referencing (at the end of the Essay): Lorde, Audre. [1984] 2007. “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference.” Pp. 52-59 in Race, Class, & Gender, edited by M. Andersen and P. Hill Collins. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. 2) Tips for Writing Short Essays in Sociology: Here are some important tips (presented by a colleague in Mount Holyoke College) for writing short answer essays in sociology:

3) Grading Guidelines for Written Essay Assignment An “A” paper demonstrates critical thinking and application of theory/concepts to the subject. It incorporates rich examples from the student’s observations and experiences that are linked to the concepts/terms discussed in class, text and scholarly journals. Concepts/terms are defined properly. The paper is well conceived and executed, demonstrating proper use of written English. The paper fulfills all specific requirements listed.

A “B” paper presents content clearly and displays a firm grasp of the material. Demonstrates some critical thinking. Incorporates some examples from the student’s observations and experiences. Most of the concepts/terms are defined and scholarly journals are used for major theory support. The paper may contain some minor grammatical errors. The paper is well organized. The paper fulfills most of the specific requirements listed.

A “C” paper displays a reasonable understanding of the material. Treatment of the topic is general and lacks detail. Contains a few examples from the student’s observations and experiences. Concepts are not defined, or some are defined improperly or lack scholarly journal support. Paper may contain a few major and or minor grammatical errors. The paper fulfills most of the specific requirements listed.

A “D” paper demonstrates lack of clear understanding of the topic and a weak grasp of the material. Concepts are defined and not linked to illustrative examples from the student’s observations and experiences, or no concepts are given, and the paper is merely a description of the student’s examples. Reads poorly and contains major and minor grammatical errors. The paper does not fulfill the requirements listed.

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