MKT-345 D.5


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Read the “Home Depot Shows You How” case located in Doc Sharing. Once you have read the case, using the materials from this course, respond to the following questions:

1. What in particular about Home Depot’s business made this how-to series of videos so successful? What other industries might be able to use a similar strategy?

2. What advantages did Home Depot gain from having in-store representatives featured in the videos? Name at least two advantages, and explain why they are important.


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SaintLeo University

MKT 345

Social Media Marketing

Fall l 2020

August 24 – October 11, 2020

Instructor: Dr. Janis McFaul

Phone: 352-596-2088 TEXT ONLY at 248-504-0561

Office Hours: Daily from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST


Course Description:

This course covers the key techniques and methods on how to manage marketing operations online. It focuses on presenting cutting-edge business strategies that generate value by applying and adjusting marketing techniques in the online environment and utilizing social media. The purpose of the course is to prepare the students to expand a company’s marketing activities online and to coordinate both traditional and social media marketing strategies in a way that maximizes a company’s long-term competitive advantage.

Course designed by Dr. Baglione, Stephen


MKT 301


COM 140



Barker, A., Barker, D., Bormann, N., Zahay, D., & Roberts, M. (2017). Social media marketing: A strategic approach (2nd ed.) Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-305-50275-8

Cite as (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).


Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain how the Internet impacts consumers, businesses, marketers, and society by offering significant benefits as well as challenges.

2. Identify and analyze the critical factors affecting social marketing, including infrastructure, software availability, political and legal environment, cultural values, and social attitudes toward technology.

3. Design marketing programs for social media by identifying and selecting the most appropriate methods given the company’s external environment and internal resources.

4. Identify and implement social media strategies for identifying and targeting online customers.

5. Identify the key social media strategies used for selling online.

6. Describe and utilize the most effective integrated marketing communications (IMC) tactics online.

7. Identify key social media metrics and apply them for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of social media marketing activities.

8. The core value for this course will be “community” and it will be evaluated based on the quality of all written assignments and particularly the project, as well as in a separate discussion in module #6.

Core Value:


Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.


Assignment Points Weight

Discussion/Participation (8) 240 10%

Group Project 200 35%

Project Report 250 25%

Midterm Exam 200 15%

Final Exam 200 15%

Total 1090 100%

No PDF Files accepted. All work is graded once. You submit what you want graded. NO resubmissions stating that you did not understand the directions or requirements. Everything you need to know is here. Once you submit a paper it is part of the course history and no resubmissions are allowed. All papers must have a cover page.


NEW FOR 2017

As you probably noted, that the new classroom as a grading rubric built into the discussion board area.  Instructors MUST use these.

The new criteria states that in order to earn 100% – you have to use two AUTHORED outside references that are properly cited within the posting itself and recapped in APA format at the bottom of the posting. ONE OF THE SOURCES MUST BE YOUR BARKER, BARKER, BORMANN, ZAHAY, & ROBERTS textbook!

Worth 20% of your Discussion Board Grade:  Includes 2 or more AUTHORED outside sources to support and enrich the discussion. Sources are properly cited in APA format. If you do not, the best you can do is 60%.

An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, prezis, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference.

If you earn 90% – it is probably because you only cited and recapped in perfect APA ONE outside reference and that all other components of your posting were well done.

If you earned 80% – it is probably because you did not use one reference, but that all other components of your posting were well done.

If you earned 60% it could be because you did not use any references for your INITIAL posting.

References for your replies are optional – they are NOT required.

Dr. McFaul

Only postings made during the active week count. Once the week is concluded – late discussions are never accepted. Each module will include a discussion assignment (Module 1 will also include an additional “Introduction” topic). For each discussion topic, you are required to post an initial response to the question, as well substantial responses to at least two classmates. Activity in the discussion board requires that you post your original response by Thursday and respond to two other student’s work by Sunday midnight. Each week the discussion board activity demonstrates your class engagement and is considered as participation in the class. Your grade will be based on the rubric in the classroom – remember two replies to others AND at TWO outside references to earn 100% – 200 words minimum required for initial posting.

Do not post early – remember that the dates must be within the active Module only

Individual Assignments:

There are a total of five assignments in this course. Assignments will vary dependent upon module expectations. Details for each assignment are located within the module pages in which the assignment is due. All assignments are due no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT within their respective module.
All TEMPLATES for these papers are under CONTENT & then DOC SHARING – you must use the templates provided. When we say use the template, that means to use it strictly – do not remove the subject headers – they are an essential part of the template as they provide organization.


No late discussion board work is ever accepted! Late written assignments are accepted with an explanation via email ONLY. There will be a 10% off per week that an assignment is submitted LATE up to TWO weeks – after two weeks, a late assignment will NOT be accepted.


These are two separate and distinct projects.


· Week One go to (or another free site you prefer). Start your web site.

· Then in Weeks 3, 5, & 6, add your BLOGS and visuals there too! You have to have this completed by WEEK SEVEN as you will FIRST post it in the Week Seven Discussion Board. Add Tweets too.

· Read frequently asked questions about having to a Twitter account, etc. – no problem!


· Week One ENGAGE with your group. Deliver the Week One Group paper idea – use the template.

· Throughout the semester, work closely with your group and complete this paper early!

· In Week Six, ask for a pre-review of the paper – OPTIONAL BUT SMART! Send to instructor via email by Sunday of Week Six.

· In Week Seven, using the template and reading the grading rubric closely submit your final group paper!

· Remember EVERYONE submits in Week Seven too!

For papers this semester: Use authored outside references. Zero points given for non-authored web sources. You may use a brand web page too, but you still need an authored source too. Recap your reference in APA format only at the bottom of your posting.
Your reference must be clearly cited in APA format within your posting to count.
Always provide the exact web site address for this course in your recap of references for full credit.

Research always beyond the materials provided to ADD to the discussion. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use the required number of authored reference source.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, prezis, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference.


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)

Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.

Please check out

for a proper format in APA.

For best results, refer to the APA Manual – 6th Edition.

This is a stellar video on APA citations…

Whenever you use a source, you must have an in-text citation and a reference citation. They’re a matched pair–like shoes or gloves. What are the differences between an APA in-text citation and an APA reference citation? How do the two work together? See this video:

VIDEO on citations in APA =


Week One Individual Paper –
This ASSIGNMENT does NOT have to be one page – focus on exceeding the word count.

Week One – Individual Proposal



Substance of Paper – Minimum 300-words. Submitted with a MICROSOFT WORD document. Delivered content assigned that week. This can be more than one page of course! No PDF files. Include at least one visual reflecting your career choice (worth 10 points). Student followed criteria provided for Written Assignments – see syllabus.




APA formatted paper with cover page. Reference page optional. Times New Roman 12 font, 1″ margins, double-spacing, etc. and followed criteria provided for Written Assignments Requirements


Total Points Earned


Weekly Updates in Weeks 3, 5, & 6 – THESE ASSIGNMENTS DO NOT HAVE TO BE ONE PAGE

Weekly Updates for Individual Web Project



Substance of Paper – Minimum 300-words – solid MARKETING content. Submitted with a MICROSOFT WORD document. Delivered content assigned that week. Use subject headers for organization, like Introduction, Conclusion and specific tasks to be delivered. Include Visuals in your word document too that you plan to add to the web site (MINUS 10 POINTS IF NOT INCLUDED). Do not include a video! Just a picture please. Student followed criteria provided for Written Assignments – see syllabus.


AUTHORED Outside Reference (textbook may be used) that adds to your learning for the tasks that are assigned – include in your Introduction or Conclusion paragraphs. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source. Bottom-line, if the source is not cited in the paper – it does NOT count. Source must be listed in the reference page AND have an in-text citation within the paper in APA format.




APA formatted paper with cover page and reference page, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″ margins, double-spacing, etc.


Total Points Earned


The reference you use should be used in the Introduction or Conclusion sections of your paper and should be from an authored source that helps you learn more about best practices for web site development OR blogs or twitter accounts.



If so, make sure to email your instructor and I will grade it quickly for you!

In addition to your papers each week, you should be working on your web site. Integrate the blogs into your web site. They must be there so that I can grade your overall web site in Week Seven / Eight.

Do not use another system like Blogger.

If in the future you plan to use this web site, then you can delete the blogs that you do not want to have within the web site. website builder does provide web site templates that includes blogs and in the past that is what most students used.

Dr. McFaul

Week Eight – FINAL Individual Paper

WEEK EIGHT for Individual Web Project



Substance of Paper – Minimum 500-words – solid MARKETING content. Follow template strictly. Include Visuals of your web site – NO VISUALS = MINUS 10 POINTS.



AUTHORED Outside Reference (textbook can be used) that adds to your learning for the tasks that are assigned – include in your Introduction. Take this seriously – minus 10 points if you do not use an authored reference to help support your write-up.
An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.






APA formatted paper with cover page and reference page, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″ margins, double-spacing, etc. and followed criteria provided for Written Assignments



Total Points Earned



The assignment is to design a personal web site that will be used as a tool to promote your career. Have THIS ready by WEEK SEVEN – THURSDAY and post in the DISCUSSION BOARD for that week’s assignment. You are also expected to post to social media sites (Twitter) and monitor responses and feedback from your posts. You do not have to post to Twitter – you may include in your papers what you WOULD SAY if you were tweeting – some students do not feel comfortable ‘tweeting’ due to privacy issues and this instructor supports their desire to only include it in their papers.

Group Project:

This is a group (team) project, where the class will be divided by the instructor in teams consisting between two and four students. Each team should think of themselves as a marketing consulting company that has been contracted by this organization to help them with their social media marketing activities.


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)

Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.

Please check out
for a proper format in APA.

Using the APA Manual 6th Edition as the final verification for APA compliance is important.

APA helps in attribution of sources in academic work. Similarly, since your discussion work is an academic exercise, the expectation is that you cite and recap references in the discussion board. It is important to recap the references cited in the posting at the bottom of your posting as you would with a paper. As you know, in an academic paper, your ‘Reference’ page is a recap of all sources cited in the paper. It tells the reader that the following sources are attributed somewhere in the paper. A reference does not count if it is cited (but not recapped) or recapped, but not cited in the paper. Both steps must appear. In other words…It is important that all references cited match 100% the reference RECAPPED at the bottom of the posting or it is considered a serious academic error.

How to do well in this course:

Read the ANNOUNCEMENTS. Read the grading rubrics. Follow them closely. Before you submit your paper(s) re-review the grading rubric again to ensure you have 100% compliance.

Unique Offer This Semester…

Optional Pre-Reviews Available – send to me via email by Wednesday of the week the Written Assignment is Due.
One of the nice things that I like to do for you is I offer to pre-review your written assignment papers PRIOR to grading. 
Those that do the best in this course, take advantage of this ‘free’ offer! You have ONE opportunity to take advantage of this offer per semester/student.


Remember, if you want your paper pre-reviewed – I will be open to do so for you IF you submit it to me by WEDNESDAY of week your assignment is due.
That gives me 24-hours plus to pre-review your work as well AND time for you to respond to my input.
All Pre-Reviews of your Papers must be sent via EMAIL only.  

Dr. McFaul 


There are a total of two written response/essay exams in this course, a Midterm and Final, occurring in Modules 4 and 8. Complete each essay no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

This should be delivered like a formal APA academic paper in a Microsoft Word Document – only the word document submitted will be graded.


Both exams require three references and must be 1000-words minimum. They are worth 15% of your grade. READ AND FOLLOW THE GRADING RUBRIC CLOSELY!




Use the template as provided. Minus 20 points if you do not.
This is really a formal APA academic paper versus a traditional paper. Substance of essay exam – Minimum 1000-words (only counted from Introduction to Conclusion), posted by due date. If subject headers are missing – minus 20 points. If you miss including an APA cover page with your name on it – minus 10 points. This is a formal academic paper and should be presented as such.
If Turnitin Score is over 25% – 35% – minus 20 points.
If Turnitin Score is over 35 – 49% – minus 40 points.
If Turnitin Score is over 50% – zero points will be recorded.
Do not write out questions – minus 20 points if you do so. Spelling / grammar does matter – this is a formal academic paper.
No visuals in paper – minus 10 points if included. Follow ALL Written Assignment Requirements – lost points for not adhering to requirements like no bullet points, no extra blank lines between sections and more.


THREE AUTHORED Marketing Outside Reference cited/quoted and recapped in APA format at the bottom of the paper – note, students have lost all 30 points here because their reference page was not in APA format and thus their citations and reference page did not match. Sources must be SOCIAL MEDIA references – the purpose is to integrate more learning on our topic this semester. Your textbook can be used as one of three sources. Sources must be cited correctly in APA format to count towards your three sources. No dictionaries or encyclopedias, blogs, and no wikis. An authored reference is one that has a human’s name associated to it. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference. An authored source has a first and last name.


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)
Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.
Please check out for a proper format in APA.
For best results, refer to the APA Manual – 6th Edition.





MKT345 Midterm exam – use TEMPLATE provided under DOC SHARING

MID-TERM – You are planning to open a new bakery in a medium size town of about 200,000 people in the US. Your bakery will be 100% organic. It will be the first organic bakery in town (there are no organic super markets in the town, although some super markets offer selective organic products but no organic baked goods or desserts). You will be offering organic as well as gluten -free bread, bread-related ingredients, pies, muffins, doughnuts, and other types of desserts. Given that organic ingredients are more expensive your prices are going to be about 20% higher than your competitors’ prices. You have limited resources and you cannot afford to spend a lot of money in traditional promotional methods. Instead, you need to utilize social media to create awareness among your target audience.

1.1 Identify your target market(s)

1.2 What is the key positioning of your bakery relative to the competition? Describe a desirable brand image that the bakery should pursue. You should also come up with a name for the bakery that captures the brand image,

1.3 You want to generate as much publicity as possible for your grand opening. How are you going to utilize the social media to maximize exposure and attendance? Provide a detailed list of the social media you will use, as well as how you will use them. For example, if you decided to use Twitter, then you should provide a sample tweet message. Listing all possible social media is not a good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see how you will rank the ones you will use based on their importance for this particular situation.

1.4 In addition, you want your social media strategy to generate long-term interest for your bakery beyond the grand opening. Provide a detailed list of the social media you will use, as well as how you will use them. Listing all possible social media is not a good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see how you will rank the ones you will use based on their importance for this particular situation. Keep in mind that some of the social media may be ranked higher for generating “buzz” for the opening, but may be ranked lower in terms of their role for generating long-term interest for the bakery.

1.5 Describe the key elements of the web site to maximize awareness, attendance to the grand opening, and long-term interest.

1.6 What metrics (both in terms of web analytics and non-web metrics) should you use to assess (a) the success of the grand opening, and (b) the effectiveness of your website and social media marketing

MKT345 Final Exam – use TEMPLATE provided under DOC SHARING

ZEN PATH is a Zen Buddhism monastery near Coos Bay, in Oregon. It is located in a beautiful spot, overlooking the ocean with breathtaking scenery. The monastery is built in the traditional Japanese temple style and has been operating for over 50 years. There are 23 full time monks living there and depending on the time of the year and the activities another 10-15 people may be present. Most of the funding for ZEN PATH comes from wealthy sponsors who are attracted to the philosophy and values of Zen Buddhism. However, the monastery has been forced, during the last 5 years to rely on the tuition they charge for week-long Zen meditation retreats that target upscale white collar professionals who are seeking ways to relieve the stress of modern life and who want to explore spirituality based on the traditions of the Far East. ZEN PATH is facing budgetary problems. The two main methods proposed are to either try to attract more sponsors through fundraising, or to expand the meditation seminars and workshops. Both methods have some limitations and advantages. Fundraising will minimize the impact of the outside world on the monastery, but given the economic conditions the potential sponsors are very few. The demand for the meditation seminars is high, but this would distort the monastery’s mission as being “beyond the material world” and create the danger that it may end up as a commercial enterprise. What method or combination of methods should ZEN PATH select?

1. Outline the pro and cons of either method. Identify in detail the metrics ZEN PATH’s management should use to assess which one is the best. You are not supposed to select a method, just compare them and provide ALL relevant information that you will need to make a decision.

2. Who are the key stake holders for ZEN PATH?

3. Let us assume that ZEN PATH chose to offer meditation seminars as the main source of additional income. They will still try to get sponsors, but the seminars will be the main source of new funds. What is the image that the monastery should project to the diverse stakeholders given the new changes? Describe it in a short statement (20-word limit).

4. What social media should be used and how should they be structured to help ZEN PATH deal with its financial constraints given the choice of offering seminars? Provide a detailed list of the social media they should use, as well as how they should use them. Be as specific as possible. For example, if they were to use Twitter, then you should provide a sample tweet message. Listing all possible social media is not a good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see how ZEN PATH should rank the ones they should use based on their importance for this particular situation.

5. Describe the key elements of the web site to maximize awareness, and attendance to the services (meditation training) as well as to make ZEN PATH more attractive to sponsors.

6. Once ZEN PATH started offering more meditation seminars, a philosophy professor at a local university sent a sarcastic twitter message claiming that ZEN PATH should change its name to DOLLAR PATH since they had become very commercialized. The message has been re-twitted a lot. How should ZEN PATH use reputation management techniques and social media to defend themselves from a message that may soon go viral?

7. What metrics (both in terms of web analytics and non-web metrics) should ZEN PATH use to assess (a) the success of the offering of meditation seminars, (b) the effectiveness of the modified brand image to attract more sponsors, and (c) the effectiveness of their activities to limit the reputation damage from the philosopher’s tweet?

Follow the grading rubric in this syllabus, not the one in the PDF provided. This syllabus supersedes all requirements – remember, I worked hard to put everything in ONE spot as this course was not designed that way.

Grading Scale – Grades are NEVER rounded up. You earn what you earn.

Grade Score (%)

A 94-100

A- 90-93

B+ 87-89

B 84-86

B- 80-83

C+ 77-79

C 74-76

C- 70-73

D+ 67-69

D 60-66

F 0-59

Final Grades are not rounded-up.

Assessment of the Learning Outcomes:

Course Learning Outcome


Assessment Method

1, 2, 7


Discussion, Group Project, Assignment 1

3, 4, 7


Discussion, Web Assignment

3, 4, 6, 7


Discussion, Assignment 2

4, 5, 7


Discussion, Midterm

4, 5, 6


Discussion, Assignment 3

4, 5, 6, 7


Discussion, Assignment 4

4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Discussion, Group Project Report

7, 8


Discussion, Final Exam, Assignment 5

Course Schedule:

Week 1 – AUGUST 24 – 30, 2020

You MUST start this class in full speed! In Week One on one assignment alone you earn 10% of your final grade…your group project proposal paper! Some last semester missed this assignment and earned zero points. Therefore the best that they could do was a 90% in the course IF they earned 100% on everything else. Do not put yourself in that position! Reach out to your team members and decide on a consumer product / brand to focus on this semester by FRIDAY at the latest.

Module 1 Social Media Marketing


At the conclusion of this module, you will be able to:

· Describe the Social Media Marketing Planning Cycle.

· Explain the 7 myths of Social Media Marketing.

· Describe the difference between on-site and off-site web analytics

Assignment Overview

Items to be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Post an introduction to the class

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Read the assigned material

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Individual Web Page Assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the Web Assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the team Group Project proposal – worth 10% of your GRADE this semester!!! All team members must submit to earn points.

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Dr. McFaul (352-596-2088) Office Hours 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET

Week 2 – August 31 – September 6, 2020

Module 2 Social Media Target Audiences and Rules of Engagement


At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Explain the Personal Development Cycle.

· Compare the differences between Permission and Interruption Marketing.

· Describe the rules of engagement.

Items To Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT


Questions? Contact Dr. McFaul at 248-504-0561

Discussion Board’s INITIAL post must have two authored references each week. One reference must be your TEXTBOOK and the second is one that you found via research on the topic for that week.

Week 3 – September 7 – 13, 2020

Module 3 Blogs, Podcasts, and Webinars

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Identify the marketing benefits of blogging.

· Describe the tips for successful blogging.

· Explain how companies can integrate Webinars and Podcasts in their marketing strategies.


Items To Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit Assignment 2 – TEMPLATE ATTACHED

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the web assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT


Questions? Contact Dr. McFaul at 248-504-0561 via TEXT

Discussion Board’s INITIAL post must have two authored references each week. One reference must be your TEXTBOOK and the second is one that you found via research on the topic for that week.

Week 4 – July 20 – 26, 2020

Module 4 Social Publishing

At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Describe the methods for publishing online.

· Explain how companies can market their products using articles, E-books, and white papers.

· Explain the concept of bounce rate.


Items To Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Midterm Exam – TEMPLATE ATTACHED

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Questions? Contact Dr. McFaul at 248-504-0561 via TEXT

Discussion Board’s INITIAL post must have two authored references each week. One reference must be your TEXTBOOK and the second is one that you found via research on the topic for that week.

Week 5 – September 14 – 20, 2020

Module 5 Videos and Photos in Social Media

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Describe the benefits of marketing with online photos.

· Describe the best methods for creating effective videos.

· Identify the benefits of marketing with online videos.


Items To Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the web assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit Assignment 3

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 If you have a team member that is NOT participating in the TEAM member – contact your professor TODAY – do not wait until Week Seven when the assignment is due.
Dr. McFaul 


Week 6– September 21 – 27, 2020

Module 6 Social Networks

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Explain the benefits of marketing with a social network.

· Identify the pro and cons of creating a white label social network.

· Identify the best tips for brand building with Twitter.


Items To Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post an initial response to the Ethics discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates’ Ethics question

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the web assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

SEND INSTRUCTOR via EMAIL YOUR individual GROUP PARTICIPATION for a validation of team participation by Sunday of Week Six – if you miss this – minus 20 points on TEAM PROJECT

Sunday 11:59 p.m.

Submit Assignment 4

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

 If you have a team member that is NOT participating in the TEAM member – contact your professor TODAY – do not wait until Week Seven when the assignment is due.
Dr. McFaul 


My clear expectation to each and every one of you is that you must deliver a portion equal to three pages or more (whatever is needed to meet the page count) of the final paper AND you must prove to me that you have done so! By the end of week six, I want you to send me your contribution VIA email. This is done individually. Then your group will have Week Seven to edit and prepare your final paper.

Let us be clear – by the end of Week Six EMAIL me YOUR INDIVIDUAL contribution to the group. The benefit for you is that I will correct any APA, spelling, or other errors that you might have to help you achieve a good final group grade! And THIS is worth up to 20 POINTS. If you submit later than Sunday of Week Six (June 14, 2020). After June 15, 2020 – zero points earned.

Again, send me 3 to 3.5 pages of the final paper and you must submit at least two authored sources. Divide the paper up and build in redundancy of assigning sections so that you are ensured that all sections will be completed. If you get down to two members (which some groups may) you are then expected to deliver five pages each.

Last semester I had one student (out of 25) thought they were done with the group project after they emailed me their Week Six Pre-Check. They never did any more further work. That student earned ZERO points on their final group project!

Your final grade will be based on your contributions. Not all group members will get the same grade if it is obvious that they did not take this assignment seriously and contribute MORE than their share. This is not a group project that you can rely on others to do YOUR work!

Remember, I am here to help if you have any questions or need help generally with the assignment – I want to see you succeed!

Dr. McFaul

Week 7 – September 28 – October 4, 2020

Module 7 Social News and Location Marketing

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Describe the discussion board Netiquette.

· Explain how to market products using location-based social networks.

· Identify and explain the key metrics for website visitor tracking using web analytics.


Items to Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials


Post an initial response to the discussion question

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the web assignment & POST IN THE DISCUSSION BOARD BY THURSDAY


Submit the group project report – EVERYONE submit the same FINAL GROUP PAPER – ZERO POINTS IF you do not

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Questions? Contact Dr. McFaul at 248-504-0561 via TEXT

Week 8 – October 5 – 11, 2020

Module 8 Social Media Plans and Metrics

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

· Describe the key metrics for analyzing traffic sources.

· Describe the key metrics for analyzing website content.

· Explain the Social Media Plan Cycle.


Items to Be Completed:

Due No Later Than:

Read the assigned materials

Post two initial responses on two other group project reports

Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post at least one response to your classmates’ comments on your team’s group project report

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Web Assignment

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Final Exam

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Questions? Contact Dr. McFaul at 248-504-0561 via TEXT

MKT345 – Individual Web Page and Twitter Social Media Assignments

The assignment is to design a personal web site that will be used as a tool to promote your career. Yes, you will design a web site! In today’s world, with jobs changing all the time, as well as companies assigning projects to outside teams that consist of individual consultants (project outsourcing), it is unlikely that many people will start and end their careers with the same organization. One approach is to think of you as a one-person consulting company. During different times of your career you may be steadily employed as a full-time employee for a company, and/or take on projects on a client-by-client basis. Either way, you need to think of you as a brand. This assignment is designed to get you started on utilizing the internet and social media to establish a brand image for you and to promote it. The idea is that this web site should be the hub of all social media marketing activities for your personal brand. Using the traditional communication model, you are the sender. Your target audience consists of all potential employers who are interested in hiring people with similar skills as the ones you have.

The web site, as well as all other social media tools that you are using and are linked to the site are the message you are sending, encoded in the language of internet marketing. The responses you want for the audience of your web site is to: 1. Perceive you along the personal brand image you are promoting 2. Find the web site interesting, and visit it again 3. Spread positive information about you, and your web site. 4. If they have no job available for you at the time, to keep you in mind for the future. 5. If they have a job available for someone with your skills, to invite you for an interview. The specific design of the web site is your decision. You can use any software you want for the design. Some of the tools are discussed in more detail in the power point presentation by Dr. Toole which can be found in the AVP of module #1. Here is a quick summary of the things you want to keep in mind:

1. Your web site should be easy to navigate

2. The purpose of your web site should be clear to the audience

3. It should be aesthetically pleasing

4. It should include your contact information

5. It should include your resume

6. It should have links to all social media that can add to your qualifications (for example LinkedIn).

7. It should have a blog. In the blog you need to have at least 3 blog entries for professional purposes. We will discuss them below.

8. It should have a section that displays some evidence of your skills and accomplishments. This section is essentially a portfolio and testimony of achievements.

9. You can add any other section(s) that may cover personal hobbies, activities and interests, as long as they do not contradict or distract from the brand image you are trying to promote.

If done properly, such a section can add to the brand image. The information can be any combination of text, video, pictures or audio that gets the job done. There are no restrictions.

Assignment deadlines: By the end of module #1 (Sunday midnight) you need to submit a short document that includes the following:

1. An identification of the industry and type of job you want to focus on. Essentially it is a description of the career path you want to pursue or are already pursuing.

2. A detailed description of the personal brand image that you are trying to promote via the web site. What are the impressions, thoughts, and images about you that a visitor to your web site should take away after exploring it? After the submission, your instructor will provide you with some feedback to clarify any questions, or issues that may arise.

By the end of module #3 (Sunday midnight) you need to submit a document including the text of your first blog and tweeter message.

By the end of module #5 (Sunday midnight) you need to submit a document including the text of your second blog and tweeter message.

By the end of module #6 (Sunday midnight) you need to submit a document including the text of your third blog and tweeter message. You will receive feedback on all of them. This feedback is designed to help you revise them and improve them so by the time you include them in your web site they will be more effective in promoting your personal brand image.

You are free to select any topic you want for your blog. Ideally you want a topic related to the career you are pursuing, because your audience will be interested in that. Your blog should demonstrate that: 1. You are someone who has deep knowledge about the industry/career you are focused on.

2. You are someone you is keeping up with the latest developments

3. You are someone with critical thinking who can look at events or issues, and go deep into them and provide original and creative insights.

4. You are a good writer and can communicate very well both in a medium length format such as a blog, or a very short one such as twitter. Ideally, you would like your web site visitors to become engaged with your blogs.

1. At the most basic level you want the readers to go beyond the title and actually invest the time to read the blog

2. At the second level of engagement, you want your readers to have a positive experience and to feel that they got some valuable information, something they can use directly or trade as social capital. If the second level has been achieved, the readers are very likely to return to the blog.

3. At the third level you want your readers to actually pass on the link to your blog to their friends and acquaintances via social media.

4. Finally, at the highest level of engagement, they will do all three previous levels, but they will also invest time to respond to your blog and participate in discussions.

Some of the things you want to keep in mind when you write your blogs are:

1. Start with an attention-capturing title

2. Provide a brief summary of the topic you will be discussing. Do not try to deal with multiple topics in a single blog. Stay focused.

3. Provide a brief explanation why this topic is relevant to your audience. In other words, why should they care?

4. Describe briefly how this topic has been dealt up until this point.

5. Provide your original thoughts, critiques, interpretations, and solutions to the issue at hand. This is where you should be providing original, innovative, and valuable content.

6. Finally, invite comments, be polite and courteous, and update your blog frequently. Your tweeter messages should capture the essence of the topic you discussed in your blog, and make it likely that people will respond and re-tweet. The essence is a cool title and creativity in the selection of every single word.

By the Thursday midnight of module #7 you need to submit the brief document about the goals of your website and the link to your website as part of the discussion for module #7. The idea is that you will use the feedback of your class mates to improve your website when you submit it at the end of the semester. Essentially the other students in the class function as a test market for your website.

By the end of module #8 (Sunday midnight) you need to submit a document including the following:

1. An identification of the industry and type of job you want to focus on. Essentially it is a description of the career path you want to pursue or are already pursuing. This would be an updated version of the document you submitted at the end of module #1 based on your instructor’s feedback.

2. A detailed description of the personal brand image that you are trying to promote via the web site. What are the impressions, thoughts, and images about you that a visitor to your web site should take away after exploring it? This would be an updated version of the document you submitted at the end of module #1 based on your instructor’s feedback.

3. A description of how you designed your web site, and why you think that the design and content you provided will generate the desirable personal brand image perceptions among the target audience. Your instructor will obviously look at your website, but this part of your document explains your thought process on why you made the particular choices that show up on the website.

4. The link to your website. Your website at this point should include the updated blogs and tweeter messages based on the instructor’s feedback.

5. Your cell phone contact in case your instructor needs to reach you due to any technical difficulty with accessing your website.

Templates provided under DOC SHARING & ANNOUNCEMENTS & EMAILED TO YOU IN WEEK TWO for Individual Papers.

Part 3 of the final document = 15 points – The points will be given based on the clarity of communicating the ideas as well as how solid are the arguments between the content and style decisions that the student made and the goals of the website that these choices are supposed to achieve.

Aesthetic aspects of the website: 10 points – The points will be given based on how elegant and stylish the website is. It should be pleasing to the eye without being excessive.

Ease of navigation, contact information and call to action: 10 points. – Points will be assigned based on how easy it is to access all information, and how it is structured visually. Visitors should be able to grasp with a quick look all relevant information.

Relevance of content of the website, and creativity of presenting it: 15 points – This captures all professional testimonials, portfolio, skills and accomplishments, but also any other additional personal information that may reinforce the brand image. It focuses both at the content and the creativity of presenting it.


Question # 1 – I have been asked ‘Do we really create a web site this semester?’ 

Yes, you will be sharing it THURSDAY of Week Seven with the entire class in your Week Seven Discussion Board. Make sure you include all of your BLOGS and TWEETS in the final web site you deliver.

Question # 2 – Do you really need to tweet and blog

NO.   But part of your papers are as IF you did, what would you say to get attention via social media about your web site. They are added to your web site each week that you prepare your papers. This is obviously so you have several weeks to build this web site and you do not do it only in Week Seven! Again, NO – you do not need to create a Twitter account if you do not have one! BUT YOU DO INCLUDE THESE IN YOUR WEB SITES!

Question # 3 – Google Analytics.

There is NEVER an assignment requirement for Google Analytics in this course – period! The course designer mentions this because they want you to be aware of what this technology does. BUT you do not need to use it.

Question # 4 – Group Responsibility

You are going to be assigned a team this semester. You must work with your team, however, READ your syllabus and the announcements – you are responsible for these. For example, last semester a ‘lead’ of a team told their members that they did not have to submit the Week Seven paper – those people that listened to their team leader, lost points. You ALL must be engaged the entire semester and only YOU are responsible for YOUR work.

Question # 5 – Team Paper – United States Only

This is a United States only focused SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN. Yes, we understand that others will be active globally. But for the purpose of this course, focus primarily on target markets and other aspects for the United States Market only.

Question # 6 – Team Paper – Can I complete this alone?

Ask for permission by Week ONE Friday! It is NOT fair to others on your team to not know that you are not participating with only a few weeks left in the semester. If you ask later the penalty is minus 25 points. If you decide to complete the paper ‘solo’ – you are still held to the requirements for this final paper. NO SCOPE REDUCTION! Understand this clearly! Side note, teams typically get the higher grade! Why? Because many eyes on a project helps to identify errors. When you rely solely on yourself to complete project, that sometimes works our very well (you can depend on you) and it sometimes does not.

Question # 7 – I already have a web site for a business I am in – can I just use that? 

No, sorry! It has to be new and created only for this course. It is great that you are already established in a business! But think about what you might want to do in addition to the business? Perhaps you would save animals that were abandoned after a crisis like a hurricane or just simply in your community. Maybe you would start a non-profit for something. Make your web site for that.

MKT345 Group Project

This is a group (team) project, where the class will be divided by the instructor in teams consisting between two and four students. Remember, all team members should contribute equally to the team project – if you had a member that did not contribute DO NOT PUT THEIR NAME ON THE COVER PAGE – they will earn zero points for the Week One and Final Paper. You must be able to prove to your instructor via emails that YOU as a team member contributed work to this effort. If you cannot and there is a dispute…your team members say you did not contribute anything that was worthy for the final paper and you say that you did…you will have to prove it…so DOCUMENT everything!

Choose a REAL existing physical consumer product that you can create a social media plan for. Like the Tesla Model S Model car OR Casper Mattresses.

In Week One submit a proposal. Include a cover page with ALL GROUP member names on it AND each group must submit the SAME document to demonstrate that you are working together. You earn zero points if your document is different. Choose a consumer product / brand that you plan to focus on this semester. The subject headers within the paper should be:


Team Members

Consumer Product / Brand Chosen & Why

Current Social Media Environment


ALL STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT THIS PROPOSAL TO EARN CREDIT FOR IT and ALL TEAM MEMBERS must submit the SAME document for credit. Use the template provided under Doc Sharing. The paper must be submitted to the classroom.




Substance of Proposal – consumer product chosen. All subject headers included. Minimum 350-words. Appendix with web site visual is worth 10 points. Do not include questions written out.
Follow Written Assignment Requirements rules.


One AUTHORED REFERENCE listed in reference page and cited in APA format




APA formatted paper with cover page and reference page, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″ margins, double-spacing, etc. and followed criteria provided for Written Assignments


Total Points Earned


This is worth 10% of your grade – so spend some time in this with your group members.

Once approved, start working on your Week Seven Group Paper!

Do not write as a group or an individual person. This is an academic paper with facts reported only. If there is only ONE person left on the team in Week Seven, then that person is STILL responsible for submitting the final GROUP paper!

Again, (I know I am repeating myself) – you earn ZERO points if you do not submit this assignment in Week One – you personally! Do not think because another team member submitted the group paper you are covered! Consider this an INDIVIDUAL group paper – focus on your contribution and submissions INDIVIDUALLY…Get it? If not call me.

By FRIDAY, the team leader only must email instructor notifying me of who will be the LEAD for your team and key person to communicate with. If you have not heard from a team member by FRIDAY, the leader must also communicate with the instructor the specific name(s) of those that have not engaged.

Do not put the name of any student that did not participate on your cover page in Week One!

Assignment Due Date: This assignment must be submitted by one person from each group to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM of EST/EDT of Module 7. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)

Not all students will receive the same grade for the final paper. It is based on their group engagement / contribution.

If someone on the team decides to submit their paper on their own, notify the instructor. You still must submit everything required by the group – no reduction in the scope of the assignment .


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)

Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.

Please check out
for a proper format in APA.

Part of your paper’s grade is always about the attribution of sources:

APA helps in attribution of sources in academic work. Similarly, since your paper is an academic exercise, the expectation is that you cite and recap references in the paper itself. It is important to recap the references cited in the paper in the reference page. As you know, in an academic paper, your ‘Reference’ page is a recap of all sources cited in the paper. It tells the reader that the following sources are attributed somewhere in the paper. A reference does not count if it is cited (but not recapped) or recapped, but not cited in the paper. Both steps must appear. In other words…It is important that all references cited match 100% the reference RECAPPED at the bottom of the posting or it is considered a serious academic error.

For final paper – not all students earn the same group grade. It is based on your contribution & submissions (Week Six and Week Seven).


Points Possible:

Total Points:

A ten page minimum paper delivered using the template provided (% deducted for each page short). Group # on front page with full names of all participating members – minus 5 points if missing. Visuals including web site visuals should go in an Appendix. TEMPLATE MUST BE USED exactly as provided.

Content – from Introduction to Conclusion must be ten full pages minimum (it is fine to go over) follow


noted later in the syllabus. This includes: Organizations Goals & Business Model – A detailed description of the organization’s goal and current business model. Identify the key target audience/customers for the company’s key brand. Since the company is likely to have many products in several markets, select one of the most important brands for this company. For example, if you have selected the Coca Cola Corporation, then either regular Coke or Diet Coke would be the most appropriate brand to select. Identify a specific demographic cohort like Millennials, Gen Xers, Baby Boomers, or other. Everyone is NOT a target market! Identify the organization’s main competitors for the selected brand.

Use table format and review the 4Ps and Social Media for TWO competitors against your brand. Table must be SINGLE spaced – minus 5 points if not.

Identify and evaluate the company’s online marketing activities with regard to the selected brand. You should describe and evaluate all social media activities, including videos, blogs, twitter messages, Instagram, gamification activities, and any other social media tool that the company is using to promote the brand. You also need to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s overall corporate web site as well as the company’s specific website(s) for the selected brand. Presumably, the company must attempt to improve the brand’s competitive advantage(s) over the competition, while reducing the perceptions of any advantages that the key competitors have over it. You need to assess to what degree the online marketing activities are appropriate in achieving these goals. Put visuals in the APPENDIX if you include them.

Provide recommendations on how the above activities can be improved. Even if some of them are very successful, you are expected to find ways to make them even better. This is where you will show your creativity in applying the key concepts. Among your recommendations (but not limited to these) you should propose improvements: a. to the web sites, b. write a sample blog that will generate interest and engagement with the brand, c. write a twitter message for the brand (it should generate a lot of retweets) d. describe the content of a YouTube video about the brand that should go viral



References – TEN (10) AUTHORED outside references minimum. The sources MUST be cited in the paper to count & if you use an online source, the reference will be verified and thus no points if the link is not accurate. An authored source is one where the person’s name is associated with the work. It is absolutely okay to use web sites for the brand or sites like the United States Census Bureau – but you still must have at least TEN authored sources – your textbook may be one of those sources. If there are sources listed in the reference page and NOT cited in the paper – minus 20 points…make sure that the reference page and citations match EXACTLY. If you present a fact, you must cite the source where that fact came from.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference. An authored source has a first and last name.


APA Format used


Writing Style follows all components of WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS – in syllabus & classroom announcements. Grammar and Spelling count. Do not use “I” statements in this final group project – minus 10 points if used. No visuals allowed in paper – put in Appendix if needed.


Each Team Member must SEND EMAIL to instructor in WEEK SIX with their contribution of the paper. If they miss this deadline – minus 20 points on final paper grade for their final team grade alone (this will NOT impact the final grade for the paper for the team – just for that individual). This is done as proof to instructor of their engagement and team participation in the group paper. 20 points earned IF you submit three original pages and two authored references – reduced from there if you do not!


If not submitted on Sunday of Week Seven in classroom – each person MUST submit. Penalty given to grade during Week Eight once you do submit!




The group project is worth 35% of your grade. You are responsible for doing your share of the final team paper. If there are two people in a group – then you must prove to me that you completed 50% of the paper!

If you have any problems with a team member participating – do not wait until AFTER the project is over! Your complaints will be invalid. Call your instructor EARLY in the process so that your professor can put that person on notice that their name WILL NOT BE ON THE COVER PAGE and that they will receive they will receive zero points.

If only one student remains on the team in Week Seven – the entire paper is still due which meets all of the above requirements. In Week Seven each student on the GROUP PROJECT must submit the SAME final group paper. Only one group paper is graded and only those that submit that group paper are graded!

In Week Six you must send me via email THREE PAGES minimum and TWO authored outside references as proof of your engagement in the group process.


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)

Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Double-space. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.

Please check out
for a proper format in APA.

For best results, refer to the APA Manual – 6th Edition.

This is a stellar video on APA citations…

Whenever you use a source, you must have an in-text citation and a reference citation. They’re a matched pair–like shoes or gloves. What are the differences between an APA in-text citation and an APA reference citation? How do the two work together? See this video:
VIDEO on citations in APA =



I expect that ALL papers should adhere to APA compliance…and that includes the following:

· NO PDF FILES – all papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word


· Times New Roman 12 Font

· Double-Spacing

· One Inch Margins

· And more…using the 6th Edition as our guide.

· Your reference list and your citations must match exactly.

· Only work submitted in our classroom will count towards a grade – no emailing of papers – all must be submitted in the classroom!

In addition, I expect the following in your writing style this semester:

· Use subject headers for all papers – your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work!

· Two spaces after each period for ease of reading

· Use zero point line spacing with DOUBLE SPACING.

· All online sources MUST include the web link where the exact article can be found! NO HOME PAGES – minus points if this is not provided in the reference page.

· No extra blank lines between sections – deliver a tight paper.

· No contractions

· Indent the first sentence of a new paragraph five spaces.

· No visuals in the paper itself – include in the Appendix for Final Group Paper & exams

· No “I” statements – do not write in first person

· Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out

if used within the text of your paper

· Reference page must have a URL for all online sources. Zero points given for sources listed that do not have this.

· Do not use all caps (all capital letters)

· No numbered lists or bullet points allowed – write formally in full sentences and paragraphs

· Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions

· No abbreviations – if you are referring to the United States of America, write it out…do not write ‘US’ – this is not stellar academic writing.

· Use AUTHORED references for your work – No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference. An authored source has a first and last name.

· No Visuals allowed in exams or team paper (other than Appendix which is fine). They do not count towards your page count.

Thank you for your consideration to these important writing expectations this semester. 

Dr  McFaul

Team Assignments

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Brown, Vivian

Hockett, Katie

Sciotto, Victoria

Carlson, Bryan

Keys, Hunter

Uberbacher, Michelle

Davis, Lacianna

Santamaria, Manuel

Young, Sharon

Fustaino, Alyssa

The group formations will change from week one to week two potentially due to drops and adds

‘*’ Group Leader


As long as one member is on the team, the team stays in place. Therefore please understand from day one of this course that if only one person remains, that one person must submit the group assignment.


If you need help with putting your references in APA format on your reference page, please see this web site (select APA at the top of the web page)

Remember, APA requires that the second & subsequent lines of the references are indented five spaces and that your references are in alphabetical order. The first line must be aligned to the left 1” margin. First names are NEVER written out for the reference page per the APA Manual. Times New Roman 12 font must be used. Finally, remember that the reference page and citations must match exactly – it is considered a serious academic error if they do not.

Please check out
for a proper format in APA.

For the best work, always refer to the APA 6th Edition APA Manual.

Written Assignment Requirements this Semester:

1. 80/20 RULE: No more than 20% of your paper should be quotes or copy and pasted material from sources. More than 80% of your submission should be your original thoughts and evaluation.

2. DO NOT RE-USE INFORMATION from previous courses. Everything for this course must be written for this course only. No recycling topics previously written about – period.

3. Only items you quote/cite within your paper should appear in your references – I perform a check on this each week. There should be a 100% match between citations and reference page. If there is not, this is considered a SERIOUS academic error.

Reminder…per ANNOUNCEMENT in classroom:

I expect that ALL papers should adhere to APA compliance…and that includes the following:

· NO PDF FILES – all papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word

· Times New Roman 12 Font
· Double-Spacing

· Avoid using “I” statements, APA does not allow first person writing.

· One Inch Margins
· And more…using the 6th Edition as our guide.

· Your reference list and your citations must match exactly – in other words, do not list your reference as Forbes magazine and then put the author in the citation credit (McFaul, 2011) – put the author’s name first in the reference list too!  Match – match – match!  Otherwise, I might not be able to validate your reference / citation and you would lose getting credit for that source!

In addition, I expect the following in your writing style this semester:

· Use subject headers for all papers – your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work! Please do NOT write out questions

· No contractions & No abbreviations – if you are referring to the United States of America, write it out…do not write ‘US’ – this is not stellar academic writing.

· Line spacing is double with 0 point spacing.

· Only one citation credit allowed per sentence in this course.

· Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces.

· No extra blank lines inserted between sections – deliver a tight paper.

· No bullet points, alphanumeric lists, or numbered list – write formally in full sentences / paragraphs. 

· Numbers one through nine within your paper should be written out
· Cover page and reference page required for ALL paper submissions

· Never use all capital letters

· Use authored references for your research to earn full points. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source.

· Always include the full URL as to where you found your research online articles – never just the home page

· Avoid wikis, blogs, tweets, videos, dictionaries, and encyclopedias as outside references – use Masters-level sources like the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of International Business – No wikis, prezis, slideshares, dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, interviews, & podcasts allowed as references – only scholarly written sources from well-respected sources.

Dr. McFaul


My clear expectation to each and every one of you is that you must deliver a portion equal to three pages or more (whatever is needed to meet the page count) of the final paper AND you must prove to me that you have done so! By the end of week six, I want you to send me your contribution VIA email. This is done individually. Then your group will have Week Seven to edit and prepare your final paper.

Let us be clear – by the end of Week Six EMAIL me YOUR INDIVIDUAL contribution to the group. The benefit for you is that I will correct any APA, spelling, or other errors that you might have to help you achieve a good final group grade!

Again, send me 3 to 3.5 pages of the final paper and you must submit at least two authored sources. Divide the paper up and build in redundancy of assigning sections so that you are ensured that all sections will be completed. If you get down to two members (which some groups may) you are then expected to deliver five pages each.

Your final grade will be based on your contributions. Not all group members will get the same grade if it is obvious that they did not take this assignment seriously and contribute MORE than their share. This is not a group project that you can rely on others to do YOUR work!

Remember, I am here to help if you have any questions or need help generally with the assignment – I want to see you succeed!

Dr. McFaul

Week One Email

Welcome to our course! As you know, there is a LOT to do this first week! Make sure to read all announcements in this classroom and to check your Saint Leo University emails often.

There are two papers delivered this week and one of them is a GROUP project paper. This communication is about that alone. As you know your groups were included in the last few pages within your syllabus AND posted as an announcement.

This first week only, you may decide to write your own final marketing plan and NOT work within a group. YOU MUST NOTIFY me by FRIDAY this week! It is not fair to your team mates OR to you to wait longer than that! I have been teaching this course, designed by the Lead Faculty of Marketing at Saint Leo University, for over ten years! Last year, for the first time, I have allowed students to opt-out working as part of a group and I allowed them to work individually. Please note that this means you deliver the entire paper as assigned. You cannot say ‘that is not fair!’ – you are the one that made the decision to work alone. And frankly, the students that have decided to do complete the group paper by themselves, often times do better than the group papers, because often time they are high achievers that have a very busy schedule.

By now you have posted your introduction and contact information in the group area within our classroom. By Friday decide who the group leader is and that person should email me to let me know.

Any questions, just text, email or phone me at 248-504-0561!

Dr. McFaul


Saint Leo University


Social Media Marketing

Fall l


August 2

October 11
, 2020


Dr. Janis McFaul





TEXT ONLY at 248



Office Hours

from 10:00 a.m.

4:00 p.m. EST


Course Description:

This course covers the key techniques and methods on how to manage
marketing operations online. It focuses on presenting cutting

strategies that generate value by applying and adjusting
marketing techniques in the online environment and utilizing social media.
The purpose of the course is to prepare the students to expand a
company’s marketing activities online and to coordinate bot
h traditional and
social media marketing strategies in a way that maximizes a company’s

term competitive advantage.

Course designed by Dr. Baglione, Stephen


MKT 301

COM 140


Barker, A., Barker, D., Bormann, N., Zahay
, D., & Roberts, M. (2017).
Social media marketing: A strategic approach (2nd ed.) Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 978





Cite as (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).


Learning Outcomes:


Saint Leo University
MKT 345
Social Media Marketing
Fall l 2020
August 24 – October 11, 2020

Instructor: Dr. Janis McFaul
Phone: 352-596-2088 TEXT ONLY at 248-504-0561
Office Hours: Daily from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST

Course Description:
This course covers the key techniques and methods on how to manage
marketing operations online. It focuses on presenting cutting-edge
business strategies that generate value by applying and adjusting
marketing techniques in the online environment and utilizing social media.
The purpose of the course is to prepare the students to expand a
company’s marketing activities online and to coordinate both traditional and
social media marketing strategies in a way that maximizes a company’s
long-term competitive advantage.
Course designed by Dr. Baglione, Stephen
MKT 301 and COM 140
Barker, A., Barker, D., Bormann, N., Zahay, D., & Roberts, M. (2017).
Social media marketing: A strategic approach (2nd ed.) Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 978-1-305-50275-8
Cite as (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).


Learning Outcomes:




Kiana Soto

1. What in particular about Home Depot’s business made this how-to series of videos so successful? What other industries might be able to use a similar strategy?

            Home Depot’s videos were successful because they took the time to understand their target audience and their needs and provided interactions with them. Home Depot saved customer’s time and energy showing them the best way to reach a large audience and build awareness their brand as a friendly family store, showcasing products that could be purchase at the store. This type of personal interaction made them more trustworthy, allowing them to have quality reviews and followers on their content. This is one of the best tactics to engage the customers, “videos are particularly good for storytelling that is enjoyable to most viewers and more appealing than dry text or listening to a podcast” (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).

            Almost any company that has the base projects of do it yourself (DIY) or how-to have the potential to gain from this. Craft stores, such as Michaels and Joann are good examples of this strategy. People love to decorate and craft their homes, and many enjoy the simple instructions to do it. An example, Joann has a YouTube channel called “Learn with JOANN” on how-to create different home decors or even clothing pieces to wear.

2. What advantages did Home Depot gain from having in-store representatives featured in the videos? Name at least two advantages and explain why they are important.

            Having an instore representative made the video authentic and made Home Depot become more reliable. It made the videos very personable, and “while it’s possible for videos to be triggered by inspirations in-store, partners are using them more for awareness and motivation to visit the products in-store” (Kaplan, 2016). If they see this representative in the video’s on how they are personable and helpful, this will make customers more willing to be open for assistance when they are in-store. It sets a tone for the brand and the environment they cultivated in their store. Home depot thought outside the box when developing this how-to video and becoming a family-oriented store and the videos made that possible. Using their own representative gave it that personal tough that is needed to sell it even further, which will be utilized continuously throughout the years. 

Chad Davis

1. What in particular about Home Depot’s business made this how-to series of videos so successful? What other industries might be able to use a similar strategy?

Home Depot making the how-to videos was one of the most important things that they did when establishing a presence on different social media sites. They were already holding different how-to seminars in certain locations so the videos made the content more easy for the consumer to see. (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).  The other reason that this was good is because a person could now go on the Home depot website, look up the product they were trying to purchase for install, and then click and watch a 5-10 min video on how to do everything. It was really the one stop shop for the DIY person. Some other industries that could benefit from this is the food industry. Hello fresh is already doing something similar with their per-packaged ingredients and the recipe card but if they had how-to videos on how to do things from scratch, it could really be lucrative for them.

2. What advantages did Home Depot gain from having in-store representatives featured in the videos? Name at least two advantages, and explain why they are important.

Home Depot did the right thing by using in-store employees for their featured videos. One of the most important reasons that it was good to have in-store reps is because the consumer will now be putting a face and name to a real life employee in their own perspective stores. Which is reason number two for videos when it comes to sales; it establishes trust. (O’Neill, 2020) When you showcase in a video that you know how to do something or know what you are talking about then the consumer will begin to trust you more as a salesperson now. (O’Neill, 2020)

Running head:



Kiana Soto






























































































































































































































































Kiana Soto

1. What in particular about Home Depot’s business made this how-to
series of videos so successful? What other industries might be able to use
a similar strategy?
Home Depot’s videos were successful because they took the time to
understand their target audience and their needs and provided interactions
with them. Home Depot saved customer’s time and energy showing them the
best way to reach a large audience and build awareness their brand as a
friendly family store, showcasing products that could be purchase at the store.
This type of personal interaction made them more trustworthy, allowing them
to have quality reviews and followers on their content. This is one of the best
tactics to engage the customers, “videos are particularly good for storytelling
that is enjoyable to most viewers and more appealing than dry text or listening
to a podcast” (Barker, Barker, Bormann, Zahay, & Roberts, 2017).
Almost any company that has the base projects of do it yourself (DIY)
or how-to have the potential to gain from this. Craft stores, such as Michaels
and Joann are good examples of this strategy. People love to decorate and
craft their homes, and many enjoy the simple instructions to do it. An
example, Joann has a YouTube channel called “Learn with JOANN” on how-
to create different home decors or even clothing pieces to wear.
2. What advantages did Home Depot gain from having in-store
representatives featured in the videos? Name at least two advantages and
explain why they are important.

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