MKT 301- SEG.


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Your marketing plan assignment this week is create a segmentation analysis for your product or service. For this component you will be required to identify and define the market segments you will target in your plan. It is vital to your success in this assignment that you completed Module Four, including all the activities and the Elder Care Scenario. You may find it helpful to review that material before you begin this assignment. You’ll find the details of the assignment and an example created by past students here. 


Saint Leo University

MKT 301
Principles of Marketing Syllabus

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Course Description:
An introductory course focusing on the marketing of goods, services and ideas incorporating
strategic and tactical planning, pricing, integrated communications, product management and
supply chain. Special emphasis is placed on applying marketing concepts and principles to real
world, executable activities.

English 122
Math 140

This course has no required text. However, you are required to read all the materials posted for
the course and your instructor may require additional readings.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the scope of marketing, the process it entails, and the application of specific
terms used in the marketing discipline.

2. Discuss and apply the major concepts of marketing including pricing, promotion, product
choices and position the product within the marketing environment, distribution function
and related issues.

3. Describe the global marketing arena and the effect of cultural diversity on the marketing

4. Explain how marketing can help corporations practice social responsibility; promote
social causes and sustainable development.

5. VALUES OUTCOME: Discuss, integrate, and explain the relevance of Excellence in the
context of the course.

Core Value:
Excellence: Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and
collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and
assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our
University depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals.

Weekly Discussions 12%
Marketing Plan 40%
Plan Presentation 10%
Pricing Quiz 11%
Quizzes (3) 9%
Final Exam 18%

Students will participate in a weekly threaded discussion with feedback on their initial post from
IOR. Topics will be determined on a weekly basis and relevant to the material scheduled.
Students will be required to respond to no less than two classmates.


Participation: Students will come prepared to take an active role in classroom discussions,
initiate and answer questions and contribute to in-class exercises and activities.

This is the primary project and assessment for the course. The project follows the course week-
wise content and includes no less than four components (Product, SWOT, Segmentation, IMC).
Students will be provided with a supplemental guide for the project, which includes component
specific instructions and examples.

Students will deliver their completed plan to the class and instructor in an oral presentation
using PowerPoint. In the case of online classes the oral component will employ embedded
narration in PowerPoint or similar technology as is available and approved.

In module 6, you will take a pricing quiz. Objective quiz addressing pricing tactics, elasticity
and breakeven will be covered.

Additionally, you will have four quizzes throughout the semester. Each quiz will address
approximately two weeks of course content in a multiple choice format. Quizzes are
standardized across all modalities and drawn from a question pool. The final exam will consist
of a mix of short essay and multiple choice questions.

Assessment of the Learning Outcomes:


Assessment Method

1 Weekly Discussion, Marketing Plan, Plan Presentation, Quiz,
Final Exam

2 Weekly Discussion, Marketing Plan, Plan Presentation, Quiz,
Final Exam

3 Weekly Discussion, Quiz, Final Exam

4 Weekly Discussion, Quiz, Final Exam

5 Weekly Discussion, Marketing Plan, Plan Presentation, Quiz,
Final Exam


Course Schedule:

Module 1 Marketing Basics

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Students will be able to identify elements of the marketing mix.
 Link mix elements to specific marketing activities.
 Students can describe the concept of cause marketing.
 Apply the concept of cause marketing to the marketing mix.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Post an introduction to the class Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 2 The Marketing Environment

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Students can identify and describe the major elements of the
marketing environment.

 Apply the correct environmental element to a given current event or
business case.

 Students will be able to describe the SMART model for objectives.
Students will be able to use the SMART Model to develop objectives.

 Students can apply the concepts of corporate social responsibility to
firms and their marketing strategies and tactics.

 Students will be able to relate CSR and marketing ethics to Saint Leo
Core Values


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Quiz 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 3 Research

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Describe the marketing research process to include research
questions, primary and secondary data and sampling and apply the
process to a given product.

 Describe key elements in product development including product
lifecycle and be able to place a give product on the lifecycle curve.

 Describe the concept of a SWOT analysis and be able to develop a
SWOT for a given product or firm.


 Discuss the key elements of big data including collection methods,
applications and ethical considerations.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan: Product Description Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 4 Segmentation and Globalization

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Describe the process of market segmentation to include the four key
methods of segmenting a market and be able to segment a market for
a given product.

 Identify the major distinctions between B2B and B2C markets and be
able to develop a B2B marketing activity.

 Identify the key elements in global marketing to include culture,
standardization/customization, ethical considerations and market
entry and apply each to a given product.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan: SWOT Analysis Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Quiz 2 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Course Schedule:

Module 5 Branding

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Describe the concept of a brand, distinguish between identity and
image and develop a marketing activity that supports the desired

 Identify the four major influences on the consumer buying process
and apply those to a given product.

 Describe the concept of a supply chain and be able to apply the
upstream and downstream participants to a specific product category.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan: Segmentation Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT


Course Schedule:

Module 6 Pricing

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Identify the major forms of pricing and be able to select the correct
tactic for a given product.

 Describe the concept of elasticity, why it is important to marketers and
be able to calculate the coefficient.

 Calculate the breakeven point for a product and discuss how BE
impacts marketing decisions.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Pricing Quiz Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 7 IMC

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Identify and define the major parts of the IMC mix. Correlate a given
activity to the correct part of the mix.

 Be able to develop an IMC activity appropriate for a specific product
or company.

 Discuss the current issues in social media to include earned vs. paid
media, data collection, promotional value and ethical/legal
considerations. Apply the appropriate SM channel and content to a
given product and/or segment.


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:
Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan: IMC Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete Quiz 3 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 8 Course Review

Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to:

 Summarize the major topics discussed in the course and be able to
demonstrate a proficiency in each in the context of an exam.



Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Post an initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan Presentation Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit the Marketing Plan Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the Final Quiz Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Module 5: Segmentation

We will spend a week in class discussing segmentation. For this component you will be required to identify and define the market segments you will target in your plan. It is vital to your success in this assignment that you complete Module Four, including all the activities and the Elder Care Scenario.

You must have a minimum of TWO segments for your project.

Your analysis should include:

1. A narrative description of each of the segments. You are required to give each a name.

For example, if I were segmenting older consumers for a pet product I might have “Empty Nesters” or “Little Old Lady Cat Lovers”. This narrative is usually a one paragraph summary of the segment’s profile.

2. How you are segmenting the groups (demographics, psychographic, geographic or other criteria) including the characteristics of your target segments. Be VERY specific and use no less than four demographic and four psychographic variables for each of your segments.

You may use any combination of text, charts and graphs you wish to accomplish parts 1 and 2. However, be sure that it is clear what, and who, comprise your segments.

NOTE: Segmentation is discussed extensively in Module 4. Do NOT attempt this assignment until you have completed all of Module 4.

Segmentation example

NOTE: This example is written for a product called It is an online vacation planner for consumers taking their vacations at home. This is a common phenomenon in the current economy.

You are required to have TWO segments. This example has four. The chart is only an example – you may set yours up differently.

Childless Couples (Young Adventurers)

The Young Adventurers group is comprised of young adult couples who are mostly just starting out on their own. Young couples are typically known to have financial hardships (even without children) for various reasons. These reasons might include young people being typically employed in entry-level positions with corresponding salaries. On top of this, some may have bills and debt from various sources such as vehicles and student loans. They may neither possess the finances nor the large amounts of vacation time from their jobs to take a conventional vacation. MKT301 2020 16 Marketing Plan Guide

Demographics for Young Adventurers Age:


Relationship status:

Living together or newlyweds

Professional Status:

Entry-level professional work



Income Level: Education:

Entry to mid-level income

College or advanced technical/trade school

Module 5: Segmentation

We will spend a week in class discussing segmentation. For this component you will be
required to
identify and define the market segments you will target in your plan. It is vital to your success in this
assignment that you complete Module Four, including all the activities and the Elder Care Scenario.

You must have a minimum of TWO segmen
ts for your project.

Your analysis should include:

1. A narrative description of each of the segments. You are required to give each a name.

For example, if I were segmenting older consumers for a pet product I might have “Empty Nesters” or
“Little Old

Lady Cat Lovers”. This narrative is usually a one paragraph summary of the segment’s

2. How you are segmenting the groups (demographics, psychographic, geographic or other criteria)
including the characteristics of your target segments. Be VERY
specific and use no less than four
demographic and four psychographic variables for each of your segments.

You may use any combination of text, charts and graphs you wish to accomplish parts 1 and 2.
However, be sure that it is clear what, and who, compr
ise your segments.

NOTE: Segmentation is discussed extensively in Module 4. Do NOT attempt this assignment until
you have completed all of Module 4.

Segmentation example

NOTE: This example is written for a product called It is an online
planner for consumers taking their vacations at home. This is a common phenomenon in the
current economy.

You are required to have TWO segments. This example has four. The chart is only an example

you may set yours up differently.

Childless Co
uples (Young Adventurers)

The Young Adventurers group is comprised of young adult couples who are mostly just starting out
on their own. Young couples are typically known to have financial hardships (even without children)
for various reasons. These reaso
ns might include young people being typically employed in entry

level positions with corresponding salaries. On top of this, some may have bills and debt from various
sources such as vehicles and student loans. They may neither possess the finances nor the

amounts of vacation time from their jobs to take a conventional vacation. MKT301 2020 16
Marketing Plan Guide

Module 5: Segmentation
We will spend a week in class discussing segmentation. For this component you will be required to
identify and define the market segments you will target in your plan. It is vital to your success in this
assignment that you complete Module Four, including all the activities and the Elder Care Scenario.
You must have a minimum of TWO segments for your project.
Your analysis should include:
1. A narrative description of each of the segments. You are required to give each a name.

For example, if I were segmenting older consumers for a pet product I might have “Empty Nesters” or
“Little Old Lady Cat Lovers”. This narrative is usually a one paragraph summary of the segment’s
2. How you are segmenting the groups (demographics, psychographic, geographic or other criteria)
including the characteristics of your target segments. Be VERY specific and use no less than four
demographic and four psychographic variables for each of your segments.

You may use any combination of text, charts and graphs you wish to accomplish parts 1 and 2.
However, be sure that it is clear what, and who, comprise your segments.
NOTE: Segmentation is discussed extensively in Module 4. Do NOT attempt this assignment until
you have completed all of Module 4.
Segmentation example
NOTE: This example is written for a product called It is an online vacation
planner for consumers taking their vacations at home. This is a common phenomenon in the
current economy.
You are required to have TWO segments. This example has four. The chart is only an example
– you may set yours up differently.
Childless Couples (Young Adventurers)
The Young Adventurers group is comprised of young adult couples who are mostly just starting out
on their own. Young couples are typically known to have financial hardships (even without children)
for various reasons. These reasons might include young people being typically employed in entry-
level positions with corresponding salaries. On top of this, some may have bills and debt from various
sources such as vehicles and student loans. They may neither possess the finances nor the large
amounts of vacation time from their jobs to take a conventional vacation. MKT301 2020 16
Marketing Plan Guide

HowTo Get An A On Your Marketing Plan

Your major project, and 40% of your grade, for this class is to create a marketing plan. Here are

some keys to success.

1. In M1: Select your product from the PowerPoint. You have several options but you MUST

select from this list. We tried to include something for most interests so pick the one that best

aligns with your professional or personal interests.

2. Submit each of the components according to this schedule:

M3: Product description, which includes SMART objectives and a feature/benefit chart


M5: Segmentation

M6: Supply Chain

M7: IMC with examples

M8: Presentation (a narrated PowerPoint)

3. Review the related content in the module. You will have a hard time being successful without

this knowledge.

4. For each component you will find very specific instructions and an example in the weekly

module in the Marketing Plan Module on the home page. Follow these closely as they match the

grading criteria.

5. How you will receive feedback: READ THIS CAREFULLY

You will NOT be graded on each component however you will receive feedback from your

instructor. For each component you will receive a score (NOT a grade) of 1 to 10. This score

indicates what grade you would receive were this your final submission. You will also receive an

audio recorded evaluation of about one minute providing you some feedback on what you need

to do improve your component. This might be as simple as “be sure to review the instructions

and example”. It is your option to do nothing, in which case your grade will likely be the same as

the evaluation score (i.e. – a 7 will remain a 7). Alternatively, you may apply the feedback and

perhaps receive a better grade at the end of the class. This is not assured, but it does give you the

option to improve.

6. Your final submission will be in week 8 and will be submitted to Chalk and Wire. Just look

for this symbol in Module 8:

Your final submission MUST be in a single Word document – DO NOT submit individual

documents for each component.

Remember that you can use Ask My Professor if you have questions. Good Luck with the plan

and we hope you learn some cool marketing stuff.

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