Misleading Food Advertisement Presentation (14 slide PPT)

This assignment is a fact finding research on false and misleading food labeling and advertising. Many major companies, including food manufacturers and restaurants continue to confuse consumers about the health effects, ingredients, or “natural”-ness of their products.

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Your presentation will be judged on how well you succeed in producing a well thought out, clear research that shows you can interpret and intelligently discuss the issue and how well you can backup your findings with evidence.

Create a research presentation must include one of each the following categories:

Part One

  1. A Restaurant that promotes a healthy menu item
  2. An item that can be purchased in a grocery store claiming to be a healthy choice
  3. A television, magazine, or billboard advertisement claiming a healthy choice

Part Two

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Analyze and explain the associated health problems of the obesity epidemic.

Address the following:

  • Assess the various techniques for measuring body fat.
  • Describe the risks associated with excess body fat.
  • Discuss at least three factors that influence the obesity epidemic.
  • What are some health problems associated with obesity?
  • Explain at least three research supported strategies for weight management.
  • Describe the essential components of an exercise regiment to maintain healthy body weight.

Slides: Create a 14-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Prezi® presentation. Include a title slide, introduction, content, conclusion, and a references slide.

  • Include relevant images, graphs, charts and media clips. Avoid overemphasis on Clip Art.
  • Speaker notes in paragraph form that detail the implications of each slide are strongly encouraged, but not required.

Citations & References: a minimum of three references- the course text and two additional references. All presentations must have a reference slide adhering to APA format. Relevant images should be included and cited.

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