Management Information Systems

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This lab activity is designed for students to understand the basics of HTML and XML. By creating simple scripts for both language, students are expected to understand the claim that “XML is designed to describe data, while HTML is designed to display webpage”. Students are also expected to be able to edit simple HTML scripts.

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1. Create a simple HTML:

There are many software tools that can be used to create a HTML file. However, you can always use the most basic tool of “notepad” to type in and make minor changes of the scripts yourself in case the other software packages are not available. (fast!)

a. Go to “start” “programs” “accessories” “notepad”

b. Type in the first tag pair “

”[footnoteRef:1]. [1: If you have read the book page


35-236, you will know that all the HTML file contains content + a set of predefined tags. The tags are mainly used to control the display of content. Tags always appear in pairs, and the content it controls will be included in between. Therefore it is always a good habit to write the pair first before you forget one of them.]

c. Insert content between the “html” tags as follows:


Using MIS

d. Save your file, name it “lab.html”.

e. Find the file “lab.html” from Internet explorer and open it in Internet Explorer. Observe where the title is shown, and where the main body is shown.

f. Add more content below “Using MIS”, observe the change.

Example HTML Document

Click here for textbook website at Prentice-Hall: Web Site Link

g. Add more tags to control the display.

i. Add control tag

in front of “Using MIS”, don’t forget to add the close control

after “Using MIS”.

ii. Add control tag


for the second sentence

iii. Add hyperlink to the “Web Site Link”:

Web Site Link

h. View the result now. Add some other changes as you want.

i. Print the screen and paste the picture displaying your webpage to a word file.

2. Create a simple XML:

Here is a simple script for XML. Try to think the similarity and difference compare to HTML.




  Don’t forget me this weekend!

Below is some explanation of XML. Try to understand it and think of the benefits of such design.

What is XML?

· XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language

· XML is a markup language much like HTML

· XML was designed to describe data

· XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags

· XML uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema to describe the data

· XML with a DTD or XML Schema is designed to be self-descriptive

· XML is a W3C Recommendation

Now let’s translate to Database:

1. Copy the following code and save it in a file and name it “breakfast.xml”.

2. Open Microsoft Access and create a new database named “XMLLab.accdb”.

3. Go to “External Data” Tab and choose XML File, select the file “breakfast.xml” from the right directory. Observe the final table.

4. Copy the resulting table to the same word file you created in the first lab. Save and upload the file to the Moodle site for credit.

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two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup


Strawberry Belgian Waffles


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Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles


light Belgian waffles covered with an assortment of fresh berries and whipped cream


French Toast


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Homestyle Breakfast


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Management Information Systems

Assignment 6 for the “Cloud”



: Numerous Web sites are available that will test your Internet data communications speed. You can find one good example at


. (If that site is no longer active, Google “What is my Internet speed?” to find another speed-testing site. Use it.)

a) At home or to a public wireless site, and run the test again. Compute your average upload and download speeds. If you are performing this test at home, are you getting the performance you are paying for? You may try on your cellphone and move your cellphone closer to the wireless router or in the farthest corner. You can also try to disconnect WiFi on your phone and run the test. Below are Professor’s Tests.

b) Contact a friend or relative in another state. Ask him or her to run the test. Report the upload and download speeds.

c) Compare the results in parts a and b. What conclusion, if any, can you draw from these tests?

Problem 2: Lab Activity. See file “Assignment6-HTMLXML x”. Follow professor’s instruction to complete the activity and paste a screenshot of your web page and a screen shot for your data below.


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