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IHP 610 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Description: For your third milestone in your final project, you will develop an outline of the areas of analysis for your chosen issue. This will serve as a template
for Milestone Four, where you will provide your in-depth analysis of each component. Your outline for Milestone Three should include the following elements to
be analyzed in the next milestone:

A. Analyze the needs and interests of the key stakeholders you identified. Be sure to provide specific examples.
B. Apply current healthcare laws, policies, and financing practices to the issue. Be sure to highlight any potential financial ramifications associated with the

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C. Explain why stakeholder value conflicts may exist in this environment. Be sure to justify your reasoning.
D. Evaluate the legal risks and malpractice issues you identified in Milestone Two, being sure to analyze how conflicting values may impact potential legal


Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis outline should be no longer than 1 page in length. It should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-
spaced, with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA guidelines.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Analysis: Analyze Needs Outlines analysis of the needs
and interests of key

Does not include analysis of
the needs and interests of the
key stakeholders in the outline


Analysis: Apply Current

Outlines application of current
healthcare laws, policies, and
financing practices to the
issue. Addresses potential
financial ramifications

Does not include application of
current healthcare laws,
policies, and financing
practices in the outline


Analysis: Describe
Potential Conflicts

Outlines explanation of why
conflicts between the values of
impacted stakeholders may

Does not include explanation
of why conflicts between the
values of impacted
stakeholders may exist


Analysis: Evaluate Legal

Outlines evaluation of legal
risks and malpractice issues

Does not include evaluation of
any legal risks and malpractice
issues in the outline


Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format

Submission has some errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impact readability and
articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas


Total 100%

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