I have a chart that needs to be completed for my Africana Studies class. For the assignment we have to fill in the chart with example. I’ve attached 2 documents in the attachment. One is an example of what’s supposed to go in the chart. The other one is the blank chart that needs to be complete. Don’t get the example chart confused. The red words are guidelines. You do not fill the chart up with questions you fill them in with examples of the topic and theme from each document. DUE March 12th at 11:59 EST

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Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Mid-Term Exam Chart

Topic and Theme


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ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic: Coming to America

Theme: The commodification of human bodies

African American Origins

Olaudah Equiano

Thomas Phillips Excerpt

The African Slave Trade

Topic: An Unrevolutionary Revolution

Theme: The irony of American independence

Race in Colonial America

African Americans and the American Revolution

Freedom Petition of Felix

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic: Stirrings of Abolitionism

Theme: Becoming human/regaining of a Black self

David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

Creating an African American Culture

The Abolitionist Movement

William Lloyd Garrison

Topic: Sectionalism

Theme: Turning points

Enslavement and Western Expansion

Slavery and the Sectional Crisis

Topic: The Civil War

Theme: No turning back

African Americans and the Civil War

Thirty Years a Slave

Douglass- I Hope To Fall With My Face to the Foe

Missouri Black Soldier to His Daughters

Mother of a Northern Black Soldier

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Mid-Term Exam Chart

Topic and Theme


ONE Example of Topic Theme for EACH Document

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic: Coming to America

Theme: The commodification of human bodies

African American Origins

What is an example of how bodies were commodified in the “African American Origins” doc?

What is a modern example of how bodies have been commodified? Good examples could include the issues surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement and protests of the past year.

Olaudah Equiano

What is an example of how bodies were commodified in the “Olaudah Equiano” doc?

Thomas Phillips Excerpt

What is an example of how bodies were commodified in the “Thomas Phillips” doc?

The African Slave Trade

What is an example of how bodies were commodified in the “African Slave Trade” doc?

Topic: An Unrevolutionary Revolution

Theme: The irony of American independence

Race in Colonial America

African Americans and the American Revolution

Freedom Petition of Felix

Modern Example of This Theme

(Be Specific and Explain!)

Topic: Stirrings of Abolitionism

Theme: Becoming human/regaining of a Black self

David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

Creating an African American Culture

The Abolitionist Movement

William Lloyd Garrison

Topic: Sectionalism

Theme: Turning points

Enslavement and Western Expansion

Slavery and the Sectional Crisis

Topic: The Civil War

Theme: No turning back

African Americans and the Civil War

Thirty Years a Slave

Douglass- I Hope To Fall With My Face to the Foe

Missouri Black Soldier to His Daughters

Mother of a Northern Black Soldier

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