MHA5020 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION/ Environmental Care Management


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Week 2 addresses the importance of delivering and maintaining excellence in the environment of care management. There are several critical issues both internally and externally affecting the environment of care management. A central function of a healthcare organization is the health of its community. Week 2 will analyze how managed care has developed within a financial, political/regulatory and accountability environment to support evidence based culture.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  • Analyze how managed care has developed within a financial, political/regulatory and accountability environment.
  • Assess the future of healthcare as it is affected by the next stages of managed care.
  • Outline the key advantages and disadvantages of the various managed care reimbursement systems for healthcare providers.


Supporting Lecture

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Activities in (Environmental Care Management)


South University Online MHA 5020 Week 2 Lecture (2019). Activities in Environmental Care Management. Retrieved from

The key functional areas of activities in the environment of care management include all supplies and services required for medical care. The integration of facility support addresses functional needs based on forecasting requirements for service. The critical function areas include facility planning and operations, clinical engineering, maintenance services including environmental services, guest services and supply services.

Discussion Questions

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “

Doing Discussion Questions Right

,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum, and any specific instructions for this topic.

By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.


The environmental care management service plays a critical role in key functional areas of activities within a healthcare organization. The purpose of the environment care management system is to integrate facility operational support in critical functions which includes areas of facility planning and operations, clinical engineering, and maintenance services, including environmental services, guest services, and supply services.


· Discuss how the following environment of care management departments: maintenance, environmental services, plant operations, dietary and guest service play a critical role within a healthcare organization. Provide two examples of functions from each department.

· Provide a rationale of at least one example of support and one example of a challenge, each department faces in environment care management.

Provide a substantive (300–500 words) initial discussion posting addressing each of the components in the discussion question. Justify your answers with research, examples, and reasoning.

Before the end of the unit, begin commenting on at least two of your peers’ responses. At a minimum, your responses to other initial posts must be 100 to 200 words each. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area.


MHA5020-Healthcare Organizations Week 2 Lecture

Environmental Care Management

Image plays an important role in organizational sustainability. Customers are willing to drive to receive perceived quality care. However, quality in healthcare delivery is only part of the equation. Often the customer perceives quality health care as the time the providers spend with them addressing the issues, open communication, and comfort of the environment of care. In a health care market, the image of the organizational culture plays a critical role in gaining a market share competitive advantage over the competition. In the hospital setting, it is crucial for the healthcare organization’s ability to establish a cultural identification and excellence. An environment of care management and performance excellence shows the respect for humanity, which can lead to long term business growth and profitability. Health care organizations (HCO) must realize the importance of identifying processes and services within the organizational culture that enhance performance. The purpose of the environment care management system is to integrate facility operations to protect all members of the organization and visitors from physical hazards stemming for the healthcare environment. The healthcare industry is a service industry. The environmental care management service plays a critical role in maintaining a reliable, satisfactory level of attractiveness and convenience for organizational members and guests within fiscal stewardship. A healthcare organization that promotes excellence in environmental care management is quick to address critical issues in environment care management such as facility design, safety standards, emergency plans for adverse events, and cleanliness. The key functional areas of activities in the environment of care management include all supplies and services required for medical care. The integration of facility support addresses functional needs based on forecasting requirements for service. The critical function areas include facility planning and operations, clinical engineering, maintenance services including environmental services, guest services and supply services.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, read the following chapter:

· Environment of Care

From the South University Online Library, read the following articles:


Enhancing Service Quality in a Hospital Setting 


Patient-Centered Pay for Performance: Are We Missing the Target? 


Dispelling the Modern Myth 

Functions of Financial Management System

In the health care industry, strategic financial management may be customized to the health care organization to provide a vision, address issues of resource allocation, cost and quality, employee motivation and overall business and financial strategy. Without some type of organizing framework or theory, financial management becomes overwhelming.

The challenge financial management professional’s face is to add value to what they do by supporting the strategic initiatives of the organization. The financial management professional in today’s healthcare organizations have a significant role in the strategic planning process. Financial management strategic plans outline factors to support strategic partners by utilizing strategies, tactics, plans, and programs that are utilized to accomplish the goals of the organization.

To be successful, health care organizations must have an understanding of the internal and external environment in which they operate; they must anticipate and respond to the significant shifts taking place within the environment. Organizational structure in financial healthcare management may provide a strong accounting mechanism for delivery of quality care as well as ethical practice accounting to healthcare leaders.

The action of managing an organization through strategic financial management may provide business a sense or framework providing a process of change and coping between the changing external environments, and create focus driven consistent decision making.

The strategy of financial formulation involves making decisions using information gathered and classified from the interpretation of the situation. Implementation of a financial strategy helps support the development of organization and creates value for the organization. Key support areas include the organization’s culture, structure and strategic resources. The final stage, strategic control, helps monitor the organizations by establishing and evaluating standard, performance and financial health.

Additional Material

From your course textbook, The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, read the following chapter:

· Financial Management

Assessing the Internal Environment

Administrators face great uncertainty whether strategic plans are stable enough to predict the future or adaptation to key variables of industry outcomes will create a stable business environment.

Forecasting may help to identify the areas where the changes in the environment will continue beyond the present rate and help foretell the impact of those changes. Forecasting environmental changes may also function as an indicator of the interrelationship between the issues and environmental categories and development of alternative projections.

Executives may base their strategies on the analysis of uncertainty by utilizing analytical tools in an attempt to help identify and evaluate strategy options.

The strategies of internal consulting guides the most critical areas of operational support. These areas may include:

· Supporting the environment of an organization by forecasting changes and trends that may affect the internal operational capacity.

· Identifying community based epidemiology changes and trends.

· Developing and identifying the best practices and benchmarks for operational stability.

· Conducting the study of statistical control.

· Monitoring the legal, regulatory and ethical practice and constraints affecting the organization’s compliance policies.

· Supporting evidence-based medicine through process improvement projects and process modelling.

Operational functions on internal consulting in healthcare organizations along with corporate objectives allow the organization to specify targets such as changes and trends including population change, federal and state regulatory policy, healthcare insurance coverage changes, monitoring chronic disease prevention programs, identifying healthcare services utilization, market share growth, in addition to many components of culture competence.

A sustainable framework for an internal consulting system seeks to promote overall value while confronting challenges to create evidence-based practice and development of more effective, efficient and accountable health care delivery system.

Additional Material
From your course textbook, The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization, read the following chapter:

· Internal Consulting

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No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F
through D
Range) (1-34)
34 points

Satisfactory (C Range)
39 points

Proficient (B Range)
44 points

Exemplary (A

Range) (45-50)
50 points






/ 50Student did not


The information

provided is

inaccurate, not

focused on the


topic, and/or

does not answer

the question(s)

fully. Response



understanding of

the topic and/or



The information

provided is accurate,

giving a basic

understanding of the

topic(s) covered. A

basic understanding is

when you are able to

describe the terms

and concepts

covered. Despite this

basic understanding,

initial posting may not

include complete

development of all

aspects of the


The information
provided is accurate,

displaying a good

understanding of the
topic(s) covered. A

good understanding is

when you are able to

explain the terms and

topics covered. Initial

posting demonstrates

sincere reflection and

addresses most aspects

of the


although all concepts

may not be fully


The information
provided is

accurate, providing

an in-depth, well


understanding of

the topic(s)

covered. An in-



provides an

analysis of the


synthesizing what

is learned from the



No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F
through D
Range) (1-13)
13 points

Satisfactory (C

Range) (14-15)
15 points

Proficient (B

Range) (16-17)
17 points

Exemplary (A Range)
20 points





/ 20No responses to
other classmates

in this discussion


May include one

or more of the



Comments to

only one other

student’s post.


Comments are

Comments to two

or more

classmates’ initial

posts but only on

one day of the

week. Comments



Comments to

two or more

classmates’ initial

posts on more

than one day.

Comments are

Comments to two or

more classmates’ initial

posts and to the

instructor’s comment (if

applicable) on two or

more days. Responses

demonstrate an analysis

11/2/2020 Rubric Assessment – MHA5020-Healthcare Organizations and Administration SU01 – South University… 2/3

not substantive,

such as just one

line or saying,

“Good job” or “I


*Comments are

off topic.

meaning they

reflect and

expand on what

the other student


meaning they
reflect and
expand on what

the other

student wrote.

of peers’ comments,

building on previous

posts. Comments extend

and deepen meaningful

conversation and may

include a follow-up


No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F
through D
6 points

Satisfactory (C Range)
7 points

Proficient (B
8 points

Exemplary (A
10 points






APA) and



/ 10No postings for
which to


language and


Numerous issues

in any of the




spelling, use of

slang, and

incomplete or

missing APA

citations and

references. If


for the

assignment, did

not use course,

text, and/or

outside readings

(where relevant)

to support work.

Some spelling,

grammatical, and/or

structural errors. Some

errors in APA

formatting (citations


references). If

required for the

assignment, utilizes

sources to support

work for initial post but

not comments to other

students. Sources

include course/text

readings but outside


(when relevant)

include non-


such as Wikis and .com


Minor errors in


mechanics, or

spelling in the

initial posting.

Minor errors in

APA formatting

(citations and

references). If
required for the

utilizes sources to

support work for

both the initial

post and some of


comments to

other students.

Sources include

course and text

readings as well as

outside sources

(when relevant)

that are academic

and authoritative

(e.g., journal

articles, other text

Minor to no errors

in grammar,

mechanics, or

spelling in both

the initial post and

comments to

others. APA

formatting is

correct. If required

for the
utilizes sources to
support work for
both the initial

post and the

comments to
other students.
Sources include
course and text
readings as well as
outside sources
(when relevant)
that are academic
and authoritative
(e.g., journal
articles, other text

11/2/2020 Rubric Assessment – MHA5020-Healthcare Organizations and Administration SU01 – South University… 3/3

Total / 80

Overall Score


books, .gov web

sites, professional

organization web


books, .gov web
sites, professional
organization web
No Submission
0 points


Emerging (F through D

1 point minimum

Satisfactory (C

56 points minimum

Proficient (B

64 points minimum

Exemplary (A

72 points minimum

APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay

When you format a paper in APA style, there are some basic formatting rules. Each page should have 1-inch
margins all around and double-spaced lines.

APA allows for a number of different fonts, but we recommend
you use 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Title Page

Your APA-style title page will include:
• A page number
• The title of your paper
• Your Name
• Your institution (university)
• The course title
• The instructor’s name
• The assignment date


Title of Paper

John Q. Student

University Name



Assignment Date
Top, bottom, and side

margins throughout the
paper should be 1 inch

You should also include
the course title,
assignment date, and
instructor’s name

APA guidelines include
the title of the paper, the
author’s name, and
institutional affiliation.

• Center the text in the
upper half of the

• Use 12-point Times
New Roman font

Double space
Do not use bold,
underline, or italics

• Include your middle

Page numbers for the paper
begin in the header on the title
page and appear in the upper-
right corner


The Body of Your Paper

There are several things to remember when you are formatting the main body of your paper:

• 1-inch margins all around
• 12-point Times New Roman font in double-spaced lines
• The page number
• Your full title centered on the first line in title case
• Indent the first line of each paragraph
• Include in-text citations for quoted, paraphrased, or

summarized material from others


Full Title of Essay

Start your first paragraph here. This is the introduction paragraph. Here you want

to introduce your topic and grab the reader’s attention. Your introduction paragraph

should be 4–6 sentences long and will include your thesis statement. Remember, the

thesis statement states the main focus or main idea of the entire essay and is normally the

last sentence in the introduction; however, more importantly, it should be obvious what

your thesis statement is.

Begin the second paragraph here. This is your first body paragraph. Paragraphs

should be between 5–12 sentences. Your body paragraphs should begin with the

paragraph’s topic, which is the topic sentence. This topic sentence explains the main

focus of this paragraph, and should clearly relate to your thesis statement. Next, you will

include supporting details. If you are using outside sources (research) to lend credibility

to your details, this is where you should include them; most importantly, this is also

where you use in-text citations to cite other people’s ideas from your sources (Author,

date). Finally, the last sentence of a body paragraph concludes the paragraph and refers

back to the paragraph’s main


Page numbering that began
on your title page

Full title centered and in title case First line indented

The References Page

Like the other pages in your paper, the References page will include basic APA-style page formatting. Guidelines
specific to the References page include:

• The word “References” should be centered on the first line
• Alphabetize the entire list using the authors’ last names
• If you are using multiple works by the same author, list the entries in chronological order, beginning with the

earliest work
• Each source you cite in a paper must correspond to a related reference on your References page
• Each reference on your References page must be cited somewhere in your paper
• References that stretch to two lines require a hanging indent



Berrett, D. (2014). Dissecting the classroom. The Chronicle of Higher



Doe, J. (2014). Citing sources: Finding a way to cut through the confusion. The

Journal of Exceptional Instruction, 8(4), 78.

Heath, J. (2007). An adversarial ethic for business: Or when Sun-Tzu met the

stakeholder. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(4), 359–374. https:// s10551-006-9175-


Top, bottom, and side margins
throughout the paper should be 1 inch

Page numbering that began
on your title page

“References” should be centered
on the first line

Sources appear in
alphabetical order based
on the author’s last name

indent for
one line

Updated 8/13/20 by J.G.G

APA 7 Citations Quick Sheet

• Beginning on a new page, the heading References is centered, capitalized, and in bold
• List all references in alphabetical order by surname of the first author
• Double space all references and use ½” hanging indent

In-Text citations

1 author (Anderson, 2018)

2 authors (Walker & Bennett, 2019)

3 or more authors (Ahmann et al., 2018)

Group Author
First time with abbreviation:
(American Psychological Association [APA], 2017)
All subsequent citations: (APA, 2017)

Direct quote Include page number (Williams, 2020, p. 35)

Missing Information

No author Use the title of the work cited

No date Use n.d. (Gagnon, n.d.)


Journal article with a DOI

Halm, M. (2017). The role of mindfulness in enhancing self-care for nurses. American Journal of

Critical Care, 26(4), 344-348.

Journal article without a DOI, from academic databases or print version

Dintoe, S. S. (2018). Information and communication technology use in higher education:

Perspectives from faculty. International Journal of Education and Development Using

Information and Communication Technology, 14(2), 121–166.

Updated 8/13/20 by J.G.G


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, May 13). Symptoms of coronavirus.

Webpage with an individual author

Charland, A. M. (2016, November 30). Focus on progress, not perfection. Mayo Clinic.



Newspaper article

Pennington, B. (2020, February). The exacting education of a young star. New York Times, B8.


Almarode, J., & Vandas, K. (2019). Clarity for learning: Five essential practices that empower

students and teachers. Corwin.

South University power point slides

Stigler, C. (2016). Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances [PowerPoint slides]. Brightspace.


McCurry, S. (1995). Afghan girl [Photograph]. National Geographic.



Title of Paper

John Q. Student

South University

Course ID: Course Name

Instructor Name

Due Date


Full Title of Essay

Start your first paragraph here. The best way to use this template is to read through the

entire document first. Then, delete each section as you fill it in with your essay content. This

template is formatted to meet APA’s requirements, so when you delete the sections one at a time,

you will see that your work is formatted properly. This is the introduction paragraph. Here you

want to introduce your topic and grab the reader’s attention. Your introduction paragraph should

be 5-12 sentences long and will include your thesis statement. Remember, the thesis statement

states the main focus or main idea of the entire essay and is normally the last sentence in the

introduction; however, more importantly, it should be obvious what your thesis statement is.

Begin the second paragraph here. This is your first body paragraph. Paragraphs should be

between 5–12 sentences. Your body paragraphs should begin with the paragraph’s topic, which

is the topic sentence. This topic sentence explains the main focus of this paragraph, and should

clearly relate to your thesis statement. Next, you will include supporting details. If you are using

outside sources (research) to lend credibility to your details, this is where you should include

them; most importantly, this is also where you use in-text citations to cite other people’s ideas

from your sources (Author’s last name, year of publication, page numbers). Finally, the last

sentence of a body paragraph concludes the paragraph and refers back to the paragraph’s main


Begin the third paragraph here. This is your second body paragraph. Paragraphs should

be between 5–12 sentences. Your body paragraphs should begin with the paragraph’s topic,

which is the topic sentence. This topic sentence explains the main focus of this paragraph, and

should clearly relate to your thesis statement. Next, you will include supporting details. If you

are using outside sources (research) to lend credibility to your details, this is where you should


include them; most importantly, this is also where you use in-text citations to cite other people’s

ideas from your sources (Author’s last name, year of publication, page numbers). Finally, the last

sentence of a body paragraph concludes the paragraph and refers back to the paragraph’s main

Begin the fourth paragraph here. This is your third body paragraph. Paragraphs should be

between 5–12 sentences. Your body paragraphs should begin with the paragraph’s topic, which
is the topic sentence. This topic sentence explains the main focus of this paragraph, and should
clearly relate to your thesis statement. Next, you will include supporting details. If you are using
outside sources (research) to lend credibility to your details, this is where you should include
them; most importantly, this is also where you use in-text citations to cite other people’s ideas
from your sources (Author’s last name, year of publication, page numbers). Finally, the last
sentence of a body paragraph concludes the paragraph and refers back to the paragraph’s main

You may have more than three body paragraphs depending on the requirements of the

essay. This template is formatted for only five paragraphs, so if you add more just begin a new

paragraph and tap the TAB key to indent. The font and margins are already pre-set for you. The

final paragraph is the conclusion paragraph. This paragraph can be shorter than the others.

Remember to wrap-up the essay for the reader. The conclusion should not introduce any new

material. Finally, you will want to refer back to your thesis statement. (On the following

References page there are templates for several types of references: (1) article from an online

periodical with DOI assigned, (2) online newspaper article,(3) e-book without DOI assigned, and

(4) article or chapter in an e-book without DOI assigned. When you create your References page,

be sure to put the entries in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name.)



Lastname, A. A., & Lastname, B. B. (Year of Publication ). Title of article. Title of Periodical,

Volume(Issue), page numbers. DOI

Lastname, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Title of Publication. URL

Lastname, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle.



Lastname, A. A., & Lastname, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor, & F. F.

Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter).



APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

When you use the words or ideas of others, or state facts that are not common knowledge, you must
give credit to the source of the information in order to give your reader the means to examine the
information’s context. You do this by citing your sources and providing references so the reader can find
them. The purpose of this document is to provide you with basic guidelines and examples for citing a
wide variety of sources using APA style. This resource will help clarify the relationship between APA style
in-text citations and references while providing an assortment of examples from the types of resources
you are likely to encounter during your academic career. This by no means covers every situation and
nuance of preparing a manuscript but should provide essential basic information. The final authority for
APA style remains the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
Additional resources can be found at their website,

Understanding Citations and References
When using APA style, you attribute words or ideas to their original author in two steps.

1) The in-text citation appears in the body of your writing and provides a signal to the reader that you
are influenced by the words, ideas, or facts presented by another author.

2) The in-text citation points to a more detailed reference included on the References page located at
the end of your paper or document. This reference provides the necessary information for the reader to
locate the resource.


My Paper about Surviving College

World-renowned author and professor Ludwig von Eghead once confessed:
“The most traumatic element of my college education was trying to figure
out how to correctly cite my sources” (Doe, 2014, p. 78). If an eminent
academic like von Eghead can be intimidated by citing sources, imagine



Doe, J. (2014). Citing sources: Finding a way to cut through the confusion.

The Journal of Exceptional Instruction, 8(4), 78.

The in-text citation
points to its
reference on the
References page.

Throughout your paper, you may have several in-text citations that refer to the same resource. You do
not need to include multiple references for the same source on the References page.

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

Creating APA-Style In-Text Citations
There are several ways to create in-text citations depending on how you write the words and ideas of
another author in your paper. Whatever form your citation takes, you will want to include author, date,
and sometimes place. This means, the author’s last name, the year the work was published, and in
many instances the page, paragraph, or chapter where it can be found.

Direct Quotations
While direct quotations should generally be avoided, there are times when they are necessary as when
analyzing literature. When a quotation is fewer than 40 words, it can appear within a normal paragraph.

Quotation with a Signal Phrase

Often the best approach is to alert the reader with a signal phrase to introduce a quotation.

Quotation without a Signal Phrase

The in-text citation without the signal phrase for the same quotation might look like this:

It is good to heed the advice of Tolkien (1937) when he said, “Never laugh
at live dragons” (p. 243).

Page in book quotation is found

Date of publication Signal phrase including author’s last name

When confronted with a superior force, the wise course is to “never laugh at
live dragons” (Tolkien, 1937, p. 243).

Place Date, Author,

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

Block Quotations

When a quotation is longer than 40 words, it is set off from a normal paragraph using an indented block

Block Quotation
• 40 words or more
• Indent ½ inch
• No quotation marks

(Here they are used to
show Jefferson’s
quotation of First
Amendment text)

• Citation included in

It is almost always better in academic writing to put the ideas of another author in your own words in
order to improve the flow of your paper and to show that you have synthesized the material in your
own mind. Because you are still borrowing ideas from another, you must use an in-text citation in
conjunction with a reference.

In an 1802 letter to a committee of constituents in Connecticut, President
Jefferson demonstrated that the wording of the First Amendment clearly
prohibits the Federal government from either officially institutionalizing a
particular religion or interfering with the practice of any religion
(Jefferson, 1944).

No page number
needed for
paraphrased or


When you summarize a substantial section of a text, you write one or two paragraphs to convey the
author’s main points. Remember, you are creating a condensed version of what the author has said.
Therefore, a summary, unlike a paraphrase, should be much shorter than the original. Use an in-text
citation in a summarization as you would in a paraphrase.

President Jefferson expressed his understanding of the First Amendment to
the US Constitution regarding the role of government toward religion in an
1802 letter to a committee of the Danbury Baptist Association:

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole
American people which declared that their legislature should
“make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of
separation between Church and State. (Jefferson, 1944, p.

That wall of separation has been subject to various interpretations in modern

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

Formatting References
The format for creating an APA style reference on your References page follows a general pattern that
includes punctuation and the use of italics. There are nuances to creating references depending on
where you find the information, be it a book, a journal, a website, etc. On the following page, you will
see examples of references for the types of resources you are likely to encounter in the academic
setting. You can see some of the features of an APA reference in the example below of a book with one

Reference Formatting Tips

• Like the rest of your APA-style paper, references should be double spaced.
• APA allows for a number of different fonts, but we recommend you use 12-point,

Times New Roman font.
• Start the reference list on a new page after the last page of your essay.
• Label the reference list “References,” capitalized, in bold, and centered.
• Use a hanging indent for all references, meaning the first line of each reference is

flush left and subsequent lines are indented by 0.5 inches.
• Organize all sources alphabetically by author’s last name.

MacGillicuddy, J. (2014). Writing extraordinary research papers.

Author’s last name, First initial.



Title of book in italics and sentence case (meaning only capitalize
the first word and proper nouns, as well as the first word after
colons, em dashes, and terminal punctuation ).

Hanging Indent

Space Universal Press.






Inserted Text
Hanging Indent

Text Box

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

APA-Style Reference Examples

Here you can see an assortment of examples to help you create correct references for your own writing.
You can find more comprehensive guidance in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, 7th Edition. Additional resources can be found at their website,
Textbooks for some courses may also contain helpful information about writing according to APA style.

Electronic Books (e-Books) with a DOI

What is meant by “sentence case”?

Sentence case means that the only words capitalized are the first word of a title and the first word

following a colon, as well as any proper nouns. You may be accustomed to capitalizing all of the
key words in a title (title case), but when formatting references in APA style, book titles and the
titles of journal articles are written in sentence case. Notice that the names of journals and
magazines remain in

title case.

Kleinig, J. (2008). Ethics and criminal justice: An introduction.


When available, a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is used.

(Year of publication).

Title of book in italics with sentence casing. Author’s last name, First initial.

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)


Books (without a DOI, from most academic research databases or print version)

Book with a single author

Geoghan, D. (2012). Introductory: Visualizing technology.


Book with two authors

Grassian, E. S., & Kaplowitz, J. R. (2001). Information literacy instruction: Theory and practice.


Book with edition number

Fordney, M. T. (2008). Insurance handbook for the medical office (10th ed.). Saunders


Book with three or more authors and edition number
The in-text citation would be (Maimon et al., 2009).

Maimon, E. P., Peritz, J. H., & Yancey, K. B. (2009). The McGraw-Hill handbook (2nd ed.).


Geoghan, D. (2012). Introductory: Visualizing technology.

(Year of publication).

Title of book in italics with sentence casing. Author’s last name, First initial.


APA Citation Helper (v1.3)

Articles in Journals, Magazines, and Books

Article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Heath, J. (2007). An adversarial ethic for business: Or when Sun-Tzu met the stakeholder.


of Business Ethics, 72(4), 359–374.

Article without a DOI, with a non-database URL

Carlson, S. (2002). Wired to the hilt: Saint Joseph’s University stakes its future on a $30-

million bet. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 48(29).

Article without a DOI, from most academic research databases or print version

Vlad, I., Sallot, L. M., & Reber, B. H. (2006). Rectification without assuming responsibility:

Testing the transgression flowchart with Vioxx recall. Journal of Public

Relations Research, 18(4), 357–379.

Author’s last name, First initial.

Heath, J. (2007). An adversarial ethic for business: Or when Sun-Tzu met the stakeholder. Journal

of Business Ethics, 72(4), 359–374.

DOI: (Issue #),

Title of article with sentence casing.

Page range of
printed article.

Volume #
In italics

Name of Journal in italics,

(Year of publication).

Article or chapter in an edited book without a DOI, from most academic databases or
print version

Appiah, K. A. (2019). How the future will judge us. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.)
Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader (pp. 511-513). McGraw Hill.

APA Citation Helper (v1.3)


Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by “sentence case”?
Sentence case means that the only words capitalized are the first word of a title and the first word

following a colon, as well as any proper nouns. You may be accustomed to capitalizing all of the key

words in a title (title case), but when formatting references in APA style, book titles and the titles of

journal articles are written in sentence case. Notice that the names of journals and magazines remain in

title case.

What is a DOI?
DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier and is used for electronically published content. It is a unique
alphanumeric string assigned by a publisher to identify a resource and provide a persistent Internet link.
If you use a DOI in a reference, you do not need to include the publisher and location, or “Retrieved
from url”. To find a DOI that is not listed for your digital resource, you can search for one using

When should I use [brackets] in a reference?
If it is not clear what type of resource is being referenced, you can clarify it using brackets. For example:
[Online course], or [Press release], or [Pamphlet]. Always capitalize the first word.

What if there is no date associated with a resource?
Use (n.d.) where you would normally put a date in parentheses for the in-text citation as well as the

How should book titles be written in the body of my paper?
When you are referring to book titles in your writing, they should generally appear in italics as in The
Divine Comedy. Sacred texts, such as the Bible and the Qur’an, are not put in italics.

  • APA_Paper_Formatting_v._1.5_7th_Edition
  • Title Page
    The Body of Your Paper
    The References Page
    Heath, J. (2007). An adversarial ethic for business: Or when Sun-Tzu met the stakeholder. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(4), 359–374. doi:10.1007/ s10551-006-9175-5
    Jefferson. New York: The Modern Family Library.

  • APA7CitationsQuickSheet
  • APA7thEd_Basic_Essay_Template_SU_v._1.1
  • SU_APA_Citation_Helper_v1.5_APA_7th_Edition
  • Purpose
    Understanding Citations and References
    Creating APA-Style In-Text Citations
    Direct Quotations
    Quotation with a Signal Phrase
    Quotation without a Signal Phrase
    Quotation from a Secondary Source
    Block Quotations
    Formatting References
    Making a Hanging Indent in Microsoft Word
    Reference Formatting Tips
    APA-Style Reference Examples
    Electronic Books (e-Books)
    e-Text with two authors, an edition number, and accessed through VitalSource Bookshelf
    Hult, C. A., & Huckin, T. N. (2011). The new century handbook (5th ed.) [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from
    e-Text with a single author and no DOI available

    Books (print)
    Book with a single author
    Book with two authors
    New York: Neal-Schuman.
    Book with edition number
    Boston: McGraw-Hill.
    Articles in Journals and Magazines (Online)
    Heath, J. (2007). An adversarial ethic for business: Or when Sun-Tzu met the stakeholder.
    Article with no DOI using url
    Article with three to five authors and a DOI
    Vlad, I., Sallot, L. M., & Reber, B. H. (2006). Rectification without assuming responsibility: Testing the transgression flowchart with Vioxx recall. Journal of Public Relations Research, 18(4), 357–379. doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr1804_4

    Frequently Asked Questions
    What is meant by “sentence case”?
    What is a DOI?
    When should I use [brackets] in a reference?
    What if there is no date associated with a resource?
    How should book titles be written in the body of my paper?

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