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  1. Select a health care facility or service that accepts Medicaid.

    Identify ways that Medicaid discounting can cause hardships on the type of facility that you selected.

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explores how Medicaid participation has affected organizational finances and what can be done to reduce any loss incurred.

    An academic paper includes the following:

    title page
    title of paper on page 2
    5 space indent for paragraphs
    Intext citations throughout the paragraph. Intext citation is author’s last name and date within parenthesis
    Headings-Level I or Level II should be all that you need (see sample paper)
    Reference page-is its own page-this does not start at the end of the body of the paper but has its own page.
    References are to be APA formatted. Please refer to sample paper placed in Course Introduction and Materials

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Do not use Direct quotes unless you know how to format them. Deductions will occur for not formatting correctly. 

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

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