Methods of Neuroscience Investigation

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 in your course textbook, and watch the

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Multicellular organisms and their nervous systems


Discovering the human brain: New pathways to neuroscience, with Susan Bookheimer, Ph.D

videos. These materials examine various means of investigating neuropsychology, such as imaging technology, laboratory science techniques, and special studies that provide information about structure (nervous system anatomy and cellular structure) and function (nervous system and cellular function).

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This discussion is an analysis of the various ways neuroscience investigators study the biological basis of psychological function.

In your discussion:

  • Select one method you think is the most powerful or useful for examining the relationship between biology and behavior.

    Do not choose a category of investigational methods, but be sure to select one method (e.g., do not choose “imaging technology” but instead choose one type of imaging technology).

  • Evaluate the method you have selected.

    Would this method be best used for basic research, initial diagnosis of a clinical condition, ongoing patient management, or a combination of these analytic practices?
    What part of the nervous system (anatomical structure, function, cellular chemistry and function) would most likely be studied using this method?
    What behavioral health or neurological condition could be studied by this method?

    Make sure to use terminology from the DSM-5 for psychological/behavioral health conditions and current terminology from professional sources for neurological conditions. Please be sure to access the DSM-5 directly in our library. For further information view The DSM-5: Accessing and Using the DSM-5 in the Ashford University Library (Links to an external site.)screencast on how to access and use this resource, and how to cite and reference the DSM-5.

Also in your discussion,

  • Describe how knowledge of neuroscience investigational methods would assist someone in a career that uses a degree in psychology.

    Remember, a degree in psychology opens the door to many options regarding career choices. These include positions in human resources, the helping professions (e.g., medicine, counseling and behavioral health, teaching, social work, ministry, and nursing), science, marketing, law enforcement, and more.
    Some examples to consider might be sharing the information you’ve learned to help you educate a patient/client:

    Regarding their diagnosed neuropsychological disorder and the need for medication.
    Why we now evaluate psychological disorders from multiple aspects (biological, psychological, social).
    Why their child is ready for specific developmental milestones due to neurological maturation.

You must use a minimum of one peer-reviewed and/or scholarly source that was published within the last five years, and document the source in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your post should be a minimum of 250 words. You may cite and reference course materials such as the textbook, required or recommended reading, or multimedia, but these will not fulfill the source requirement.

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