Measurable Values


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Phoenix Fine Electronics would like more information about their system options and your recommendation. They are interested in learning how the strengths of the system can be turned into measurable values for the business upon implementation.

Modify the chart from the Week 2 assignment by adding the following:

  • Strengths and weaknesses of each system
  • The impact of the strength and weakness

Cite at least two sources in the additional columns in your chart

Write a business case for your recommendation. This business case will be revisited in Week 6. As a guideline, this section of the business case should be approximately 3 to 4 pages in length. Use the information from your executive summary and add the following information:

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  • At least three measurable organizational values the new system will bring
  • The benefits of the value to the business
  • How these values will differentiate the business to customers
  • Risks of doing the project
  • Risks of not doing the project
  • The modified comparison chart (from above)
  • References

Submit your assignment.

Read the following scenario and refer to it when you complete the weekly assignments:

· Week 1: Business vs. IT Strategy Presentation

· Week 2: System Recommendation

· Week 3: Measurable Values

· Week 4: Strategic Sourcing Plan

· Week 5: SWOT Analysis

· Week 6: ROI Calculation and Business Case


Phoenix Fine Electronics (PFE) is a medium or mid-sized company but growing rapidly each year selling technology products to retail consumers. They have an annual revenue of $15 million in sales. PFE started with one store but has grown to 25 stores and has expanded into a second state.

PFE has one store in a town with a population of 100,000, and three stores in towns with populations exceeding 200,000. The goal of the company is to continue expansion into an additional 3 neighboring states within the next 5 years. PFE wants to utilize the same population numbers to determine the number of stores it should open. It would also like a marketing firm to do an analysis of each town that meets the population criteria to determine the best cites in which to open new stores.

Each store employs a store manager and an IT manager who both directly report to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The current IT plan for each store is to utilize technology to support the store; increase sales; track inventory; secure store customer data; perform payroll; and report all sales, inventory, and payroll data to the main office. The IT manager is responsible for managing the IT systems, making decisions on what technology and software are needed, and implementing the systems while ensuring accurate reporting to the main office. The store manager is responsible for all staffing, inventory, and sales functions within the store.

With expansion and the acquisition of smaller independent stores, the CEO is worried about how department and customer data can be aggregated to allow the company to make better, timely business decisions. Even with such a wide footprint the company must ensure unique, outstanding customer service and provide value to the consumer base. The CEO lacks IT experience and has been hesitant to adopt the suggestions of the store and IT managers, which is to give the company an online presence and advance the company into national competition with other consumer electronics stores.

The CEO hired a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Information Officer/Chief Technology Officer (CIO/CTO). The CFO will oversee the company finances for the expansion. The CIO/CTO will oversee the consolidation of the disparate systems and technologies that exist between the stores, streamline the information gathering and reporting to the main office, and develop an online presence that will catapult the company into a competitive position on a national level.

Your job is to help the new CIO/CTO move PFE toward the future.

IT Business Partnership

IT Business Partnership

Katherine Askew


February 10, 2020

David Conway

Relationship between ERP, CRM, and DSS

Just like any other company, Phoenix Fine Electronics must come up with ways of incorporating how they relate with their customers, how they come about their decisions, and how the enterprise functionalities affect the other two functions. To achieve this aspect, there must be a relation between the three concepts with a central focus on their Decision Support Systems.

An article by Akhit Mehta suggests that the company must come up with proper support systems that incorporate elements of the system in use. For example, the company can focus on the qualitative analysis of their business aspects to provide the managers with the ability to make broader decisions on how the system can support other aspects of the management. When it comes to matters of Enterprise resource management, the company will have to come up with integration modes of their available functionalities to create a successful partnership between the business and I.T sector. For example, the new CIO will have to integrate various departments of the company such as sales, manufacturing, human resource, and product planning within the company to give the CEO a comprehensive report on all the integration of activities.

On issues to do with the relationship between the company and its customers, the CIO will have to look into new customer preferences and compile a report which will show areas of the company that needs work. The data likely to be collected will focus on improving the company’s CRM system to provide the customers with an active service delivery response that will be beneficial to both the company and the customers. An additional connection between the three functionalities, which are enterprise resource management, customer relationship management, and decision support system, will further be based on how the company can maneuver the functions of the three and still maintain an optimum level of profit maximization.

Executive Summary

Phoenix Fine Electronics will highly be influenced by the decisions made by the CIO towards the set-up management plans and needs. From a business expansion perspective, the business will likely require the collaboration of the CFO and the CIO in incorporating the functionalities of the discussed ERP, DSS, and CRM. These functionalities are what stand to highlight what business needs the company needs to work in terms of expansion of branches and customer base. Some of the desired outcomes from the integration of the three system functionalities will vary with the seriousness and the level of implementation.

The first likely desired outcome is that the business will want to have a secure customer satisfaction scorecard to facilitate the expansion of the new branches. This aspect will likely be achieved through the joint success of the DSS and CRM. The second possible desired outcome is that the business will probably want to have a laid-out plan when it comes to the expansion of the branches. In achieving this fete, the company must have a planned-out system when it comes to the resources available. This aspect will require thorough cooperation between DSS and the ERM. The third desired outcome from the business is that the CEO will likely want the company to realize some profit or improvement in terms of the sales of the products. This aspect will require the cooperation between DSS and ERP in terms of coming up with laid out mechanisms that will ensure that the production aspect of the business is updated on the market demands.

It is only once the outcomes are met that the business will be able to gauge the success of the functionalities of the three processes in the company. The success of these processes is also dependent on the flow of the functions as coordinated by the DSS. Once the DSS comes up with proper means pf monitoring these processes, then the company will likely achieve its desired outcomes.


Mehta, Ankit. BI, SCM, CRM, and ERP in a Nutshell and their Relationship. Medium

3 May 2016. Retrieved from

Kolisnyk, Mariia. Relationship Between ERP and CRM. Diceus 3 Aug 2018. Retrieved from

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