Mathematica Expert needed

 The project is devoted to practical issues of “Evaluation of Engineering” course. It is dedicated to statistical analysis of real-world data using using an advanced computational tool-Wolfram Mathematica

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Instructor: Dr. Yu.Vlasov







































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VI. Research report components


The following information/sections should be included in the report (tentative report outline):

1. Title, course number and section, year, semester, group number, student’s names, PIDs, signatures,
submission date.

2. Abstract.

3. Introduction.

4. Short essay with examples (length ⩽ 1 page) about practical use of statistical concepts in engineering and

5. Problem statement and description.

6. Description of the data set(s).

7. Mathematical declaration of the data set(s).

8. Relevant statistical and graphical summaries of the data.

9. Statistical model of the sample(s). Model limitations and error estimation.

10. Results.

11. Discussion of the results.

12. Conclusions.

13. Learning outcomes (what the team has learned during this project).

14. Individual contribution of each team member (with percent of effort by each team member).

15. Numbered reference list in IEEE format (references to any sources of information used in the project).

Note: Use of any work done by someone else without referencing will be considered as cheating and it will
automatically cause reduced or zero grade for the project.





Introduction (mandatory section)

The main purpose of the Introduction is to give a description of the problem that will be addressed. In this
section authors might discuss the nature of the research, the purpose of the research, the significance of the
research problem, and the research questions to be addressed.



FIU ������������������� ESI-3215

© Dr. Yu. Vlasov ��� ��� �� ������ �� ����������� ������� ������������ ���������� Page 4 of 11

Somewhere in the introduction you need to inform the reader of the rationale of your research. This is a brief
explanation of why your research topic is worthy of study and may make a significant contribution to the body
of already existing research.


The statement of purpose is not simply a statement of why the research is being done. (That is what the rationale
section is for.) Rather, “purpose” refers to the goal or objective of your research. The purpose statement should
answer questions: “What are the objectives of my research?” and “What do I expect to discover or learn from
this research?”

Research questions

The introduction usually ends with a research question or questions. These questions should be related to your
research purpose, focused and clear.



Problem statement (mandatory section)










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Results (mandatory section)

It is recommended to show summarised data set(s) statistics in the form of tables and comparative or summary
graphs rather than a set of multiple individual numerical values and plots.

It is recommended that you display summary statistics for your dataset (s) as tables and comparative charts,
rather than as a collection of multiple individual numeric values and plots.

This section has to be very explicit and it should contain all the results and findings which will be used to draw

Discussion of the results (mandatory section)







Conclusions (mandatory section)


Review (very briefly) the research methods you employed in the project.

Repeat your findings and explain them in abbreviated form.

Discuss the broader implications of those findings.

Mention the limitations of your research (due to its scope or its weaknesses).

Remember that Wolfram Mathematica was just an instrument used to statistically analyze real world engineer-
ing or scientific data. Statements like “We learned how to use Mathematica” do not belong to the “Conclusions”

Offer suggestions for future research related to yours.

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The list of conclusions has to be numbered.

1. (Conclusion No. 1)

2. (Conclusion No. 2)

3. (Conclusion No. 3)

4. …

Learning outcomes (mandatory section)

Specify what the team members learned while working on this project. Answer the question: “What have I/we
learned when working on this project?”


1. (Learning outcome No. 1)

2. (Learning outcome No. 2)

3. (Learning outcome No. 3)

4. …




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Acknowledgement (optional)

List of references (mandatory section)




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Using any work done by someone else without reference to it will be considered as cheating.

The text of the report should contain references to all sources shown in your bibliography list.

Example of list of references:

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6. Each text-type cell (“Title”, “Subtitle”, “Section”, “Text”, “Item”, etc.) should typically contain no more than
one paragraph. Paragraphs should be aligned left or justified consistently throughout the report.

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“This input cell was of “Input” style – use this style! When using this

style of the input cell, word wrapping works well.”

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IX. Project evaluation criteria

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