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Discussion 1

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Using Excel, complete the following exercises out of your textbook:  

In these exercises, you will practice construction of frequency tables and histograms, respectively.  

Submit both a Word document and two Excel documents as needed to show calculations and interpret the results.

Exercise 17

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1 7. Academy Award–Winning Male Actors. The following data show the ages of all Academy Award–winning male actors at the time when they won the award (through 2016). Construct a frequency table for the data, using bins of 20–29, 30–39, and so on. What ages are the most com-mon for these winners?

44 41 62 53 47 35 34 34 49 41 37 38 34 32 40 43 48 41 39 49 57 41 38 39 52 51 35 30 39 36 43 49 36 47 31 47 37 57 42 45 42 45 62 43 42 48 49 56 38 60 30 40 42 37 76 39 53 45 36 62 43 51 32 42 54 52 37 38 32 45 60 46 40 36 47 29 43 37 38 45 50 48 60 50 39 55 44 33 41

Exercise 15

15. Academy Award–Winning Male Actors. Exercise 17 in Section 3.1 required the construction of a frequency table for the ages of Academy Award–winning male actors at the time when they won the award. Use that frequency table to con-struct the corresponding histogram

Discussion 2 I have upload attachment for this question

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Milestone One Worksheet

. In this milestone, you will address the following:

  1. Indicate what data set you have chosen and why. If you chose a particular data set to align with your concentration in psychology, describe in a sentence or two why you have chosen this concentration.
  2. Describe the involved parties in the data set presented and the question you can answer by the data.
  3. Discuss why the data set exemplifies a study that agrees with the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
  4. Discuss ethical issues that may arise when analyzing and reporting statistical data.
  5. Describe one way in which you will ensure your reporting of results in your data analysis will align with the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

PSY 223 Scenarios and Data Sets

Scenario 1 (Child and Adolescent Development)*

The question was investigated of whether (a) age at which infants start to crawl is related to (b) seasonal
temperature six months after birth. “Six months after birth” was targeted as the period in which babies
typically first try crawling. For a large sample of babies, (a) time at which crawling actually began and (b)
average monthly temperature six months after the birth month were collected. The data are shown
below (also found in the Data Set Scenario 1 Excel file).

Month Average Age Starting to Crawl

Average Temperature 6 Months
After Birth Month (in units


January 29.84 66

February 30.52 73

March 29.70 72

April 31.84 63

May 28.58 52

June 31.44 39

July 33.64 33
August 32.82 30

September 33.83 33

October 33.35 37

November 33.38 48

December 32.32 57

* Adapted from this study: Benson, J. B. (1993). Season of birth and onset of locomotion: Theoretical
and methodological implications. Infant Behavior and Development, 16, 69–81.

Scenario 2 (Forensic Psychology)

Levels of groups’ certainties about their eyewitness testimony to a simulated crime were compared. The
first group was set up to be “right” in its eyewitness accounts and the second group was set up to be
“wrong”; the desire was to see if confidence differed across groups. Thirty-four participants were
recruited from a college campus and randomly divided into two groups, both of which were shown a
video of a crime scenario (length: 58 seconds) in which the perpetrator’s facial characteristics (with
respect to the camera) were clearly visible at two separate points and sporadically visible at others. Half
the participants then were shown a five-individual lineup that contained the perpetrator in the video
(“Group A”), and half the participants were shown a five-individual lineup that did not contain the
perpetrator (“Group B”). Participants were asked to (a) identify if and where the perpetrator was in the
lineup and (b) provide a rating of confidence on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being highly confident) that the
selection was the same as the person seen in the video committing the crime. All participants signed
consent forms, were told they could leave the study at any time, and were told they would be debriefed.
Data on the confidence ratings are shown below (also found in the Data Set Scenario 2 Excel file).

Group A Confidence Group B Confidence

07 10

10 05

09 05

10 10

08 07

05 06

10 10

10 09

01 03

10 06

05 04

06 10

07 10

06 10
04 03

05 07

10 08

Scenario 3 (Mental Health)

The efficacy of two kinds of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in relation to a clinical population were
compared. The therapies differed on the dimension of how wedded they were to the rational-emotive
behavioral therapy (REBT), a subtype of CBT that emphasizes a directive, confrontational approach to
encourage a patient to recognize the irrationality of specific thought patterns. Forty adolescents at an
inpatient clinic for treatment of self-destructive behaviors were randomly divided into two groups of
equal size, one of which received the less challenging type of CBT (Treatment A) and one of which
received the more challenging kind of CBT (Treatment B). All patients were treated by trained therapists
in one-on-one sessions for 1.5 hours per day (broken down into 45-minute sessions) for six weeks. All
participants were apprised that they were part of a study, all participants signed consent forms, and all
were told they would be informed of the results at its conclusion; participants exhibiting any behaviors
that required critical intervention were promptly treated outside the plan of the study. Outcome data
on the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist (RBPC)-PAR Edition* collected at the conclusion of six weeks
as shown below (also found in the Data Set Scenario 3 Excel file).

Treatment A Treatment B

74 80

50 82

70 49

60 44

30 60

37 65

34 77

40 45

39 51

70 70

19 53

43 16

25 38

15 44
20 29

55 51

48 54

42 46

60 18

27 61

* Instrument has been validated for use with the population under consideration.

Scenario 4 (Addictions)

The efficacy of a new addiction medication was evaluated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-
blind study. The medication in question, Antaquil, is intended to moderate the symptoms of alcohol
withdrawal and craving with minimum side effects. Over the course of three weeks, a sample of 36
individuals who were recovering from alcohol addiction were randomly assigned to two groups: one
administered the medication and one administered a placebo. At the end of the designated period,
participants were administered the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS), an instrument that
provides a global measure of thoughts about alcohol during nondrinking periods. Scores can range from
0 to 40 with higher scores signaling higher levels of rumination about alcohol. Prior to participation
participants were all informed of the nature of Antaquil and were told they could leave the study at any
time. Outcome data on the OCDS are shown below (also found in the Data Set Scenario 4 Excel file).

Treatment Gp Placebo Gp

40 37

35 35

27 34

18 24
30 29

28 14

11 23

23 25

30 32

13 37

16 30
17 30

26 29

22 22
19 23

17 31

29 28

10 20

Scenario 5 (Social Psychology)

The question of whether Friday the 13th is an unusually unlucky day or whether this idea is just
superstition was evaluated. Researchers in the United Kingdom examined the relation between (a)
numbers of traffic accidents on past Friday the 13ths versus (b) numbers of accidents occurring on
Friday the 6ths (all between July 1990 and November 1992).* The data shown below were collected
(also found in the Data Set Scenario 5 Excel file).

Friday the 6th Friday the 13th

139,246 138,548

134,012 132,908

137,055 136,018

133,732 131,843

123,552 121,641

121,139 118,723

128,293 125,532

124,631 120,249

124,609 122,770

117,584 117,263

* Adapted from this study: Scanlon, T. J., Luben, R. N., Scanlon, F. L., & Singleton, N. (1993). Is Friday the
13th bad for your health? BritishMedical Journal, 307, 1584–1586.

Scenario 6 (Applied Psychology)*

The question was investigated of whether pleasant aromas help a student learn better. All 21
participants learned both under a condition of smelling nothing and under a condition of smelling a
floral scent. Counterbalancing was followed so that some participants learned without the scent first
and some learned with the scent first. All participants were apprised that the scents were “safe” and
that if they wished they could leave the study at any time. Data in terms of “time (in seconds) to
complete a pencil and paper maze” are shown below (also found in the Data Set Scenario 6 Excel file).

Unscented-Trial Scented-Trial

38.4 53.1

46.2 54.7

72.5 74.2

38.0 49.6

82.8 53.6

33.9 51.3

50.4 44.1

35.0 34.0
32.8 34.5

60.1 59.1

75.1 67.3

57.6 75.5

55.5 41.1

49.5 52.2
40.9 28.3

44.3 74.9

93.8 77.5

47.9 50.9

75.2 70.1

46.2 60.3

56.3 59.9

* Adapted from a study by Hirsch & Johnston at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation:
The Data and Story Library. (1996). Retrieved from http: //lib.

PSY 223 Milestone One Worksheet

Review the critical elements that must be addressed in the final project. Use this worksheet to develop Milestone One. Remember the central idea behind psychological ethics is to recognize an individual’s dignity and to prevent a study, or treatment, from disturbing this.

1. Indicate what data set you have chosen and why. If you chose it because of your concentration in psychology, describe in about two sentences why you chose this concentration. [Recall the concentrations in psychology at Southern New Hampshire University are Child and Adolescent Development, Forensic Psychology, Mental Health, Addictions, Social Psychology, and Applied Psychology.]

2. Describe the involved parties in the data set presented and the question that you can answer by the data.

3. Discuss why the study exemplifies one that agrees with The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. [This question is open-ended. In answering, you could describe the elements of ethics code the study follows. You could also describe violations the study avoids.]

4. Discuss ethical issues that might arise when you are analyzing and reporting statistical results. [For example, think about not infringing upon an individual’s privacy, or about not wanting the wording you use to lead to unfair or unjust categorization.]

5. Describe one way in which you will ensure your reporting of results will align with the APA ethics code.

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