Maternity Nursing


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#1)  Write down sample nursing diagnoses, interventions, and expected outcomes for the following client:

Elaina, 27 years old, visits a prenatal clinic to confirm a positive pregnancy test. Elaina tells the nurse that she is not married and has no support system. She also states that she is making minimum wage at a restaurant with no health insurance and cannot afford prenatal care. She intends to keep the baby and would rather not tell her partner because “they don’t have that kind of a relationship.” Elaina asks the nurse “If I take good care of myself, why do I need prenatal care?”

#2) Explain how the fetus is affected by tobacco use during pregnancy.  Keeping in mind the 2020 National Health Goals, what are some things you can do as a nurse to promote these goals and carry your ideas out into the community.

#3) You are asked to perform an assessment of a pregnant  woman and her family. Prior to the assessment, devise a list of interview questions to use to assess the woman’s readiness for parenthood and current health status as well as her goals for the pregnancy.

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#4) For each of the following QSEN competencies write a list of nursing interventions for promoting fetal and maternal health related to each competency:

         Patient centered care

        Teamwork and collaboration

         Evidence-based practice

        Quality improvement



#5)  List the four major hormones produced in early pregnancy.  Describe what each one does.


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