Martha can you please assist me with reflection paper 2 physical environment


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Reflection Paper 2 (The Physical Environment) 

Adapted from the Active Learning Exercise on p. 226 in Ch. 7 (Hutchinson, 2019). Respond briefly to each of the questions, using in-text cited content from this chapter to reference support for your thoughts and conclusions.

Take a walking tour of your neighborhood. Using examples, do you see any signs of stimulus overload and restricted environmental stimulation in the physical environments? Explain supported by in-text cited content. (4 points)

What signs do you see of people engaging in territorial behavior? Do you see any behavior settings in which specific programs are enacted? How well do people seem to be caring for the natural environment? Explain. Are there places in the neighborhood to which you have a strong attachment bond? Explain. Do you note any of the design features to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities noted in Exhibit 7.7? What effects do you think the neighborhood might have on children, adolescents, and elderly adults? Explain and discuss for each.

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This paper is to be written in essay paragraph form and submitted at the submission site under Assignments only in a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced in size 12 type. In-text cited content is to be in APA format: if paraphrasing content, then followed by (author’s last name, year of publication). If minimal quoted content is used, then it should followed by (author’s last name, year of publication, page number). A bibliographical reference should be written at the end of the paper. Students need a cover page with name and title. This paper is to be no longer than 4 pages not counting the cover page and bibliographical reference. 

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Review the case study given at the beginning of Chapter 1. In light of the person,
environment, and time dimensions (See Exhibits 1.1 and 1.2) discussed, respond to
each of the questions contained in the Critical Thinking Questions 1.4 on page 22, and
use in-text cited content from the chapter to explain the thoughts and conclusions that
have been presented in this paper.
“If you were the social worker at Joshua’s refugee settlement program when he first
arrived in the United States, what knowledge about the case would you like to have?
What information would you find most important? Support your rationale by way of in-
text cited content. What emotional reactions did you have to reading Joshua’s story?
What did you find yourself thinking about his story? Where do you see Joshua fitting in
systems of privilege? Support your rationale by way of in-text cited content. Where do
you see yourself fitting? How might any of this impact your ability to be helpful to Joshua
and his family?” (Hutchison, E., 2019, p. 22)
This paper is to be written in essay paragraph form and submitted at the submission site
under Assignments only in a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced in size 12 type.
In-text cited content is to be in APA format: if paraphrasing content, then followed by
(author’s last name, year of publication). If minimal quoted content is used, then it
should be followed by (author’s last name, year of publication, page number). A
bibliographical reference should be written at the end of the paper. Students need a
cover page with name and title. This paper is to be no longer than 4 to 5 pages not
counting the cover page and bibliographical references.

Reflection Paper 2 (The Physical Environment)
Adapted from the Active Learning Exercise on p. 226 in Ch. 7 (Hutchinson, 2019).
Respond briefly to each of the questions, using in-text cited content from this chapter to
reference support for your thoughts and conclusions.
Take a walking tour of your neighborhood. Using examples, do you see any signs of
stimulus overload and restricted environmental stimulation in the physical
environments? Explain supported by in-text cited content. (4 points)
What signs do you see of people engaging in territorial behavior? Do you see any
behavior settings in which specific programs are enacted? How well do people seem to
be caring for the natural environment? Explain. Are there places in the neighborhood to
which you have a strong attachment bond? Explain. Do you note any of the design
features to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities noted in Exhibit 7.7? What
effects do you think the neighborhood might have on children, adolescents, and elderly
adults? Explain and discuss for each.
This paper is to be written in essay paragraph form and submitted at the submission site
under Assignments only in a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced in size 12 type.
In-text cited content is to be in APA format: if paraphrasing content, then followed by
(author’s last name, year of publication). If minimal quoted content is used, then it
should followed by (author’s last name, year of publication, page number). A
bibliographical reference should be written at the end of the paper. Students need a
cover page with name and title. This paper is to be no longer than 4 to 5 pages not
counting the cover page and bibliographical reference.

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