Martha can you please assist me with a Final list of Empirical Studies for Child abuse Research paper 1

 Final list of Empirical Studies

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Review the empirical literature in your area of interest that has been published in peer-reviewed journals. Focus on studies that have been published in the past decade, include both qualitative and quantitative research, and take an interdisciplinary approach by reviewing research in social work as well as related fields.

  • Use your critical thinking skills and what we are learning about research in class to distinguish among the articles you locate in order to identify the top 5 or 6 studies that you appraise to be the strongest and most rigorous, and therefore the best guides for policy and practice in your area of interest. Abstract each of your “top” articles including a full APA reference, statement of the main research question or questions, identification of the research method and study design, description of the sample, measures and/or measurement instruments, methods of data collection and analyses, strengths and limitations, findings, and significance of findings to current social policy and/or social work practice.      

Format and other requirement: You will need to: 

  • Provide the final list of empirical studies (minimum of 5), including an abstract of each article.
  • Provide a draft of your literature review covering the main research question or questions, identification of the research method and study design, description of the sample, measures and/or measurement instruments, methods of data collection and analyses, strengths and limitations,      findings, and significance of findings to current social policy and/or social work practice.
  • Among your 5 empirical studies, include 1 qualitative study.

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