marketing strategy

Requirements are attached in the file. I will also need a few power point slides for my presentation.

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Marketingan Introduction (MRKT 100)

Group Project: An action packed marketing strategy

Due Date: February 2, 2021

Materials & Resources Required:

Groups of 5 – 6 students

Computer Access

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Scope, Requirements & Guidelines

· This assignment will give you an opportunity to learn and craft a marketing plan for an upscale 40 seats Restaurant in the Vancouver area.

· Report must be submitted with minimum 1500 words, typed double spaced in Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font.

· Your group project must be supported by a power point presentation with full participation from all members. Your presentation counts for 20% of your project grade.

· References and citations are fully enforced.

You are required to research and craft a marketing strategy for a hypothetical trendy restaurant located at the intersection of East Columbia and Sherbrooke Street in the historic district of Sapperton, New Westminster. You are required to create strategy in the following areas and include actual actions you will implement to meet your marketing objectives of increasing brand recognition and acquisition and retention of customers.

1. Brand Analysis. Who are you? Who are your customers? SWOT. Define your Brand and the actions you will undertake to assess your online Reputation (20%)

2. Discuss steps you will undertake to build Customer relationship, acquire new customers and retention strategy & goals (20%)

3. Discuss your Social media strategy to promote & engage your target market (20%)

4. Financial Budget (20%)

5. Presentation (20%)

Assignment evaluation criteria

Groups are required to do presentations and use creative means to enhance their work. All members are required to participate in assembling and presenting their findings.

Your assignment will be graded on the following:

The appropriateness, organization and in depth understanding of the assignment. The attention to logic, reasoning of points and coherence of ideas will be evaluated


The ‘real life content’ and originality of the materials included in the assignment


Presentation: Groups must support their project with a 10 minutes power point presentation carrying 20% of the assignment grade. The following will be used for evaluation:

-organization of the presentation and quality of slides

-demonstrate preparedness and not read off the power point

-ability to answer questions

-Completing the presentation in the assigned time


Plagiarism and Cheating

Cheating which includes plagiarism occurs when a student uses or tries to use materials, methods or assistance which is not approved by an instructor (i.e. copying off someone else’s tests “cheat sheets” etc.). Cheating is a serious education offence. Plagiarism occurs when a student submits or presents the work of another person as his/her own, either by copying text word for word, or using someone else’s work. It is not considered plagiarism when excerpts are used in paragraphs or essays, and the author is acknowledge through footnotes or accepted practices.

Assignment must be typed, double spaced and no smaller than 12point font. They must be at time on the due date. Late submissions will not be graded and receive a zero mark.

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