Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation Product or Service and Price

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research related to how a specific company utilizes information related to place and promotion to create marketing plans that will meet business needs including their specified marketing objectives, to assess and make recommendations about the marketing strategies that have been employed based upon the consumer and market research, and to communicate these findings to organizational stakeholders.

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Review the following topic materials.

Topic 6: “Types of Distribution Channels”

Topic 7: “Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations” and “Planning a Promotional Campaign”

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Part 1:

Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with completing a marketing plan for a client, refer back to the research you completed in the Topic 2 Part 1: Research and the Topic 5

Part 2:

Product or Service and Price assignments. Conduct additional research related to place and promotion and use it to complete the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template.”

Part 2:

Add to the PowerPoint presentation you created in the Topic 5 assignment by creating five to eight additional slides that summarize your marketing plan analysis based on the research you have conducted about place and promotion. Slides should address each of the key areas listed below and should include speaker notes that explain how the company could have used what it learned about consumer behavior, product or service, and pricing to help it develop a marketing plan in order to meet the company’s marketing objectives and business needs. When creating the presentation, provide links to specific YouTube and social media site examples that illustrate the current company messaging and promotional techniques. The final presentation should provide a comprehensive look at how the brand promotes their products to customers.

Based upon what you learned from your research and strategy assessment, recommend a strategy the company could employ to increase profits and sales to the target market. Include two or three final slides that summarize and justify your strategy recommendation. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning of the presentation, and an additional slide for references at the end of the presentation.


  1. Describe distribution channels (direct, manufacturer to consumer, indirect, wholesalers/retailers, multichannels).
  2. Discuss possible channel conflicts.


  1. What forms of advertising and promotion does the company use?
  2. What forms of media does the company use? Describe the media mix.
  3. Illustrate the messages the company currently uses.

Strategy Recommendation:

  1. Based upon your research findings for the marketing mix, recommend a strategy that you believe will increase profits and sales to the target market.
  2. Cite your specific research findings to justify your strategy assessment and recommendations.

Part 3:

Part of being a successful marketer is being able to develop marketing strategies based on consumer and market research and then communicate those ideas to stakeholders. Imagine that you have been asked to present your research findings and recommendation to your peers. Practice presenting the PowerPoint presentation you have created. Using Loom, record yourself giving the presentation. There is a 10-minute time limit for sharing your presentation. Your Loom presentation will be graded on the following elements. (I will do the loom presentation)

  1. Professional physical appearance, including business casual attire.
  2. Eye contract with audience (not reading slides or speaker notes) and clear articulation.
  3. Evidence of practice (not reading slides or speaker notes, but using them as a guide to explain presentation content).
  4. Adherence to 10-minute time limit.

General Requirements:

Submit the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template” and the PowerPoint presentation that includes speaker notes and an introductory slide that includes a link to your Loom video.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting 

View “Types of Distribution Channels,” located on the YouTube website.


View “Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations,” located on the YouTube website. 



This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template

Directions: Using the company and research sources from the Topic


and Topic 5 assignments as a starting point, conduct additional research to acquire information related to place and promotion associated with the company you selected. In the “Strategy Recommendation” section, recommend a strategy that you believe will increase profits and sales to the target market. Cite your specific research findings to justify your strategy assessment and recommendations.

Information to be Researched

Research Findings

Resource Citation Information

Describe distribution channels (direct, manufacturer to consumer, indirect, wholesalers/retailers, multichannels).

Discuss possible channel conflicts.

What forms of advertising and promotion does the company use? What role does personal selling fulfill for the company?

What forms of media does the company use? Describe the media mix.

Illustrate the messages the company currently uses.

Include links to specific YouTube and social media site examples.

Strategy Recommendation: In 250 words, recommend a strategy that you believe will increase profits and sales to the target market. Cite your specific research findings to justify your strategy assessment and recommendations.


Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 1 – Research Template

Directions: Visit the website for the company you have selected and obtain a copy of the annual report. Locate three to five additional resources that will provide data and information related to the brand story; the company vision, mission, and marketing objectives; and strategies and tactics the company is currently using to meet the marketing objectives. You will also use this information to complete a SWOT analysis. Apply your research findings when completing each item below.

Company Name: Tesla Inc

Brand Story: In


50 words, provide a thorough description of the company and brand. Reference and cite your research sources within the summary.

Tesla Inc Company was named after Nikola Tesla, who was a famous scientist. Elon Musk found Tesala Inc. Elon Musk was born in South Africa and migrated to America. He was successful in creating pay pal. Which he reinvested his own money to start up Tesla Inc in 2003. Many people doubt the company would not be successful due to another electric car company Karma, which Karma was unsuccessful and was bankrupt. Tesla first introduced its first electric car in 2008, which was the Roadster. It has the same body frame as the Lotus, but the Roadster was run by electric. In 2011 they released the Model S, which was the game-changer for the company. It was the first electric car that went over the 200-mile range and went 0-60. Tesla also introduces supercharging, which made charging the vehicle in under an hour. Tesla has been a success because of the vision of Elon Musk, which makes the car safer and cleaner.

Company Vision: Create the most compelling car company of the 21st Century

Company Mission: To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bring compelling mass market electric care to market as soon as possible.

Company Marketing Objectives: Focus of word of mouth

Company Marketing Strategies and Tactics: In 250 words, provide a high-level summary of the strategies and tactics the company is currently using to meet its marketing objectives. Include discussion about the market and consumer data that was used in formulating the strategies and tactics. Reference and cite your research sources within the summary.

Tesla’s marketing strategy is from word of mouth, which is not hard because of Elon Musk’s personality. He incorporates his character into his cars, like the model of his vehicles. When planning his model cars, they spelled out S3XY. That included model S, 3, X, and Y. Also, they have the roadster, which spelled out S3xyR. That had people talking. The most recent marketing they had was their Cyber truck. When Elon introduces the car, he talks about how the glass is unbreakable, and the glass would not break. But during the demo, it broke and had people talking about it, which was all over social media and the news outlet. Telsa is known to $0 on their marketing plans because they use people to talk about them.

SWOT Analysis: Using the data and information from your research, complete a SWOT analysis for the company. Reference and cite the topic materials for details on conducting SWOT analysis.


· A Top Employer Company

· The Leading Automotive Company

· Best in Class Electric


· Manufacturing Complications

· Unable to meet demands

· Shortage of Batteries


· Sales Expansion in untapped Market

· Less Expensive Cars

· Bring the battery production Technology in house


· Product Liability claims

· Product Defects

· Long Term Confidence

Citation of Sources: Provide APA citations for the company’s annual report and the other research sources utilized in completing the assignment.

Works Cited
Ian. (2019, September 2019). Marketing Strategy . Retrieved from
Rowland, C. (2018, August 27). Panmore. Retrieved from Tesla, Inc.’s Mission Statement & Vision Statement: (n.d.). Tesla. Retrieved from’s%20mission%20is%20to%20accelerate,to%20drive%20than%20gasoline%20cars.


Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part


– Research Template

Directions:Using the company and research sources from the Topic 2 assignment as a starting point, conduct additional research to acquire information related to consumer behavior, product or service, and price associated with the company you selected.In the “Research Summary”section, discuss how the company could use these types of research findings to develop a marketing plan in order to meet the company marketing objectives and business needs.

Information to be Researched

Research Findings

Resource Citation Information

Describe the customer segments and target markets.

· Middle level customers
· High level customers
Target markets are based on various segmentations on the basis of demographics and geographic.

Savary, M., & Elberse, A. (2006, April). Market segmentation, target market selection, andpositioning. Module Note 9-506-019.

Describe characteristics of the target markets that will affect product/service and pricing decisions.

· Sports car lover
· Electric vehicle
· High costs
· Young people and buyer

Schneider, S., Bearman, R., McDermott, H., Xu, X., Benner, S., & Huber, K. (2011, May). An assessment of the price impacts of electric vehicles on the PJM market. Joint study by PJM and Better Place. Seeking Alpha. (2011, February).

Describe how the company differentiates its product and positions its brand.

· Single electric vehicles producers
· Environment’ safety
· Strong and powerful vehicles
· Sports cars
· Better performance
· Green technology

Is Tesla Motors ready to accelerate? Retrieved June 1, 2011, from

Describe a consumer buying behavior model for this company and brand.

· Love/belonging
· Psychological model

Sun, L. (2011). Tesla Motors (TSLA) is more Silicon Valley than Motor City. Investor Guide,February. Retrieved Nov 17, 2020, from

Describe the product mix.

· Luxury
· Eco friendly
· Electric power

Tesla Motors. (2010, July). George Blankenship to build Tesla’s global store network in advance ofthe Model S. Press Release.

Describe the product lines.

· Tesla model X
· Nvidia Tesla
· Tesla model S

Tesla Motors. (2011a, January). Tesla exceeds 1,500 Roadster deliveries worldwide. Press Release.Retrieved Nov 17, 2020, from

Describe the service processes.

· Remote monitoring
· Triage identification
· Proactive repair

Schneider, S., Bearman, R., McDermott, H., Xu, X., Benner, S., & Huber, K. (2011, May). Anassessment of the price impacts of electric vehicles on the PJM market. Joint study by PJM andBetter Place.Seeking Alpha. (2011, February).

Discuss physical evidence of service, service scape, and ambiance.

Tesla rangers is the great example in this perspective.

Tesla Motors. (2011b). Form S-1 Registration Statement [as filed with the Securities and ExchangeCommission on May 25, 2011].

Discuss the roles of company employees in service delivery.

· Efficient
· Trained
· Proactive
· Always available
· Advance techniques and skills

Schneider, S., Bearman, R., McDermott, H., Xu, X., Benner, S., & Huber, K. (2011, May). Anassessment of the price impacts of electric vehicles on the PJM market. Joint study by PJM andBetter Place.Seeking Alpha. (2011, February).

Define the company’s pricing objectives and discuss whether the objectives are profit- or sales-oriented.

· High costs for the products
· Profit oriented

Is Tesla Motors ready to accelerate? Retrieved June 1, 2011, from

Provide an example of current company pricing strategies.

· Model S is the current model that is aimed to earn more profits.

Is Tesla Motors ready to accelerate? Retrieved June 1, 2011, from

Describe pricing tactics (discounts, etc.) that are used to drive short-term demand

· Proactive services

Schneider, S., Bearman, R., McDermott, H., Xu, X., Benner, S., & Huber, K. (2011, May). An assessment of the price impacts of electric vehicles on the PJM market. Joint study by PJM and Better Place. Seeking Alpha. (2011, February).

Research Summary:In 250 words, discuss how the company could use these types of research findings to develop a marketing plan in order to meet the company’s marketing objectives and business needs.

With the help of this research the company can easily maintain a marketing plan. The research includes all the important elements of the markets. These elements include market positioning, types of customers and their demands, products available to meet their demands, prices for these products, main markets and target customers. Along with all these important topics the research also includes some important information about the marketing strategies, pricing strategies, after sales services and provision of various other important pieces of information. This research will help the company in developing its marketing plan by keeping in mind its vision and mission. The most important mission of the company is to serve the young, adults’ sports persons that have the capability of getting luxurious sports car along with the good combination of electric vehicles. The company always focuses middle and high level customers for its products because of the extraordinary services that the company gives to its customers. The company also believes in making good terms with the customers by providing them proactive services. These services include providing after sakes services by keeping in mind the time limit. There is no need for the customers to call for the services. The efficient Tesla rangers team is always available to provide this type of service to its customers. The employees at Tesla are very efficient and they have all the important skills that can help them in making the customers satisfied. Tesla also believes in spreading its business on the basis of demographics and geographic elements. The research proposed to focus on the strategy of business as business focuses on luxury lover customers, switchers and brand conscious.



Marketing Plan

Customer Segments and Target Markets

Middle level customers

High level customers

Target markets are based on various segmentations on the basis of demographics and geographic.

Characteristics of Target Markets
Sports car lover
Electric vehicle
High costs
Young people and buyer

Products and Brand Positioning
Single electric vehicles producers
Environment’ safety
Strong and powerful vehicles
Sports cars
Better performance
Green technology

Consumer Buying Behavior Model

Psychological model

Product Mix
Eco friendly
Electric power

Product Lines
Tesla model X
Nvidia Tesla
Tesla model S

Service Processes
Remote monitoring

Triage identification

Proactive repair
The most important example can be:
Tesla rangers is the great example in this perspective.

Role of Employees
Always available
Advance techniques and skills

Pricing Objectives
Pricing Objectives
Pricing Tactics
High costs for the products
Profit oriented
The example can be:
Model S is the current model that is aimed to earn more profits.
Proactive services

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