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Marketing Management EXAM 2

Exam 2 includes questions regarding the “Buzz Marketing: Kayem Foods, Inc.” case found in the

course. Please answer each question thoroughly. To complete the exam I expect you to address

each of the following questions IN DETAIL. You should answer every question in a Microsoft

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Word (or ) format document and place the file in the exam dropbox by the due date. Please

label each question and feel free to use your textbook to better understand each of the issues

and organize your answers. In answering the questions, I need to understand why you are

making the arguments that you are for each question. Please note that there may not be ONE

right answer to any question so you must provide enough information for me to judge your

understanding and reasoning of the situation. At the completion of the exam you will have

completed a case analysis.


1. What are Kayem Food’s strengths? Please describe its marketing program in detail.

2. The case says that Kayem Foods is not meeting its profit targets. Why is it difficult for this
firm to make money in this market?

3. Why is Kayem interested in growing a brand in this small product category? (Or why would
any company be interested in growing a brand in a small niche market?)

4. What is buzz marketing all about? How does it work? Why does it work?

5. What were the results of the buzz marketing campaign for Al Fresco? To answer this
question, be sure to look at: 1) sales, 2) profits, 3) share of market, and 4) case Appendix A.
In examining Appendix A, look at both what was said and the “tone” (or the feeling given)
from the comments.

6. In addition to these previous metrics, what else does Monkiewicz have to consider as he
decides whether to proceed with another buzz campaign?

a. If Monkiewicz does not spend money on a buzz marketing campaign, where should he

spend the money?
b. If Monkiewicz decides to run another buzz marketing campaign, what steps should he take

to insure that he will be able to assess its results or impact?

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