
 Segmentation Methods

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Within the laundry detergent category, you are to find one example that represents Demographic, one that represents Psychographic, and one that represents Benefit segmentation. You must use specific brands for your answers. You must also post a picture of the product and then describe the reason it is an example of that segmentation base. Then view the answers submitted by two classmates and suggest changes to those products that would target them to different segments.

Segmentation Methods

Within the laundry detergent category, you are to find one example that represents Demographic, one that represents Psychographic, and one that represents Benefit segmentation. You must use specific brands for your answers. You must also post a picture of the product and then describe the reason it is an example of that segmentation base. Then view the answers submitted by two classmates and suggest changes to those products that would target them to different segments.

Refer to the given table.

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Segmentation Method

Sample Segments


Continent: North America, Asia, Europe, Africa,

Within the United States: Pacific, Mountain, Central, South, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast


Age, gender, income, education


Lifestyle, self-concept, self-values


Convenience, economy, prestige


Occasion, loyalty

Picture and description example:


Bounce for Men is designed to reach the male demographic segment. It is specially designed for men with a special “pure sport” scent. The purpose is to differentiate the product in the market so that single men who do their own laundry select Bounce instead of any other brand.

Comment Example:

Bounce could offer a “Bounce for Women” with perfumed scents that would target single women in the laundry category.

When you reply to your classmates’ posts, respectfully respond to the post and offer an opinion, reaction or comment with an example to support it. Try to expand and move the discussion forward, rather than merely agreeing with the post.  Remember that your initial post must be at least 250 words in length.

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