There are 2 DQ’s that I need pretty quick. The directions are included in the attachment. At least 300 or more words each.

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Assignment Details (Employment and Labor Law) 300 or more words – Discussion (Due 8-28-2020

Please discuss the following in your main post:

· Discuss a scenario in which a contract dispute could impact the employer–employee relationship. Give details of the scenario, the contract, the parties involved, and how the relationship is impacted.

· When could a tort claim impact the employer–employee relationship? Discuss the scenario, what tort action is, the basis of the claim, the parties involved, and how the relationship is impacted.

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· For the first 2 questions, identify the following:

· 2 obligations that the employer would have

· 2 obligations that the employee would have

· 1 defense that the employer would have

· 1 defense that the employee would have

Assignment Details (Supply Chain Management and Purchasing) 300 or more words – Discussion (Due 8-28-2020

This Discussion Board will be active for the entire class.

Collaboration in a business environment is a best practice that leverages the collective knowledge of the team assembled. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts of an individual. This DB is designed for you to ask questions in order to receive clarification from your instructor on your future assignments, and to share ideas with your peers. By taking the time to look ahead at what is expected of you, it gives you a chance to plan in advance what you need to prepare your assignments.

Students are encouraged to use it regularly to obtain assistance from the instructor, as well as to benefit from questions raised by other students.

Please post any questions, concerns, or comments about course assignments or concepts.

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