Assigment 1

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Question I – At the end of a long day, Sabrina, a cashier for a supermarket is counting the paper money.  One of the bills falls from the cash register into the bottom of Sabrina’s purse.  What elements of embezzlement are present in this situation?  Should Sabrina be convicted of embezzlement?  Why or why not?

Question II – Bobby Bigmouth is sued for slander by his boss.  Bobby argues that he cannot be sued for slander because he did not publish any statement.  He argues that his alleged slanderous comment was not published because he just made the comment to a co-worker about his boss rather than making that statement to a reporter to be published.  Is Bobby’s argument correct?

Question III – During an episode of Sports Center, one of the anchors misread the teleprompter and said LeBron James was closing his school for at risk youth.  In reality, LeBron James was expanding his school.  This statement by the anchor was a slip of the tongue and corrected in the next episode.  Would LeBron’s defamation suit against Sports Center and the anchor be successful?  Why or why not?

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Describe a pricing decision your company has made. Was it optimal? If not, why not? How would you adjust price? Compute the profit consequences of the change.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length

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