Managing Stress for College Students Through Outdoor Cinema

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ManagingStress for College Students Through Outdoor Cinema

Between 25 percent and 50 percent of college students meet the criteria of at least one mental disorder in a given year. According to data, about half the disease burden is accounted for in young adults. 1 in 5 students are given minimal treatment for their mental disorder (Adam, Harrer, Fleischman, Baumeister et al., 2018). Common phrases that are thrown around by middle-aged adults is that “college years are the best years of your life”. Of course, this is a subjective blanket statement, not to be taken literally, but there are studies that indicate that college life can be less than pleasant. Rather, in this critical period of development, college years can be a taxing one for a young adult’s mental health.  The Spring 2016 Executive Summary Report conducted a survey with 80,139 undergraduate students from the United States. Stress was ranked number one out of 30 health factors listed in the report (Maykrantz et al., 2018 p. 90). Many factors in college that can cause stress for young adults are things like academics, interpersonal relationships, finances, increased expenditure, or even daily hassles such as parking or being late. Today, the margin of stress increases for college students due to fewer resources, demanding time constraints, steadily rising standards in a competitive environment and unique responsibilities that didn’t exist in the past (Rastogi, 2020).

What “stress” is, is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. The body reacts with stress in challenging or demanding situations, which can be positive in small doses. But when stress lasts for too long, it can have harmful effects (MedlinePlus, n.d.), a phenomenon which the survey displays through its results. Out of all respondents, 86% reported feeling overwhelmed, 82% felt exhausted, and 66% felt sad within the past 12 months (Maykrantz et al., 2018 p. 90). The yielded numbers could exist for a number of reasons, but with the primary listed reason being stress, it can be concluded what the thing that affects college students at a large margin and results in a declining mental state is. There are several basic common techniques to coping with stress. Eating a balanced meal, distracting yourself from the source of stress, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep is part of the first common technique of taking care of yourself. Second is talking to others. Third, avoiding drugs. Fourth, take a break. And fifth, recognizing you need help (CDC n.d.). To combat stress in a non-destructive manner, healthy coping strategies and support systems are necessary for college students to thrive, especially considering the current day average way of coping that college students prefer. College students will turn to maladaptive, independent behaviors more often than they would turn to support systems when it comes to coping with stress. It is not certain why that is, but maladaptive behaviors include substance abuse, such as binge drinking, avoiding schoolwork, or promoting problematic behaviors in the internet (Maykrantz et al., 2018). Thus, reducing stress would have a positive impact, as it would in turn minimize the negative side effects of stress that exist in college students today.

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Statistical Analysis For Effect Of Positive Thinking On Stress Management And Creative Problem Solving For Adolescents

The article here mostly entails much of a study conducted on the positive effect of positive thinking and how positive thinking can greatly aid in reducing the stress levels and as well help in solving some problems as well.  It is in this regard that the article mostly shows some factual statistical analysis that involves how positive thinking is of great effect to every individual and in particular also helps in developing some problem-solving capacities as well. With the study has been carried out on live samples and there are some volunteers the article shows some relevant data, and analysis that is of great proximity to the matter and the truth of

the hypothesis.

               As stated from the article of  “spirituality with positive thinking with creative attitude is the only way through which one can get well soon from all types of problems by following some discipline” this is a statement the author creates that is of great importance to the subject matter of the article. Analyzing what is a problem the author takes it as a matter that attributes one to not reaching his or her goals as a result of the situation. It is on this that the article well analyzes what spirituality covers holding with some of the scientific facts and the entity of yoga which have directed to expressing the emotions, feelings, intellectual and the spiritual feeling which help in the development of humans. A good example given by the article researcher is that of children who live with their parents but they find themselves having hatred over them, it is true that this matter is not emotionally or mentally connected. It is on this that the research drives a quote that the oriented problems are less emotional.

                 The definition of stress here is said as a response to an event that threatens or rather poses a challenge to a person. A good example is that of an exam or any other matter. Mostly stress is attributed to hardship matter and which exerts some external pressure on an individual. The causes of stress are such as danger, Ego control failure, uncertainty, and other factors as well which contribute to the issue. There are also some symptoms that follow after stress and which are inclusive of the cognitive characteristics, physical characteristics, and some emotional as well.

               An individual having a skill or a manner in which he or she solves a problem that is a creative problem solver. This skill is not learned nor taught by anyone, but rather a person enhances it and develops it independently. The skill here demands one to have a more practical knowledge to enhance it rather than the books’ knowledge as not everything has to be taught to be acquired but rather some situations enhance one to gather a mechanism to keep moving forward. Creative problem solving must involve one to having creativity and it is hence that most people find it in the art world or rather in music where they feel like the problems are getting absorbed once they listen to music. 

 In conclusion, the article mush entails a wide skilled analysis which is of thorough research hypothesis and which is into the point with every topic addressed. It drives that positive thinking can help towards the management of stress and as well as help in increasing creative problem-solving in individuals and mostly among students. To get a positive enhancing movie or a song greatly helps to get a better performance as well as living happily as the response to stress is effective and good. 

Social Support from Friends Predicts Changes in Memory Specificity Following a Stressful Life Event

Exposure to negative life stress has been proven to affect people’s ability to refer back to specific autobiographical events, which can then cause emotional disorders. Memory specificity is affected by heightened stress levels, which can make it more difficult for people to refer back on autobiographical events due to the fact that they don’t want to experience the same level of stress again. It’s proven that social variables (friends, family, a support group, etc.) can positively affect stress and past memory recognition when one’s psyche has been negatively affected by emotional stress. To test this theory, researchers concluded an experiment, where they provide new understanding of the influence of social variables on autobiographical memory specificity by testing 143 University of Hong Kong students’ (N) ability to remember a stressful event – performing worse on a test than they had anticipated. 

To start off, researchers divided the 143 university students (76% female) in groups, based on whether or not the students experienced a negative stressor – their exam results (T1). The students were given the Minimal Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test (MI-AMT), where different areas of autobiographical memory specificity were assessed. A month later (T2), the university students were asked to refer back to their testing memory. After testing the 143 University of Hong Kong students, researchers came to the conclusion that the students with the higher scores reflected higher levels of performance-specific social support and practiced positive self-talk when an stressful event occurred in their life. Those students also showed greater memory specificity a month later, compared to the students who did not have social support after the stressful experience. Researchers found that the students who shared their stressful experience with a social network – friends, family, significant other, support group, etc., showed lower signs of stress and higher memory retrieval skills a month after the experience compared to the students who did not turn to a social network for help and support. Researchers found out that access to social support is associated with reduced experience of physical and mental symptoms of stress in individuals, supporting their claim that social variables have a positive effect on autobiographical memory specificity. 

After the experiment was concluded, researchers came to the conclusion that exposure to negative life events has been associated with subsequent difficulty when it comes to recalling specific past memories. If the stress is left untreated, it can lead to a list of emotional disorders and prolong the unnecessary negativity in one’s life. Autobiographical memories involve personally experienced events, which are classified in two ways – specific – something that happened in a 24-hour timeframe, while the second classification is non-specific – memories of events that occurred multiple times. Researchers found that difficulty retrieving specific memories has been especially heightened within victims of assault and people who struggle with depression. Research shows that when a traumatic event happens, some individuals cope by avoiding thinking about the experience, which can make it more difficult to retrieve all autobiographical memories. To better cope with stress, researchers suggest that using social support to cope with stress has helped reduce stress, understand the traumatic experience better, which in turn will help one process the experience. This experiment concludes that social support is an aid when it comes to lowering stress and heightening memory specificity, due to the fact that the support received allows individuals to process the negative events and to cope with any negative affect, which then preserves their ability to retrieve specific memories, reduces their need for subsequent functional avoidance, and protects them from the risk of subsequent emotional disorders. 

Relationship Between Stressful Life Events and Sleep Quality: Rumination as a Mediator and Resilience as a Moderator

Many students in China have trouble sleeping. More specifically, between 12.9% to 52.8% of college students in China have sleep problems. This poses a dilemma, as a lack of sleep can contribute to “risk-taking behaviors” in students. Insomnia also increases the risk for declines in social, psychological, physical, and mental health.  For example, sleep disturbances have been found to be highly interrelated with depressive states. More than two-thirds of depressed children and adolescents suffer sleep-onset or sleep-maintenance problems. And because of the bidirectional relationship of sleep disturbance and depression, the two conditions can maintain a sort of feedback loop to continuously exist within the person they manifest in (Tan et al., 2019). While it’s true that depression and stress are not the same issue, it is a definitive fact that an inadequate amount of sleep poses negative effects within college students.

A study was published on May 27th, 2019 in order to analyze the role of “rumination and resilience” in the context of a relationship between difficult life trials and sleeping. Rumination is when someone thinks repeatedly about problematic situations or events, whether they happened to endure the event themselves or not, and focus on negative emotions and symptoms that came with the experience. This can be problematic if thoughts are consistently in rumination as an overabundance of negativity can cause spirals, meltdowns, instances of depression and worse to occur. Overall, high levels of rumination indicate greater amounts of stress in an individual. On the other hand, there is “resilience,” which is the ability to manage stressful events and bounce back from the aftermath of said events. Resilience can also be seen as an effective operation of self-adjustment, and given that information, one can ascertain that people require resilience in order to cope with the difficulties of life. A greater resilience is therefore a positive trait to have in a person, and would be desirable to cultivate or maintain. For the study, rumination and resilience were a few of the main considerations measured in the pursuit of discovering the connection between stress and sleep.

The experimental group was 1,065 college students in the Jiangsu Province of China. Scholars administered a series of tests such as The Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Checklist (ASLEC), Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS), Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) as means of measurement. All tests were done anonymously, on pen and paper. The assessments were staggered over the course of one week during which there are no stressful events, such as quiz days, midterms or finals. In the ASLEC, the students assess whether they have experienced certain types of stressful events based on 27 items grouped under six factors: interpersonal, learning stress, punishment, loss, health adaptation, and “other.” If they did not experience it, they would score a 0, if they answer “yes” then the impact of the event would be evaluated from a “1” at the least, and a “5” at the most. The RRS promotes a similar function, but instead measures rumination quotients based on a 1 to 4 scale. Resilience is measured by the CD-RISC on a five-point scale and sleep quality by the PSQI is on a three-point scale. Once done, the results were processed and checked; they indicated that rumination serves a partial role between stressful life events and sleep quality. The more one ruminated, the more their resilience score decreased, and in turn their sleep quality decreased. It was also found that stressful life events, i.e., a greater amount of stress, contributes to higher levels of insomnia in college students. Ultimately, the results point towards circumventing stress is more effective when increasing psychological resilience. With the findings showing a positive relationship between stress and sleep rumination as prevalent in many of China’s college students, reparations and increases in resilience would benefit society greatly.

Strategies to Coping Stress for College Students

    Stress is an everyday experience that occurs to college students almost every single day. Such common causes for stress would be pressure to find success in academics and finding out certainty in future life. Students may not get proper sleep hours due to working on a handful of school work. Not eating properly increases the level of stress, which affects the body and the mind of the individual. Stress is the reactions to the body that are caused physically, emotionally, and mentally. A person feeling stress needs adjustment on activities or response in order to cope with the feelings of stress in their body. Coping is a strategy that helps reduce the level of stress on an individual’s body. Examples include distracting yourself from the problem, focusing on solving the problem, and having social support.

    This study was mainly focused on adolescents between the age of 12 to 25 because the occurrence of stress appears during those ages. Physical, family, social, school, and relationship factors are what causes stress in the first place. Coping strategies are what help maintain an individual’s body from breaking. Everyone has their own way of coping with stress. Ideally, seeking social support is the main solution for coping with stress. College students seek support for problem solving and distraction from the cause of stress. One study shows adolescent females cope with their stress by staying in their room, socializing with friends, and talking to family members.

    In the college of Taiwan, researcher, Kai-Wen Cheng, conducted a study on college students that experience psychological problems. Research says physical factor, social factor, school factor, and family factor are main causes for stress. Study finds students are worried for economic issues, success in academics, fear of failure, and classroom interactions. Students are pressured to do well in school, because the majority of students have the needs to meet their parents expectations. There are consequences not coping with stress. It causes emotional problems, which can lead to being suicidal. Study indicates Indian college students have a better coping strategy than the Canadian students. However, Indian students have lower self-esteem compared to Canadians. Another research found that teachers who do not notice the student’s stress then they may show unusual behaviors. In order to maintain stress levels, research suggested students should adapt to the college lifestyle as soon as possible, find a better study method, improve on starting a career, and maintain the stress level from family reasons. 

    The goal of the method was to find a way to maintain stress and find coping strategies for college students. Researchers studied undergraduate students from Bangalore City between  the ages of 18 to 21 and researchers chose 100 random students for sampling techniques from five colleges in the city.  Students were given two questionnaires to answer for research purposes. One was meant for understanding the stress level (Perceived stress scale) and the other Brief cope scale, understanding how students cope with their stress. With the stress level of 26.9, students were considered to have moderate stress levels and a score of 48.40 which is an average level for coping with their stress. 

    Stress is a common occurrence during adolescent years and many have their own methods of coping with their stress. Stress occurs mainly from family, relationship, social, physical, and school. Stress causes suicide rate and researchers finds a way to prevent suicide rates for college students. They test to see the current level of stress college students are in in order to research more about copying with stress. So far, students have an average level of stress and an average level for coping. Effective coping strategy is the key source in maintaining a daily lifestyle for the mind and body.


Providing adequate reprieve from the stress of daily college life is extremely necessary given the research done above. Creating reprieve can also be made easy, with the school’s, specifically San Francisco State University’s (SFSU), support. Entertainment, namely, is one of the main sources of relaxation amongst young adults, and SFSU can provide it: through a drive-in movie. This outdoor movie plan has both an in of attack and a proper compensation plan for the money borrowed. But how does the plan start if compensation hinges on success? What expenses will be expected for a plan of that magnitude? And how will the plan be carried out, should problems arise? There is much to think about, and all components should be treated with delicacy.

            The drive-in movie theatre will be held on the rooftop of the Lot 20 parking garage at SFSU, in the evenings. For location assistance visit the SFSU website to locate Lot 20 parking garage. If allowed, the event would be during the weekend, when the most people would be available, otherwise, Fridays. Movies will be provided by us, whether by DVD or simply looking up a link on the internet to show with the projector, and they will last at least an hour and a half, two hours max, and a different one each time. More than one movie during the night feels excessive, so that will be avoided as much as possible, unless the movies that are being shown are only one hour long. An inflatable movie screen that is about the average size of one in a theatre will be provided for an audience of 50 car spaces. Food will be provided at a small price, but students will be encouraged to bring their own. Setting up, selling spots and snacks and cleaning up will be at our group’s discretion, as well as volunteers that we will ask for before the event. There will be a paid security guard in case anything goes wrong, and we will also be on our own guard as hosts of the event. This cost will all amount to about 1,371.02 dollars, but tickets will be $5 dollars per person, and snacks will be $2 dollars. That would mean that a single night with a full house would adequately cover the most of the cost of the movie theatre, and charging across multiple nights may even yield a profit.

    We would ask SFSU for about $1400. We try to minimize the cost of the drive-in movie theatre as low as possible. Since we are holding the event for three days, we plan to hire a security for $17 an hour, which would total up to $102.00. With just the four of us maintaining the event, we thought hiring one more person would ease the heavy workload during the event. To ease the budget we’ve planned to have two people working on snacks and two people in the ticket booth. We buy cleaning supplies such as four trash grabbers for a total of $27.16, and sanitizer/soap for $49.99. During COVID-19, people would want to feel safe and secure. After the movie is over, all four of us would clean and sanitize the lot, so we can prepare for the next day. Safety is one major aspect we all should focus on. We’ve already encouraged customers to bring their own food or snacks, just in case, we’ve prepared snacks for a total of $191.88 for three nights. Cost of snacks $2 each. We ask the school some of the supplies that includes trash bin, recycle bin, and mop and mop bucket which cost nothing. Majority of the borrowed money will go towards the 24FT Inflatable Mega Movie Screen Outdoor Use- Front and Rear Projection that costs $999.99. Any questions or concerns during the event, customers can directly discuss the issue with security or one of us from our work station to resolve any issues.

A well marketed event will yield the most participants and the greatest success. Often times, the most common problem with campus events is that people never seem to hear about special things happening before the event passes. SFSU’s main social media pages will be requested to market these events with pages that are made by one of us, presumably on our own computer or in the SFSU Library. Because paper fliers are both an extra cost and perhaps a less effective form of promoting, this method won’t be considered. Then, the movie event will have its own page so that students can check information with ease, in an organized space. Social media will be mostly involved with marketing for the first night, and then promoting whatever movie will be playing the day before each night. If people have direct questions, there will be both a FAQ, and one of the group members acting as a “social media manager” that can answer questions that occur in post interactions. We only hope everyone to experience a stress free environment, so hopefully everyone will have a great time without any trouble. To make the drive-in a safe environment for everyone, we encourage audiences to keep the parking lot clean to prevent any hazard towards others Safety should be our number one prior. That will serve as our hook for the drive-in movie, and will give people assurance that the event is responsibly run, and fun.


· Movie screen + projector:
$999.99 “
24FT Inflatable Mega Movie Screen Outdoor Use- Front and Rear Projection – Portable Blow Up Projector Screen for Grand Parties, Easy to Set Up (with Blower in One Box)”

· Snacks: $63.96/night,
for three nights “SkinnyPop Popped Popcorn Variety (Original & White Cheddar), Individual Bags, Healthy Snacks, 0.5oz (Pack of 40)”

· DVD’s:

· Snack People:

· Ticket People:

· Sanitizing people:

· Security: $17/hour,
for three nights

· Sanitizer/Soap:
$49.99 “
Hand Sanitizer Gallon – Liquid Hand Sanitizer with 80% Alcohol – Sanitize-MD | 1 Gallon (3.9L) Bottles”

· Mop: $0 Borrowed

· 4 Trash grabbers:
“Foldable Claw Trash Pick Up Tool, Metal Handy Grabber Foldable Rubbish Lifter Clamp Long Arm Waste Reaching Stick for the Home and Garden”

· 1 Bin for trash:
Provided by school 

· 1 Bin for recycling:
Provided by the school

· Ticket (selling) Costs:

· Snack (selling) costs:




Tips for Coping with Stress|Publications|Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC. (2019, September 3). Coping with Stress.

C.P., Mathew. Stress and Coping Strategies among College Students, 25 July 2017, .

Chiu, C. H., Ma, H. W., Boddez, Y., Raes, F., & Barry, T. J. (2019). Social support from friends predicts changes in memory specificity following a stressful life event. Memory, 27(9), 1263-1272. doi:10.1080/09658211.2019.1648687

Harrer, M., Adam, S. H., Fleischmann, R. J., Baumeister, H., Auerbach, R., Bruffaerts, R., . . . Ebert, D. D. (2018). Effectiveness of an Internet- and App-Based Intervention for College Students With Elevated Stress: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4). doi:10.2196/jmir.9293

Li, Y., Gu, S., Wang, Z., Li, H., Xu, X., Zhu, H., Deng, S., Ma, X., Feng, G., Wang, F., & Huang, J. H. (2019). Relationship Between Stressful Life Events and Sleep Quality: Rumination as a Mediator and Resilience as a Moderator. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 348.

MedlinePlus. (n.d.) Stress and your health. Retrieved from,to%20a%20challenge%20or%20demand


Rastogi, R. (2020). Summary on the Statistical Analysis For Effect Of Positive Thinking On Stress Management And Creative Problem Solving For Adolescents.. Research gate. Retrieved 30 July 2020, from


 Sherry A. Maykrantz & Jeffery D. Houghton (2020) Self-leadership and stress among college students: Examining the moderating role of coping skills† , Journal of American College Health, 68:1, 89-96, 

Tan, Y., Chen, Y., Lu, Y., & Li, L. (2016). Exploring Associations between Problematic Internet Use, Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Disturbance among Southern Chinese Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(3), 313. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

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