Managerial Epidemiology Week 2 project


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Supporting Lectures

Review the following lecture:

  • Descriptive Data

The behaviors of a population can put it at risk for specific health conditions. Studies of human characteristics have shown that those with similar health risks can be targeted for population health improvement.

  1. Choose two groups from the health conditions listed below.

    Tobacco use
    Alcohol abuse
    Opioid addiction
    Heart disease
    Pancreatic cancer

  2. Begin your project by briefly discussing why you have chosen the groups.
  3. Research and discuss descriptive characteristics that are typically associated with the groups you have chosen.
  4. Thoroughly research and discuss at least five different types of epidemiological tools used to study the two groups.
  5. Finally, conclude with detailed recommendations for improving the health of those who develop the conditions you chose.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings, credible Internet sources, and also use the

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. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

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Your assignment should be addressed in a minimum of 3–to 5-page document.

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