management (organizational behavior)


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This assignment uses a media episode to help you to identify workplace issues and apply relevant OB concepts learned in this course. 

Before you begin, you need to watch “Did I stutter” episode, season four of the popular TV show “The Office” (then watch it again!). 


Find solutions and   suggestions to resolve the issues you have identified in task one. Your   solutions could target the particular issues, or more generally toward the   culture, and working environment where the problems have emerged. You could   look at gradual (incremental) steps of change or more of radical   transformation. There are no right or wrong answers, rather you will be   assessed on how well your arguments are supported.

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write in paragraphs and support your writings with scholarly references (your textbook has plenty)

College of Business Administration


OB issues and solutions

Group assignment

This assignment uses a media episode to help you to identify workplace issues and apply relevant OB concepts learned in this course.

Before you begin, you need to watch “Did I stutter” episode, season four of the popular TV show “The Office” (then watch it again!). also, complete task one as specified on LMS.

Task two:

Find solutions and suggestions to resolve the issues you have identified in task one. Your solutions could target the particular issues, or more generally toward the culture, and working environment where the problems have emerged. You could look at gradual (incremental) steps of change or more of radical transformation. There are no right or wrong answers, rather you will be assessed on how well your arguments are supported.

Remember: write in paragraphs and support your writings with scholarly references (your textbook has plenty)

Assignment Submission and Return

Your written assignment must be submitted


1.55 p.m. on the due date.

The assignment is checked for plagiarism (copying) and marker will mark your assignment on an electronic marking sheet. DO NOT RE-USE MATERIAL YOU HAVE WRITTEN FOR PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENTS/COURSES – YOUR ESSAY OR REPORT MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK PREPARED FOR THIS PARTICULAR OFFERING OF THIS COURSE.

Do not send us your assignment by email or in person – only submit via the drop box in LMS. Please get assignments in by the due date. Like any deadline you would face in the business world you must prioritize to meet it. Your written assignment must be submitted ON or BEFORE the due date and time in order to be accepted as a valid submission.

To access your assignment feedback and grade, go to the assignment dropbox you submitted through.

Follow these steps to submit your assignments:

1. Check that your assignment meets the assignment instructions.

2. Check your assignment against the grading sheet in the Assessment Guide (see below page 4).

3. Read this: Copying or paraphrasing of another person’s work, published or unpublished, without clearly acknowledging it, will be considered as plagiarism, and is unacceptable. The University contains a plagiarism policy. There are strict penalties for plagiarism. Note that, in submitting your assignment, you acknowledge that you have read this notice.

4. Check that your document has been saved with the correct file name and file-type as Microsoft Word and saved as or x (NO PDF or PPT).

5. Please attach a cover or a title page at the beginning of your essay stating: your names, group number, students ID numbers, course name and code and word count (for title page example see page 5).


You will need to examine and cite at least 1 other scholarly source in addition to the textbook as part of this assignment. Scholarly sources include journal articles and books sourced from the YU Library, the YU online article database, and/or Google Scholar.

You may also use extra non-scholarly citations to support your argument, however you must be aware of the credibility of your sources. For example, a government website is likely to be a credible source, but many commercial websites (ending with a .com address) will not be regarded as credible sources.

Please note that Wikipedia is generally not accepted as a credible source to use as a reference in an academic essay. If Wikipedia is a useful starting point, by all means use it, but wherever possible, be sure to find and cite the original source of the information.

You will be marked on the quality and quantity of credible sources you use and how effectively you use the APA referencing style, so paying attention to these matters will make a difference to your grade.

Before you submit:

Before you finalize and submit your assignment make sure that:

· You have kept to the topic, answered the questions given, and excluded irrelevant points and unnecessary padding.

· The main ideas or points are distinguished in separate sections.

· You offer your own analysis of the topic (with supporting evidence)

· The argument evolves logically.

· Sentences are grammatically correct, clear and easy to understand.

· You have used a spell checker to check for typing mistakes.

· There is adequate evidence (references and citations) to support your claims or generalizations.

· Your style is active and likely to engage the audience.

Policy on Plagiarism and cheating

Cheating, which include plagiarism, is a form of misconduct that undermines academic integrity. As such YU condemns all form of cheating and imposes stiff penalties on offenders in order to build a no-cheating environment.

Cheating is a serious educational offence. Cheating occurs when a student:

· Uses or attempts to use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials or methods.

· Copies another student’s work and submit it as his/her own work.

· Allows another student to copy his/her work.

· Collaborates excessively with other students and decompiles sample solutions.

· Using mobile phone during exam.

If it is determined that a student has cheated, in any course at any time during their enrolment at YU, the University will proceed various types of disciplinary action depending on the circumstances like giving zero grade for the quiz in question, failing grade for the course, even suspension from the semester or from the university. (ref: Cheating and Plagiarism Policy: version 1, approved on 5.12.2009).

MGT 102- Organizational Behavior

Assignment 1: Group activity

Assignment 1: Grading Framework

When your assignment is marked, the following will be assessed:

Paragraph Presentation 20%

Correct use of paragraph format (topic sentence, supporting details, Concluding sentence)

Accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar

Clear, legible, professional presentation

Appropriate tone/language choice

Essay Content and Focus 50%

Sets the scene and identifies the main dimensions of selected issues/topic

Clear logical analysis and discussion using relevant OB concepts

Thoughtfully applies theory from the text and other scholarly sources

Logically connects ideas within a coherent paragraph structure

Supporting Evidence 20%

Integrates at least two (2) relevant scholarly sources

References all in-text sources using correct APA format

Reference list in correct APA format

Overall Quality 10%

Comprehensive exploration of topic

Coherence and clarity of writing

General excellence (e.g., a ‘model’ assignment)

“Title Page”


ID #

Course Name

Section #

Word count

Group assignment


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