Management Interview Essay

Essentialsof Management – Mgt 120 – Spring 2021 George Lutzow

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Interview Assignment
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Interview Assignment – Networking – Building a Learning Community

Identify the most experienced and interesting manager / leader you know (or would like to know) based on their experience as a manager / leader.

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· Introduction and Discussion – Tues., February 2nd

· Interview Form Due – Thurs., Feb 4th by 11:59 PM – Submit through Canvas

· Lessons Learned – Thurs., Mar 4th – Submit Lessons Learned via Canvas

· Lessons Learned – Tues., Mar 9th – Class Discussion


· To increase your knowledge and understanding about management and leadership

· To expand your learning network by interviewing an experienced manager / leader.

· To understand how the individual’s understanding of management and leadership has changed and grown over time.

· To contrast these results with your understanding of management and leadership

· To help shape how you will manage and lead in the future

Interview Prep Assignment

1. Who do you want to interview?

2. Why do you want to interview this individual?

3. What do you hope to learn?

4. How soon should you contact this individual?

5. How much time should you request?

6. What questions do you want to ask? … and why?

Lessons Learned Assignment – 2-3 page paper

1. Review and consider all of the key facts covered during the interview.

2. Identify the top 3 things you learned during the interview and summarize on 1-2 pages.

3. Content

· Introduction – Q 1 and 2 above – Who & Why

· Top 3 Things You Learned

· Identify any connection to course content

· Identify any curiosities or areas for further discovery or follow-up.

· Summarize

Submit your assignment through Canvas

File Name:

Include your name in the word document; i.e.: Smith-D07-Interview

Format: One page; 12 pt type;

Note: summarize answers to questions; this is NOT a transcript of the interview

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