Management Info (tutorjass)

Totally 5 Question.

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Each answer is min 200 word. 

Ques – 1

In the discussions of the database operation, what is the foreign key and why do we need it?

Ques – 2

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Explain how the Packet Switching can use the communication capacity in much more efficient way than the Circuit Switching, especially for voice communications without much losing signal quality.

Ques – 3

Develop at least four ways to gather knowledge from the personal and undocumented expertise of professionals within a corporation?

Ques – 4

The Balanced Scorecard framework is a handy business health indicator about a business. It is composed of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in four dimensions: Financial, Business Processes, Customers, and Employees. For a retail store like Walmart, suggest at least two KPIs for each dimension of the Balanced Scorecard framework.

Ques – 5

During the system development, user involvement in the development process is important to ensure the user requirements are correctly reflected in the system specifications. However, the user group need to be cautious in dealing with the system developers. What kind of problems would the user group may raise from overly interacting with the system developers?

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