Management info systems


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You are the new Director of Technology at Goliath National Bank, a prominent bank based in Buffalo, NY



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The tumultuous nature and miscommunications that have been occurring between the business lines and Technology (which includes the digital department) has resulted in the termination of your predecessor.  The company has found is in disarray and is looking for new leadership to address some initial concerns.  Your job is to create a plan for a altering the entire department and how the organization views information technology/ digital technology and their importance to the overall strategy of the organization.  One major issue with your predecessor was that there was always conjecture when a problem occurred. The board is looking for concrete answers and academic research to support the plan.  




· Make certain to identify what you believe to be the root cause for the major concerns listed below, and how the problems will be solved through your plan.

· The plan must be supported by current academic research that supports the plan specifically. A minimum of



academic sources published in the past ten years must be used.

· You will submit a minimum of 5-7-page proposal document (maximum 9 pages) that outlines the reasoning and methodology for the implementation of your approach, which will address the board of director’s major concerns:

· Digital technology posts have been erratic according to the marketing department

· The application developers have been frequently missing meetings with their assigned business lines

· The UAT process does not appear to work as that part of the project plan has not been met by any business line.

· Individual Departments are using spreadsheets with critical customer data (both PCI and PII) locally on their desktops

· Multiple people across the organization have clicked on phishing emails, resulting in the cybersecurity team working overtime for the past month.

· You will include a list of Works Cited in APA 7th edition format, which includes in-text citations to support all parts of your plan.

· If you would like a draft reviewed (maximum 1 review) the draft must be sent by 1




Course Objectives Addressed:

The primary objective is to transfer, to the student at a survey level, a broad understanding of Information systems related terms and concepts, and how various types of information systems are used to support business operations, managerial decision-making, and increase productivity within organizations. The systems development process is also addressed. In terms of skills, a design goal of the course is to radically elevate the student’s spreadsheet analysis skills and the professionalism with which said analysis is conveyed to a stakeholder. In concert with these global objectives, the following specific objectives are relevant:

1. To help you understand the terms and jargon associated with computers and software, which is increasingly interspersed within business meetings, discussions, budgets, and correspondence.

2. To enhance your proficiency in developing intermediate-level end-user software applications, especially spreadsheet and database applications.


. To help you understand the proper design and use of spreadsheet and database applications.


. To make you aware of the different ways computers are used in organizations by examining the taxonomy of different information system types, including the use of computer networks and basic e-commerce formats.

5. To explore the roles of information systems in supporting managerial decision making and relate these roles to system type.

6. To develop an understanding of computer hardware, software, and network technology sufficient to enable you to participate in organizational dialog and policy development as it pertains to computing hardware and software. This knowledge is also intended to help you understand trends in technology application and to guide you in future purchase decisions.

7. To develop the need for structured systems development paradigms in information systems development.

8. To provide an overview of the information system development process and to explore the roles of managers, system analysts and computer specialists in the system development process.

9. To motivate your curiosity in, and understanding of, IS-related careers.




Your success in this endeavor will be based on the following rubric:

SUNY Brockport


4 3 2 1 0


Information clearly addresses the major problem statement. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly addresses the main problem statements. It provides few supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to the main problem statements. No details and/or examples are given.

Information has little or nothing to do with the main problem statements.

Information and nothing to do with the main problem statements.


All sources are accurately documented in the desired format.

All sources are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format.

All sources are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format.

Some sources are not accurately documented.

Sources are not accurately documented


All concerns are addressed and the response plan is exemplary

All concerns are addressed and the response plan is sufficient

All concerns are addressed and the response plan is less than adequate

One or more concerns were not addressed at all.

Concerns were not addressed


Logical organization is followed.

Some disorganization

No logical organization


APA 7th edition format completely followed.

Most elements of the APA 7th edition formatting followed.

Some elements of the APA 7th edition formatting was followed.


No APA 7th edition formatting followed


No APA, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes

2 or less APA, spelling, or grammatical mistakes

4 or less APA, spelling, or grammatical mistakes

More than 4 APA, spelling, or grammatical mistakes


More than the minimum 10 academic sources used and properly support the action plan.

The minimum 10 current academic sources are utilized to support the action plan.

Less than the minimum amount of current academic sources is used, but adequately support the action plan.

Less than the minimum amount of current academic sources is used, or the sources that are used do not contribute to the action plan

No academic sources are used to support the action plan.


Total Score: ___ / 28

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