Management Discussions

Two week 4 Discussions and 2 week 5 Discussions. Need 250 words Initial Post for each discussions and I will send the two replies for each discussion. Replies should be 100 words each.  No Plagiarism, Due in 30 hours. 

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Week 4 Discussion 1

 Multimodal Shipping

In 200 to 250 words, respond to this prompt from the course text: “Use a product of your choice and ship it from one country to another in a multimodal shipment.  What packaging methods would you use?  Why?” (David, 2013, p. 563). Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Week 4 Discussion 2

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 Port of Entry

Select a port of entry and investigate the specific security measures taken by that port. As an example, the text highlights Wilmington, Delaware as a major port of bananas and tropical fruits and their associated challenges. In 200 to 250 words, discuss the security measures taken by the port you choose. Be sure to respond to at least two of your fellow student’s posts.

Week 5 Discussion 1

Non-Tariff Barriers

Should countries be allowed to enact non-tariff barriers to entry? In 200 – 250 words, state your opinion and give three reasons why you believe that your view is correct. Be sure to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Week 5 Discussion 2

Communication Challenges

Write a series of three sentences you commonly use in English. First translate those three phrases into another language using the Free Language Translation tool ( Then back-translate those sentences into English and determine whether they still “mean the same as the original sentence. Describe how the Special English technique can make it easier to communicate clearly with foreigners and why cultural sensitivity plays an important role when conducting business abroad. Be sure to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Maxwell Takyi

Saturday19 Sep at 4:35

Manage discussion entry

Hello All,


 Governments (countries) use specific policies and actions known as non-tariff trade barriers to protect their citizens’ health and safety and their producers and manufacturers against outside competitions by reducing the number of specific items imported into their countries from foreign countries. Governments protect their citizens and their economies by using quotas to set the limits or restrict the imports of specific items from specific countries within a given time frame (David 2013).

   To effectively protect their populations from using defective, dangerous, or unhealthy products imported from foreign countries or to reduce competition for local producers and manufacturers, governments should be allowed to enact non-tariff barriers to entry. For instance, the US should be allowed to enact non-tariff barriers to entry on toys manufactured by specific countries that have been identified by the consumer product safety commission to contain lead or known to be a choking hazard for children.

   Furthermore, countries should be able to reduce competition for their local producers by placing quotas on importing products that are locally grown or produced. Finally, the same scenario applies to manufactured goods. Countries should be allowed to enact non-tariff barriers to entry on goods that are locally manufactured. The importation of goods that are locally manufactured disrupts jobs created by the local manufactures.  The enactment of non-tariff barriers to entry enables countries to regulate or control their economies and, therefore, be allowed.



David, P. (2013). 

International logistics: The management of international trade operations

 (4th ed.). Retrieved from

Wen hao Li

Sunday20 Sep at 21:37

Manage discussion entry

Week 5/Discussion 1, 

Hello class, 

According to the textbook, non-tariff barriers are policies and actions that countries implement as a means to decrease the number of imports of certain goods (David, 2013, Pg. 615). In my opinion, I would suggest that countries should have a form of non-tariff barriers to entry. Having quotas gives countries a competitive advantage over a powerhouse such as China. The elimination of quotas would be detrimental to developing countries since China, for example, being the world’s top low-cost producers of textile apparel, would displace other countries’ products (David, 2013, Pg. 616). There are two types of quotas: the primary forms of non-tariff barriers: absolute quotas and tariff-rate quotas. It would seem more practical to sustain these quotas so that other countries are still allowed to export to the U.S. but by paying the additional costs for items such as sugar or by preventing the practice of dumping. According to Adam Barone (2020), a reason for tariffs and quotas is to reduce dumping, which is when a country or company exports a product at a lower price in the foreign importing market than the price in the exporter’s domestic market. The last reason for non-tariff barriers is to protect its countries’ domestic producers from foreign competition. With fewer efforts to maintain an advantage over the foreign market, domestic producers won’t have to fire workers or cut costs to keep up.  


David, P. (2013). 
International logistics: The management of international trade operations
 (4th ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


Barone, A. (2020). Dumping. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


Wen hao Li

Wen hao Li

Sunday20 Sep at 21:39

Manage discussion entry

Week 5/Discussion 2,

Hello class,

Three sentences that I commonly use in English are “how’s it going?” “have a great day,” and” that sounds really cool.” I used those three phrases and translated them into the Chinese language. When I back-translated those sentences back into English, they had the same meaning.  

According to the textbook, special English is a technique of reduced-English vocabulary and short sentences that a person with limited knowledge of English would understand, and it was developed by the Voice of America (David, 2020, Pg. 643). It makes it simpler to communicate clearly with foreigners. First, sentences are short and would only incorporate one main idea not to confuse foreigners. Terms should be correct without any forms of expression. A phrase like ”let’s reel him in” would not be interpreted the same way. When sentences are spoken, having it spoken slightly slower gives a foreign person more time to visualize what is being spoken. When a native speaker does use an expression in a sentence, and the foreigner doesn’t understand and asks for a repeat, the native speaker should alter certain words so that the foreigner can understand and also learn a bit of new vocabulary along the way.  


David, P. (2013). 

International logistics: The management of international trade operations

 (4th ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


Maxwell Takyi

Friday18 Sep at 8:22

Manage discussion entry

Hello All,

   I had personal experience regarding communication challenges when interacting in a foreign language. Though I used my cellphone more often than my home phone, my home phone bill kept increasing monthly during my first few months in Germany. I tried to explain, but I could not explain my complaints satisfactorily to the staff at the phone company that served my residential area.  Therefore, a friend advised me to write my complaints in English and translate it into German language using the website.  I thought I had done a great job until I presented the complaints letter to a phone company staff. The associate that attended to me this time was fluent in English and resolved all my issues to include receiving a refund. He asked if I used the website. He said though the intent was obvious, the language was a bit offensive.

   The difference between my Germany experience and this discussion is that I did not translate my complaints letter back into English to understand or see the translation difference.  Complying with the translation instructions in this discussion has proven how important the special English technique is when dealing with foreigners and different cultures. The technique helps in overcoming the barriers (misunderstanding) that language creates.  In addition to ensuring that all grammatical and spelling errors are avoided, all written communications must be simple, unambiguous to ensure that the communication is clear. Using shorter sentences, limited vocabulary, a slower rate of speed during a conversation, and the avoidance of speaking loader when repeating sentences ensure that message is well understood while at the same time showing respect and building trust with foreign business partners/friends. (David 2013).

  Besides making communication more straightforward, the special English technique helps in avoiding some of the common mistakes people make when communicating with foreigners. Because while some people may appreciate the effort of trying to explain or express oneself, others might be very offended or sensitive due to cultural differences.  


David, P. (2013). 

International logistics: The management of international trade operations

 (4th ed.). Retrieved from

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