Malware Attacks – Playbooks or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

I have a lengthy project. The details are in the attachments along with the due date. Each week for the next four weeks an assignment is due. Each page on the attached word document represents each week. Please see the attachment for details. First assignment is due on Sunday 4/4/2021.

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The four assignments are as follows:

 Malware Attacks – due April 4, 2021 

 Online Interactions – due April 11, 2021 

 Mobile Security – due April 18, 2021 

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 Backup Policies – The total of all these assignments are Due on April 25, 2021 

Apply: Malware Attacks (This part is due April 4, 2021)

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Playbooks, sometimes known as Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) or runbooks, are used for troubleshooting common issues. They are often created by a team of employees who are trained to manage security issues. Playbooks often include bulleted lists, step-by-step instructions, or diagrams, all of which make it easy to follow troubleshooting instructions. 

Throughout the next 4 weeks (one assignment per page in this word document), you will develop a playbook for a fictional company that hired you to write their playbooks and manage the team. The first portion of the playbook is a response to malware at the company.  Each assignment, or page in this word document is due one week after the next.

Outline a 2- to 3-page playbook in which a malware attack of your choice occurs.  

Complete the following in your outline: 

· Provide details of the malware. 

· Identify the exploited vulnerability and its attack vector. 

· Analyze the vulnerability to determine 2 risks of this malware. 

· Outline step-by-step instructions on how to resolve the malware attack. 

Remember, numbered or bulleted steps or guidelines make the document easy to for others to follow under potential stressful situations. Paragraphs can be used to help support the steps and guidelines. 

Note: You will use content from your Week 2 assignment as part of the Signature Assignment you will submit in Week 3

Cite at least 2 resources to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment. 

Online Interactions [This part is due April 11, 2021]

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Online interactions pose a threat to all servers. Some risks can occur when employees use social networking, web browsing, and email. Playbooks typically cover a section related to threats and defenses of online interactions.  

In this next section of your playbook, outline steps to take when an employee reports clicking on a website that appeared in an email that was received.  

Include the following information in this section: 

· Describe 2 threats this interaction poses on the company.

· Provide step-by-step instructions on how to mitigate each interaction. 

Remember, numbered or bulleted steps or guidelines make the document easy to for others to follow under potential stressful situations. Paragraphs can be used to help support the steps or guidelines. 

Combine this week’s assignment with your revised assignment from the Wk 2 – Apply: Malware Attacks sections of your Playbook before you submit. You will be assessed on the content from both weeks in this week’s Playbook submission.

Cite at least 2 resources to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 

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Mobile Security [This part is Due April 18, 2021]

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Mobile devices are always in the workplace and being used for both personal and company business. You have been asked to create an informative poster to display throughout the office that highlights ways to secure mobile devices and safety precautions. This poster will be seen by the entire company in hopes of empowering employees to protect themselves and the company from mobile breaches. 

Create a visual poster or infographic to display in the company’s break room. 

Include the following information: 

· At least 2 mobile device threats 

· List of ideal mobile security settings to defend against threats 

· Brief instructions for setting up at least 2 security settings 

· An explanation on what happens when mobile devices are not secured from these threats 

· Appropriate images and graphics 

· 2 resources for more information on mobile security with appropriate citations 

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment. 

Signature Assignment: Backup Policies [The total of all these assignments are Due on April 25, 2021] – The above + this one.

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Securing company data is not as simple as backing up to another hard drive. It is important to have backup tools, processes, and policies for both business continuity and disaster recovery plans.  

In the final section of your Playbook, create a 3- to 4-page outline of backup policies for when the data center is inaccessible.  

Complete the following in your outline: 

· List the tools used for backup purposes. 

· Explain the following: 

· Where employees should work from that day 

· How employees can get to their data 

· The communication methods about updates 

· Outline step-by-step instructions to recover your databases and telecommunications. 

· Provide a step-by-step guide to recover and provide any additional company assets. 

· Discuss policies for backup media storage. 

· Discuss policies for encryption of backup data. 

Note: Numbered or bulleted steps or guidelines make the document easy to for others to follow under potential stressful situations. Paragraphs can be used to help support the steps or guidelines. 

Cite at least 2 resources to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 

Submit your completed Playbook for this assignment. 

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