Making Two Workbooks


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– Make 2 workbooks for all the two attached PPT( Teamwork level 3, Teamwork level 4). 

– Use the attached workbook example as a guidance. (to make it exactly like that). to get an idea how it should be done.

-Due date: due in 10 hours from now. 


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Level 3

Benefits of Teamwork
Triggers creativity
Makes employees happy
Multitalented team
Promotes transformational leadership culture
Unity in the workplace

Definition of teamwork
What is the role of teamwork
Theory of teamwork
Ways for improvement and development
How teamwork builds relationship with coworkers

How teamwork capitalizes on the strengths of all team members
Activities to enhance teamwork
Strategies to train employees on teamwork
Recap and Summary

Teamwork is sense of unity among people with shared goals, common interests, and share responsibilities.
Working collaboratively with others to achieve positive results.
Teamwork involves constructive bonding to facilitate collaboration and shared decisions-making.
Builds on the strengths of each members to create a multitalented and dynamic team.

Purpose of Teamwork
Promote collaboration in workplaces
Enhance cultural competency
Promote inclusive workplaces
Increase productivity
Promote innovation and new ideas
Promote stronger working relationships
Provide more opportunities

Teamwork Theory
The Bruce Tuckman theory was created in 1965, and has been applied in countless organizations and scenarios.
Tuckman identified four main stages namely forming, storming, norming, and performing.
This theory focuses on successful team building; the foundation of teamwork.

Application of Bruce Tuckman’s Team Stages Model
Forming- The initial stage of team development during which individuals work to find their place in the team and attempt to establish their position.
Storming- Individuals view themselves as members of the team but challenge each other to establish the power rankings and roles.
Norming- This phase occurs when team members come together, establish roles, define responsibilities, and achieve them.
Performing- This is the final stage where teams achieve high-performance due to stronger relationships and goal-oriented collaboration.

Ways For Improvement And Development
Implement employee recognition program
Encourage social activities
Outline clear goals and rules
Implement conflict resolution management
Encourage open communication
Optimize team strengths

Team Building Activity

Delegates to participate in a five-minute game that aims to show them what teambuilding involves.

Recognizing Successful Team Building
Individuals work in their expertise and strengths
Individuals develop in a team environment
Team members complement the strengths of others
Individuals appreciate the strengths of each individual
Teams performance is improved and individuals recognized and rewarded based on their impact on the performance
Teams maintain high-performance

Elements Effective Teams
The STAR model defines the characteristic of effective teams.
STAR is an acronym for Strengths, Teamwork, Alignment, and Results
Teamwork is a key element of effective teams

The STAR team performance model constitutes teamwork theories with some of the main principles of the happy manager.
The STAR model includes Teamwork as a primary component of effective teams.
When individual strengths and teamwork come together in pursuit of common goals, teams collaborate resulting in high-performance and stronger workplace relationships.

How Teamwork Builds Relationship With Coworkers?
Open communication encourages trust
Collaboration promotes respectful interactions
Teamwork encourage culturally-appropriate language and behaviors
Teamwork promote inclusive workplaces and enhance communication skills of the team members
Individuals consult coworkers and collaborate to solve work-related problems
Essentially, positive interactions, respect, and open communication helps build stronger workplace relationships

How Teamwork Capitalizes On The Strengths Of All Team Members
Relying on others to solve problems
Assigning clear roles to members based in strengths
Encouraging innovation and individualized ideas
Effective communication to optimize members’ contributions
Shared-decision making and collaborated projects based on clearly defined roles
Learning from team members and sharing information


Delegates to participate in a hypothetical project to learn about utilizing strengths of fellow workers

Enhancing Teamwork
Celebrating individuality
Implementing project management tools
Liberating feedback mechanisms
Promoting team specialization
Avoid micro-managing your employees
Encourage informal social events

Strategies to Train Employees On Teamwork
Make training a team effort
Team coaching
Use teamwork activities that enhance optimal bonding and relationships
Cross-training – job rotation.
Employee training strategic plan, including teamwork training
Encourage employee/worker feedback for progressive improvement

Teamwork goes hand in hand with employee training to promote progressive improvement of teams’ capabilities and productivity


Delegates to learn the importance of worker feedback in enhancing team’s effectiveness and individual improvement

Team building is the foundation of teamwork
Bruce Tuckman’s Team Stages Model is the signature team building model and applicable for all type of teams
Teambuilding activities help individuals to learn on capitalizing on others’ strengths and competencies
Rewarding employees is a crucial strategy in promoting teamwork
Effective teams constitute teamwork as one of the building blocks

Team development using the STAR team model is important for progressive teambuilding
Teamwork is the basis of high-performing teams and strong workplace relationships
Successful teambuilding leads to development of productive and dynamic team
Teamwork is beneficial to organizations that aim for high productivity and transformational leadership, and low employee turnover




Level 4

Impact Of Teamwork
Sharing Ideas and Innovation

Impact of teamwork in workplaces. Teamwork is positive correlated with collaboration.
Working as a team improves open communication and builds trustful relationships.
Building strong teams enhances diversity in terms of competency, expertise, and backgrounds.
Teamwork is essentially a product of motivated teams and ambitious employees.
The diversity of collaborative teams encourage new ideas and innovation.
Teamwork encompasses supporting individual members and recognizing their strengths and contributions in the team.

Teamwork and collaborative teams
Elements of teamwork and strong teams
Strong teams in collaborative projects
Belbin Team Role Theories
Belbin’s Team Roles
Teamwork and diversity in teams
Recap and close

Go through the agenda

Teamwork and Collaboration
Teamwork enhances collaboration among employees and teams
Teamwork encourage open and honest communication necessary for collaboration
Setting clear goals and communicating organization’s vision promotes collaborative teams
Teamwork promotes community working environment
Teamwork leads to strong teams that can collaborate with ease
Highlighting individual’s strengths ensure team roles are geared high-performance

The relationship between teamwork and collaboration.

Elements of Strong Teams
Open and honest communication- strong teams ensure members communicate well with each other.
Clear direction- strong teams focus on set goals and results.
Defined roles- teambuilding involves the allocation roles and responsibilities based on individual’s strengths.
Risk taking- strong teams support appropriate risk taking.
Diversity- effective teams include members with diverse competencies and experiences.
Collaboration- strong teams work together and combine synergies to achieve common goals.

Teamwork create strong teams that aim to achieve high-performance and optimal projects results.

Strong Teams In Collaborative Projects
They offer support to each other to facilitate mutual growth and optimal performance
All members contribute to the project in a fair manner
Strategize and focus on goals and results
Transformational leadership to promote individualized performance and motivation
Individuals offer their experiences and competencies to facilitate high-performance and team’s success
Stronger workplace relationships improve performance and job satisfaction

Strong teams are the key to successful collaborative projects.
The outcome of strong teams reflect the benefits of teamwork.

Principles Of Collaborative Teams
The five principles of collaboration:
Applying Trust
Effective Communication

The principles of collaboration are related to teamwork and strong teams

Exploiting Diversity In Teams
Teamwork builds strong teams that capitalize on the diversity of the teams
Diverse teams promote innovation and new ideas due to the competencies of each individual
Diverse teams offer opportunities for learning as each member offers some unique skills and experiences
Capitalizing on the strengths of team members facilitate a high-performing group
Teambuilding and team development explores the uniqueness of members to enhance team performance.

Teamwork ensure diversity and create a multi-skilled or multi-disciplinary teams

Competency Diversity
Competency is the ability to perform a given task successfully
Strong teams comprise of members with different competencies
The strengths of each team member ensures a highly productive teams
Different competencies indicate the most appropriate role for individual members
Individuals should be assigned roles that reflect their competencies to ensure high-performance
The weaknesses for each member are counterbalanced with collaborative interactions and open communication

Teamwork ensure that members are assigned to the appropriate role based on their competencies

Expertise Diversity
Expertise is a specific skills or knowledge in a particular field
Teamwork ensure that strong teams consists of members with diverse skills and knowledge
Strong teams focus on the assigned roles that indicate the expertise of the respective members
Team development ought to factor in the necessary skills set necessary to accomplish the defined goals
Diverse problem-solving skills helps team members to settle differences and disputes

Diverse skills ensure team members have necessary social skills to solve problems and advance positive interactions


Delegates to learn about inclusive teams in terms of background

Background Diversity
Background include elements such as culture, family, values, beliefs, professions, and traditions
Each member contributes unique cultural aspects in a team
Effective teams promote inclusive working environment
Respecting others’ cultures and beliefs ensure successful interactions and collaboration

Background include elements such as culture, family, values, beliefs, professions, and traditions

Team Roles

Belbin’s role indicate the nine role in teamwork

Belbin Team Role Theory
Belbin team role theory focus on role assignment based on strengths and weaknesses of each individual.
Belbin team role theory include action-oriented roles, person-oriented roles, and thought-oriented roles.
This theory is useful in team development since teamwork appreciates the strengths of each individual.
Using Belbin team role theory helps to assess the weakness and strengths of members based on competencies, experiences, and background.

Belbin team role theory is important in building a strong team that capitalizes on team diversity

Belbin’s Team Roles
People-oriented roles- coordinator, team worker, and resource investigator.
Action-oriented roles- shaper, implementer, and completer finisher.
Thought-oriented roles- plant, monitor evaluator, and specialist.

Belbin’s team roles applicable in teamwork


Delegates to learn the practical application of Belbin’s Team Roles

Activities To Build Strong Teams
Foster cohesion among team members
Establish forums to promote interactions and bonding
Cultivate openness and transparency
Promote idea-sharing and innovative culture
Offer rewards and benefits
Teambuilding events
Team coaching

Activities that help organizations to build strong teams

Encouraging Strong Teams
Promote honest and open communication.
Create positive working environment.
Recognize and reward performing members.
Offer strong and transformational leadership
Support teams and help solve problems
Cherish diversity
Leverage collaboration technology

Measures to encourage strong teams to realize productive teamwork

Recap And Summary
Strong teams are the basis of successful teamwork and collaboration
Teambuilding and team development should focus on strong teams for optimal teamwork results
Exploiting the diversity of strong teams necessity evidence-based role assignment
Team members are empowered and motivated when assigned roles that reflect their strengths

How do managers harmonize personality differences among team members?
How can members with introvert personality be involved in team-based projects?
What are the strategies to address cultural differences and promote culturally-appropriate language?
How could you ensure fair participation among team members?

Delegates ask questions about strong teams and role development


Planning and Organizing
Level 2


Name Page
Planning and Organizing level 2 1
Training objectives and personal objectives 4
What is a planning 5
Planning analysis 6
SWOT Key points 7
SWOT Analysis applying 8
Four Questions for Strategic planning 9
Goal Setting 11
Tactics/Implementation 14
Formulate your Business Plan 19
Action plan 26
Developing Individual Action Plans 27


Course Overview
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this Program, you will be able to:
Know what a planning and organizing is.
Understand the importance of strategic planning.
What the benefits are to any business for having an effective business plan.
Know how to write a plan.
Understanding the importance planning and organizing in business.
Understanding the process of business planning.
Personal Objectives:
Please write down your own objectives to this module:


What is a planning and organizing?
Planning is focused on business target intermediate goals required to reach the results.
They may cover the development employee’s abilities, daily, weekly or monthly tasks, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a store or a restructuring of the organization.

Give your understanding of what this term means through discussion and interaction amongst the class members


Planning Analysis – SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT Analysis is used for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses and for looking at the Opportunities and Threats you face. In a business sense, it can help you carve out your niche in the market and can help your business grow in the right way. In a team sense, it is used for identifying a team’s strengths and weaknesses, and for areas of growth and potential problems that lie ahead. It can even be used in a personal sense to develop your career. It is a good idea to perform a SWOT analysis of your team at pre-defined points in time. These points depend on the type of team and how often it meets. For example, a team responsible for publishing a daily company newsletter may want to do a SWOT analysis as often as every two weeks. If the team was responsible for publishing a quarterly newsletter, however, the analysis would probably only be necessary once or twice a year. As well, a SWOT analysis of the company can also help direct the team and make it more productive.
Helpful to achieving the objectives
Harmful to achieving the objectives
Internal Origin
External Origin


Key Points
SWOT Analysis is a simple but useful framework for analysing your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
It helps you to build on what you do well, to address what you’re lacking, to minimize risks, and to take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success.
It can be used to kick off strategy formulation informally, or in a more sophisticated way as a serious strategy tool. You can also use it to get an understanding of your competitors, which can give you the insights you need to craft a coherent and successful competitive position.
When carrying out your analysis, be realistic and rigorous. Apply it at the right level, and supplement it with other option-generation tools where appropriate.


What do you so well?
What unique secures can we already use?
What the other see our strengths? Weaknesses
What could we improve?
Where do we have secures than others?
What are others likely to see as weaknesses?
We are working as team and respond quickly
We ready to give good customer service

— We have staff with low skills
Some product need improve knowledge about it

What opportunities are open to us?
What trends could take to advantage of?
How can we turn out strengths to opportunities? threats
What threats could harm us?
What are our competitions doing?
What threats do our weaknesses expose to us?
Our brand will expanded faster
Costumer will knowing out stores

— Decries our profits
Bad reputation


Analysis applying:
As the Sales manager for a Store, area brand, mall (type your choice), you were asked to assist in increasing your section productivity and performance by formulating and implementing effective section behavior strategies. analysis what strategies you will adopt to increase your sections performance (e.g. improve/change the section culture, increasing job satisfaction, eliminating discrimination, successfully managing abilities diversity, motivate employees etc.


Writing Your Points Down:




Four Questions that Guide Strategic Choices
(Strengths and
(external opportunities
and threats)
(organizational and
individual values)
The Strategic plan before writing you have to answer these four questions that will directed and guide your plan.
What can we do?( as per out Strengths and weaknesses).
What might we do? (Opportunities and threats).
WHAT DO WE WANT TO DO? (Organizational and individual values)
What do others expected us to do? (Stakeholders Expectancies)


The Strategic plan before writing you have to answer these four questions that will direct your plan.


Goal Setting: Goal Setting Theory

Edwin Locke’s goal-setting theory proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation. Goals tell an employee what needs to be done and how much effort is needed. Evidence strongly suggests that specific goals increase performance, and that difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals. Also, people will do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals. Self-generated feedback is more powerful a motivator than externally generated feedback.


Goal Setting:

Smart Goal Setting
Set a goal that is specific enough to be accomplishes
Your goal must answer questions like WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY.
How can you measure progress and how if you succeeded?
Are you capable of achieving this goal
how dose the goal is aligned with your objectives? Is it worthwhile? and is it the right time?
Why am I setting this goal? And describe how you will know when your goal has been met.
Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time
Time related:
What is the deadline and is it realistic?
How long will this goal take to be completed?


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Fourth level
Fifth level

Notes :

Select your goal than fill the table according SMART goal:
Improve staff performance, achieve a monthly target, improve your management skills, UPT increasing, replace your car, buy new house, study, travel, safari journey….. etc

Description Steps
  Time related


When needs are analysed and goals are set and action plans have been developed, the second step calls for implementation—carrying out the plan and regularly assessing its progress.
Such questions need to be considered while implementing an action plan. If the plan is failing, a midcourse correction may be in order – changing the plan, the way it’s carried out, or even the goal itself.
Finally, after monitoring progress toward the goal, the third step may be instituted: evaluation—assessing goal attainment. Were the organization’s goals reached? If so, what new goals should be set to further improve things? If not, what new plans can be initiated to help meet the goals? Because the process of goal assessment determines the selection of new goals.
Is the plan working?
Are the goals being approximated?
Are there any problems being encountered in attempting to meet the goals?


Draw 4 lines that connect the 9 boxes without removing your pen or without writing over a previous line
Let us think out of the box


RACI Chart:
What is a RACI chart?
A RACI chart is a simple matrix used to assign roles and responsibilities for each task, or decision on a plan. By clearly mapping out which roles are involved in each project task and at which level, you can eliminate confusion and answer the age-old project question, Who’s doing what?

RACI definitions
Responsible: This team member does the work to complete the task. Every task needs at least one Responsible party, but it’s okay to assign more.
Accountable: This person delegates work and is the last one to review the task or deliverable before it’s deemed complete. On some tasks, the Responsible party may also serve as the Accountable one. Just be sure you only have one Accountable person assigned to each task or deliverable.
Consulted: Every deliverable is strengthened by review and consultation from more than one team member. Consulted parties are typically the people who provide input based on either how it will impact their future project work or their domain of expertise on the deliverable itself.
Informed: These team members simply need to be kept in the loop on plan progress, rather than roped into the details of every deliverable.


Example: Select your Goal, than use RACI Model to implement the plan:
New store opening/ Stock Transfer/ Store VM/ Store Closing etc.…..

 Tasks Area Manager Store Manager Mall Manager Sales M Sales W Cashier Cleaner
Task1 R/C A I/C  A A A A




Formulate your Business Plan:

Formulate your Business Plan Donald N. Sull, associate professor of management practice at the London Business School, in an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review, offers some practical suggestions on managing inevitable risks while pursuing opportunities. Here is a summary of his suggestions on how to formulate your business plan:
Tips on formulating the business plan:
Be flexible early in the process and keep it fluid, don’t commit too early.
Expect your first plan to be provisional and subject to revision.
Do you have experience or expertise gives you the right to an opinion?
Identify your potential deal killers: fatal variables
Clearly identify what you see as the key drivers of success.
Raise money only in sufficient amount to finance the experiment, with a cushion for contingencies.
Delay hiring key managers until you initially have a stable business model
Test and refine your business model before expanding your operations.


Before Writing The Business Plan:
Before writing a business plan, thorough planning must be done on various issues. This kind of planning will determine the direction that the business plan will follow. Keep the following in mind when planning the preparation of the business plan:
Identify the type of business: It is important that you know exactly what type of business and the service you will render. Will the business be in retail, wholesale, services, manufacturing or in project management.
Problem statement: Successful businesses share a common attribute: They do something useful for their customers. One way to determine what is useful for your customers is to identify and describe the problem that your business will solve.
Business description: Your business description should explain exactly what you will provide for the customer as well as what you’ll exclude. Each of the choices you make in your business description will affect the amount of money you’ll need to start or expand and how much sales revenue you can expect.


To present your business accurately and fairly, you can consider asking the following questions to determine whether you are on the right track:
General Business Questions
1.What problem do I solve for my customers?

2. Who is my typical (target) customer?

3. How will I communicate with my target customer?

What products and/or services will I provide? Are there any products or services my customers may expect me to provide that I don’t plan to provide?

5. Where will my business be located?

6. Where will I buy the products I need?


7. What hours will I operate?

8.Who will work for me and how will they be paid?

9.Who will handle critical tasks like selling, ordering, bookkeeping, marketing and shipping?
10.How will I advertise and promote my business?

11.What are the competition’s strengths and weaknesses?


Writing The Business Plan:

The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Business Plan.

Prepare a complete plan
Do research
Present your plan in an attractive way
Get attractive advice
Spell out Strategies
Spell out Strengths and Weaknesses
Cash-Flow projections
Modify the plans frequently


Be optimistic (on the high side) in
estimating future sales.
Be optimistic (on the low side) in estimating future costs.
Disregard or discount weaknesses in your plan. Spell them out.
Stress long-term projections. Better to focus on projections for your first year.
Depend entirely on the uniqueness of your business or the success of an invention.
Project yourself as someone you’re not. Be brutally realistic.
Be everything to everybody. Highly focused specialists usually do best.
Proceed without adequate financial and accounting knowhow.
Base your business plan on a wonderful concept. Test it first.
Skip the step of preparing a business plan before starting.
Name any more factors that you should keep in mind before
and during the process of writing a business plan:


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Notes :

Writing The Business Plan:
To be able to write a complete business plan, one has to follow a certain order to compile all the information needed. In the template provided, the order in which the topics, that needs to be explained, are clearly set out. These topics should contain the most important information needed for anybody to understand the potential of a business.


Content of a Business Plan:
1. Executive Summary:
Explain the fundamentals of the proposed business: What will your product be? Who will your customers be? Who are the owners? What do you think the future holds for your business? Make it enthusiastic, professional, complete, and concise.
2. General Company Description:
What business will you be in? What will you do?
Mission Statement
Company goals and objectives
Business Philosophy: What is important to you in business?
To whom will you targeted in the plan your (products, Performance, Services, Etc.….?
Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies.
What factors will make the company succeed?
3. Products and Services:
Describe in depth your products or services. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.
4. Marketing plan:
Market research: When doing market research, one must clearly understand why this is done. Does the market need a service/product you will be marketing? How will you do this market research? Who will you use to do this market research? Which resources will you use to do this market research?


5. Operation Action plan

Action to be taken Date this Team member(s) responsible for action Date this action will begin action will be completed Date for team review


Developing Individual Action Plans:

I know where I’m starting from. I know I am already good at these things, and I can do them more often:———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
I can learn this, I am learning this, and I am doing what I can at this stage as well. I have already learned: —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
I will start with small steps, especially in areas that are difficult for me. My short –term goals for improvement are:————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
I promise to congratulate and reward myself every time I do something, no matter how small, to maintain and improve my skills. My rewards will be: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
I’m setting myself up for success by choosing long-range goals to work for gradually. My long-term goals for success are as follows: —————————————————————————


Why Some Organizations Fail
Too much emphasis on short-term financial performance
Failing to take advantage of strengths and opportunities
Neglecting operations strategy
Failing to recognize competitive threats
Too much emphasis in product and service design and not enough on improvement
Neglecting investments in capital and human resources
Failing to establish good internal communications
Failing to consider customer wants and needs


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Fifth level

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