Mainstream media and HIV/AIDS

Your analysis of the article should exhibit careful thought, logical reasoning and provide evidence for your answers. Each post should be at least two well-developed paragraphs (approximately 4-6 sentences each minimum). Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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Identify an article released by the mainstream media to the general public that discusses HIV/AIDS. Example of an article is

Botswana HIV Aids Deaths Decline (Links to an external site.)

. You may NOT choose this article.

  1. Identify which levels of the SEM are being addressed
  2. Identify which levels of the SEM not addressed
  3. In what ways might this article lead to stigma and discrimination that places a person or group at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS?
  4. Provide a written opinion on the how this article positively, negatively, or even excludes information that contributes to the stemming of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Any written assignment must be in the student’s voice. The use of lengthy quotes or lists obtained from resources are not acceptable. If you feel you need to use quotes make sure they are brief and in APA format.

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