M6D2 Gender Difference in Friendship


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Most women experience their closest friendships with those of the same sex. Men have suffered more of a stigma in terms of sharing deep bonds with other men. Open affection and connection is not actively encouraged among men. Recent changes in society might impact this, especially with the advent of the meterosexual male. “The meterosexual male is less interested in blood lines, traditions, family, class, gender, than in choosing who they want to be and who they want to be with” (Vernon, 2010, p. 204).

In this week’s reading material, the following philosophers discuss their views on this topic: Simone de Beauvoir, Thomas Aquinas, MacIntyre, Friedman, Hunt, and Foucault. Make sure to incorporate their views as you answer each discussion question. Think about how their views may be similar or different from your own. In at least 250 words total, please answer each of the following, drawing upon your reading materials and your personal insight:

  • To what extent do you think women still have a better opportunity to forge deeper friendships than men? What needs to change to level the friendship playing field for men, if anything?
  • How is the role of the meterosexual man helping to forge a new pathway for male friendships? 

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