M6D1 Sexual identity and friendships today


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M6D1: Sexual IdentitFriendships ToModule 6

In this module, we explore how sexual identity impacts the nature of friendship for all of us. With the legalization of gay marriages and rise of alternative unions, as well as the sociocultural prevalence of much wider acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer identity definitions in society, we are witnessing expanded definitions, beliefs, and values regarding sexual self-identity and the dynamics of friendship.

Philosopher Michael Foucault argues that we have an opportunity to expand our understanding of friendship, beyond the state of the current realm, where our connections remain quite limited: “Society and the institutions which frame it have limited the possibility of relationships (to marriage) because a rich, relational world would be very complex to manage” (p. 207).

  1. How do you perceive changes in social stereotypes, issues, and judgments regarding sexualities as potentially impacting changes in friendship, in the relationships, cultural expressions, and understandings of friendships?
  2. Do you think that the social expansion of acceptance of “LGBTQ” identities and relationships has an impact upon the dynamics of friendship generally in the society? 
  3. Do you think that this has changed your own perspective?   


  • https://digital-films-com.vlib.excelsior.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=6749&loid=36153 

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  •  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x3knxMBHco 
  • M6D1: Sexual Identity and Friendships Today

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