
 Specifically, describe the following technological factors for your selected country: ● Government research spending ● New inventions and development ● Energy use and costs ● Changes in internet usage. 

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BUA 3345: International Business

Milestone 6: Technological Environment Guidelines and Rubric

For this milestone, you will research the technological environment of the country you have chosen for your final project.

Specifically, describe the following technological factors for your selected country:

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● Government research spending
● New inventions and development
● Energy use and costs
● Changes in internet usage

Note: You are not limited to these factors in your final PEST analysis, but should focus the majority of your analysis in these areas. For your final
project presentation and written report, you will be required to analyze the information you present in this milestone to assess the impact of the
country’s technological environment on its business practices.

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your milestone submission should be no more than two to three pages in length, double-spaced, in 12-point Times
New Roman font, with references cited in APA style.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Describes the country’s government
research spending.

Describes the country’s government
research spending, but lacks in detail or
clarity, or contains inaccuracies.

Does not describe the country’s government
research spending.


New Inventions
and Development

Describes the country’s new inventions and

Describes the country’s new inventions and
development, but lacks in detail or clarity, or
contains inaccuracies.

Does not describe the country’s new
inventions and development.


BUA 3345: International Business

Energy Use and

Describes the country’s energy use and

Describes the country’s energy use and
costs, but lacks in detail or clarity, or
contains inaccuracies.

Does not describe the country’s energy use
and costs.


(Changes In)
Internet Usage

Describes the country’s internet usage, or
changes in internet usage, as applicable.

Describes the country’s internet usage, or
changes in internet usage, as applicable, but
lacks in detail or clarity, or contains

Does not describe the country’s internet
usage, or changes in internet usage.


Mechanics No grammar or spelling errors that distract
the reader from the content. All sources
used are cited using APA Style, 6th ed.

Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content. All
sources used are cited using APA Style, 6th

Major errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content and/or
errors made in citing sources using APA
Style, 6th ed.


Total = 100%

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