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The preceptor will perform a midterm evaluation with the faculty. The preceptor will input the evaluation content into the Lopes Activity Tracker. The student will upload the evaluation into LoudCloud after meeting with the preceptor to discuss the midterm evaluation.

Students must meet all clinical expectations of the course, earn a passing grade on all benchmark assignments.

RUBRIC: Student consistently responds to clinical situations logically and demonstrates good judgement and does consider the cost/benefits and ethical principles. Student consistently considers community as client throughout the course. Student consistently maintains professional composure and routinely accepts instruction; is well-motivated and does show enthusiasm. Student is consistently in good attendance, punctual and well prepared; and does meet minimum clinical hour requirements. Student consistently communicates well with staff. Oral and written communication is consistently free of errors. Student consistently applies critical thinking skills in clinical practice. Student consistently articulated the specific scope of the change project proposal and consistently collaborates with other health care partners. Student consistently demonstrates leadership skills in client care and professional relationships. Student consistently provides safe, quality, cost-effective care with ethically sound solutions across the life span. Student consistently considers evidence-based practice when determining needs, interventions, and outcomes.

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