LP9 Assignment: Diversity

PS2100 – Human Relations

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WI20 B – Section D01

PS2100 – Human Relations

LP9 Assignment: Diversity


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Go to “Try Your Hand”, which is at the back of Chapter 15 in our textbook. Read through the four learning activities listed in this section and pick two to complete for this assignment.


1. The “managing diversity and inclusion” movement has raised the discussion of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action to a higher level. Consider the following comments by R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., which appeared in a Harvard Business Review article entitled “From Affirmative Action to Affirming Diversity”: Managers usually see affirmative action and equal employment opportunity as centering on minorities and women, with very little to offer white males. The diversity I’m talking about includes race, gender, creed, and ethnicity but also age, background, education, function, and personality differences. The objective is not to assimilate minorities and women into a dominant white male culture but to create a dominant heterogeneous culture.50 What does “dominant heterogeneous culture” mean to you? Consider your former or current workplace. Assess how the atmosphere at work would be different if Roosevelt got his wish. Be specific.

2. For one week, keep a journal that records instances in which you see actions or hear comments that reflect prejudicial negative stereotypes. For example, watch a movie or TV show and observe whether the actors are predominantly of a particular race or ethnic group. Listen to your friends’ conversations, and notice any time they make irrational judgments about others based on stereotypes. Finally, reflect on your own attitudes and perceptions. Do you engage in stereotyping? Share your experiences with a class member, and propose what steps you can take to help rid the environment of negative stereotyping.

3. Arrange a meeting with someone who is a member of a racial or ethnic group different from your own, and try to build a relationship by discussing the things that are important to each of you. Perhaps it is another student, coworker, or member of your community. As you get to know this person, become aware of his or her beliefs and attitudes. Try not to be diverted by accent, grammar, or personal appearance; rather, really listen to the person’s thoughts and ideas. Search for things you and your new acquaintance have in common, and assess how your differences could be opportunities for personal growth.

4. Before, during, and after the terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq, Muslims became victims of discrimination throughout the world, merely because of their religious beliefs and stereotyped physical appearance. To learn more about the Muslim culture, visit the Muslim Public Affairs Council website at www.mpac.org, the Muslim American Society at www.masnet.org, or www.Islam101.net, an introductory guide for non-Muslims. What did you learn that would help you respond to someone who displays a bias against Muslims in your presence?

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