Long answer questions

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The subject is Behavior Analysis

1) Positive Reinforcement is used frequently as a key component in programs focused on increasing appropriate behavior. A common misconception in the lay population is that certain stimuli for example activities, items, foods are “inherently” positive reinforcers. Please discuss such assumption based on what you learned regarding positive reinforcement and its closed relationship with the topography of the stimulus

2) Discuss the following: Event recording is particularly appropriate for measuring discrete behaviors. Explain why this statement is true and give an example of a discrete behavior.

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3) Discuss the following: Do you agree that graphing data allows you to view a situation more realistically? Do you think a different system for organizing and displaying the data would be preferable?

4) Discuss the following:  Explain the difference between a reinforcer and a reward. Give an example of each.

5) Discuss the following: Think back to your childhood. Did a parent or teacher ever use punishment to influence your behavior? Was it successful? Given what you now know about punishment as a tool for reducing behavior, why do you think it was or was not successful?

6) Discuss the following: While treating Ken, a twenty-year-old male who still lives at home with his parents. You decide to recommend ignoring Ken’s temper tantrums when he does not get what he wants! Twenty is too old to be having temper tantrums. Before sending the parents’ home, advise them about the possibility of extinction bursts. Explain to the parents the risk of this intervention.

7) Discuss the following: Consider how an activity schedule could be used to positively influence a client’s behavior.

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